Has and long term post-ops that use to have leg swelling no longer have leg swelling?

This is a big concern to me since I had my son 6 years ago (I had toximia with him) I have had severe swelling in my legs and feet to the point were it use to hurt to walk. Since I've had the surgery I have lost 60lbs so far and still loosing. It no loonger hurts when I walk and my swelling is not as severe but I still swell. Just curious if any long term post ops use to have the same swelling problems and now no longer have it? I just want to make sure there is hope I really don't want this swelling forever.    — AlleyCat (posted on September 16, 2003)

September 16, 2003
I didn't have my legs swell but my feet and ankles did and stayed that way for 4 years. My feet were so bad I could not wear slip on shoes. When I was about a year post op my feet became normal and I have just a little swelling left in my ankles. I am now 22 months post op. It feels great to have normal looking feet again.
   — bbjnay

September 16, 2003
I am 20 months post-op and had terrible edema before surgery. I'm not sure when it all went away, but it did. I have gone from a size 12 W shoe to a 9 1/2 M. I just had knee replacement surgery 7 weeks ago and shortly after leaving the rehab hospital, my right foot swelled badly. I had forgotten how painful it was. Thankfully, that has ceased and I can see all the bones in my ankle and the top of my foot again. I hope you have the same good luck I did.
   — Patty_Butler

September 16, 2003
I had terrible edema in my feet and legs and I haven't had a problem with it since I was about 3 mos. post-op. I did begin walking following my surgery and I credit that and the weight loss to the change. My legs are much stronger now than they were.
   — Cathy S.

September 16, 2003
I am afraid I havent been as lucky as the previos poters. I still swell not nearly as bad but I do. I am 10 months post op with a 130 loss, but I still find if I eat wrong or it is hot or I am on my feet alot I still swell, mostly in my left leg, mine may never go away, and if it doesnt i will deal with it. oh well, cant have every thing huh?
   — terri R.

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