Hernia repair - shall I do it now or wait?

I had an open RNY on 3-5-01 and recently found out that I have an incisional hernia. It doesn't hurt or anything, and I feel comfortable waiting a while to get it repaired. I would like to have it done in about 9 months, at the same time as I get a tummy tuck done, since my insurance will cover both procedures if they're done simultaneously. Question is: Is there any harm in not having my hernia repaired immediately? Also, if you feel that I SHOULD have my hernia repaired immediately, can I get a tummy-tuck at 6 months that will look half-way decent once I lose more weight???    — Terissa R. (posted on September 28, 2001)

September 28, 2001
I didn't know I had a hernia and waited over a year without any adverse effects- even played soccer and was very active exercising. I would wait and get it all covered at the same time. Good Luck! I was about 15 pounds from goal weight by the way.
   — M B.

September 28, 2001
I hd my Lap RNY in Dec. 2000, and my surgeon told me I have a hernia. He's in no rush to have it fixed, it causes me no pain whatsoever, and I unerstand you can wait years to have it fixed or until it starts hurting you badly. It CAN get strangulated in which case surgeons will also do emergency surgery to fix it. I'm probably going to have mine fixed next summer when I plan to have my panni removed, and possibly a breast lift and reduction. I wouldn't worry too much, but if you notice a change in the way it looks or feels, or if it begins to hurt a lot, let your surgeon know right away. Good luck.
   — Maria H.

September 28, 2001
i have had an incisional hernia for 27 years. it has never bothered me so i have not bothered it. i will have to have it repaired when i have my rny in 3 weeks tho because it is right over the area the surgeon will be working on.
   — sheryl titone

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