Anyone had a very physical job and went back to work with no problems?

I will be going back to work at the end of this month. Have taken my full 8 weeks recovery time. A co-worker called me today to tell me that a job I previously bid on has probably been awarded to me. The thing is, this job is very physical. I want to take the job, but I'm not sure if I can handle it this early. I will be required to "push" at least 100 pounds. Maybe lift 50 pound bags of flour. Has anyone had an open RNY and went back to a job this physical and not had problems?    — K T. (posted on October 20, 2001)

October 20, 2001
It's great that you got a job that you really wanted, but I do believe that you would really be pushing yourself at this point, it's still to soon to be doing all that heavy lifting and pushing, but I"m no doctor, your best bet is to call him. Good luck.
   — patricia P.

October 20, 2001
I do feel honesty is the best policy for all of you. Tell them you just had a surgery (don't have to tell them what type) and for the next few weeks you cannot lift or push anthing over 10 lbs but you really want the job and will be the best employee they ever had if they will just work with you for about 4 to 8 more weeks till the dr says you can do the lifting again...TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF NO ONE ELSE WILL.
   — Jackiis

October 20, 2001
K, I would think your doctor would be the one to ask about this. That is a lot of weight to be pushing and alot to be lifting. He knows how well you have healed more than any of us. You employer must know anyway that you had surgery. If they held the job for you this long, I am sure they will hold it a little longer ( if need be). See what your doctor says. You don't want to put your health in jeopardy
   — Kim B.

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