I am 3 1/2 weeks post-op and have NO energy...

I drink my water, take my vitamins and eat two meals a day of 1 to 2 oz of protien. My doctor doesn't want us to use protien shakes so I actually am consuming vey little. Is this low energy level normal? Any suggestions? Thanks!!!    — YvonneBryant (posted on September 7, 2002)

September 7, 2002
Hi I am having the same problem. I spoke to the nurse about it yesterday. She told me it is VERY normal. It will last for about one to three months. It is a combination of a couple things. One your body is recooperating from a trememndous surgery. Secoundly the body is adjusting to using protiens, and it is forced to burn the body fat. As a result your body goes into a tired mode to avoid burning the fat. the nurse suggested to forc myself to get more excersise at least 30 minutes of straight excersise. That will help they tell me. I'll keep you posted. Take care. Kelly Jibrin
   — kelly J.

September 7, 2002
OK, I am not sure what I did but I deleted my screen. Sherry, if you get this twice, sorry. What i said was I felt like you do too. It took a long time for me to feel better. At 8 weeks I was back to normal. Figure you had major surgery and you are cutting your calorie intake drastically. Your body is rebelling :). I wish you all the best in your recovery. I am 4 months our, 71 lbs down and feel fantastic. God Bless!!
   — Gina D.

September 7, 2002
Sherry, I felt the same way also. I had my surgery on March 5th of this year, The only thing that I was able to do was my thirty minute walk go to the bathroom, and move around the house, other than that, I was in the bed or on the couch. I finally got my energy back about a week before I went back to work in April. Good look sweetie, it gets better!
   — Natalie D.

September 7, 2002
Sherry, I am 3 1/2 weeks post-op as well (8/15 Open RNY), I have actually seen an increased amount of energy this last week. I am surprised, b/c, my incision is still open & draining, but, I do go out and walk for 1-2 hrs/daily and am eating about 5 mini meals a day. I am still drinking carnation instant breakfast, once per day now instead of two. But, my nutrionist cleared me to start eating whatever I can stomach, that I think that is where the increased energy is. Maybe you should try to eat more meals. Try for 9, 12, 3, 6, 9 and in between the meals, DRINK DRINK DRINK...Have H20 and crsyal light. Good Luck. Heather (down 26lbs)
   — heathercross

September 7, 2002
Sherry- As many people have told you, low energy is very common. I wonder if you are eating enough though. At 3 weeks, I could consume quite a variety of food. I would recommend you try to eat a few more meals/snacks a day. Try cheese cubes, or string cheese to get protien. Remember that everything you eat doesn't have to be protein though. Try some pureed minestrone soup, or whatever sounds good that day!
   — Amy K.

September 7, 2002
Have you ever tried to drive a car down the road at 65 mph but with no gas? It has oil, water and it has been washed a cleaned but it won't go anywhere. Try increasing your fuel. Protein is important to keep your muscles from deteriorating. Also, check and see if you are getting appropriate iron supplements in your vitamins. Exercising is good, but if you are fatigued then you will only run your body down more. Time is on your side as you acclimate yuurself to your new metabolism.
   — Sue A.

September 7, 2002
I have not read the other posts but I can tell you that I was exhausted after my surgery! I had no idea that I would be so drained--I took 2 naps a day and crashed at about 9 pm for the first month. I thought there was something wrong with me, seriously, I thought I was the only person who was like that. It will go away--give it time. Your body needs time to heal and adjust. You are feeling just like the rest of us have. Now, at about 4 and one-half months out I can't sit still! I have lost 125 lbs, halfway to goal, and my energy is through the roof! Good luck to you on your journey to a healthier you!
   — jenn2002

September 7, 2002
Sherry, I don't think you are eating enough. I am 2 weeks post op and eating every 2 hrs. My first week I did not eat enough and didn't feel well either. Maybe you could add some of your liquids back along with the protein. Hope you feel better soon !
   — Sherry S.

September 7, 2002
Dear Sherry, Low energy is fairly common for a few weeks after surgery. However, I did find that by using protein supplementation that I had much more energy and much sooner after my last surgery. Doctors dont want you using protein supps because they are misinformed.. they think the protein supps contain sugars and calories that you dont need.. Like I told you before, the doctors know how to perform the surgery but most dont have a clue about what our nutritional needs are after surgery.. whether we are proximal , medial or distal.. Proximals do absorb some of the protein they eat in food.. maybe a mere 30%... so if you consume an egg and it contains 60 gms protein for one poached egg.. you are only getting less than 30 gms.. so not even half the protein available in that egg.. if you aborb the 30%.. I truly believe in protein supps.. as you know.. I am distal and have to drink them to stay healthy.. Take care.. and hang in there.. Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

September 7, 2002
3 1/2 weeks and no energy? My God, your body has had the sh## knocked out of it with WLS! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE ANY ENERGY for awhile! lol. :) "We often expect to much of our bodies". Perhaps it's society that thinks we should be able to have surgery then get right up as normal? We are not Supermen or Superwomen. Our bodies have gone through a terrible ordeal. "We need to be patient with ourselves" and cut our bodies some slack. Sounds like you are doing all your doctor said to. You are to be commended! CONTINUE DOING SO! Personally it was around 12-13 months before I got any energy back... and I was having (and still am) twice a month B-12 shots. We all get our energy back at different rates. You are doing fine. Hang in there Sherry! IT WILL COME! ;)
   — Danmark

September 7, 2002
Sherry, I'm 41/2 months out and I finally feel energy. I too was worried and ask my surgeon. His answer was that my body is healing from a major surgery and rest is what it needs. He did suggest exercise like walking at least 30 min.But my knees (Arthritis) wouldn't think of it. So I do my cardioglide machine as long as I can each Am. Be patient you will feel stronger. I do take protein shake daily, it does help. Good luck HUGS, HUGS, HUGS.
   — Janet S.

September 8, 2002
Sherry, I posted below, but, I forgot one thing, have you started b12 yet? This may help! Good Luck!
   — heathercross

September 8, 2002
I am not 6 weeks post-op as of tomorrow and I wanted to tell you that in the beginning I too had absolutely NO ENERGY! I used to take a quick trip to the grocery store and was wiped out for the rest of the day. I actually thought that maybe I was bleeding internally which would explain why I felt so weak and with so little energy. Needless to say I was not bleeding internally and I finally came around. The real turning point for me was actually about 4 1/2 weeks out. I really started feeling better. I still feel weaker than I was before surgery but I have much more energy than I did first out. B12 also helps with this. Good luck! :)
   — Laurel C.

September 8, 2002
Hey're energy will start to build as your system becomes more attuned with the shock its just had. One thing that concerns me is your stating that you have 2 meals only 1-2 oz. of protein. That doesn't sound right. My surgeon advises that you try to get 60-75gr of protein daily but at this early stage (from weeks 1-6) you probably will not be able to but do the best you can. If you are only eating twice a day 1-2 oz you may be hindering more than helping your journey. Hope this helps!
   — Bambi C.

September 9, 2002
Sherry, your energy will come back, just like everyone else has said. I never did protein supplements, but I did make sure I got 3 meals(2-3 oz. ea.) and 2-3 snacks. For snacks I found I got a lot of energy from drinking V8 juice or chicken broth. Sugar Free Popsicles are just plain good. It's really ok to eat fruit or even protein for a snack jsut make sure you aren't grazing. I do this by putting myself on a schedule of when I eat. I make sure breakfast is a soon after waking up as possible. Also, exercise will actually trigger some energy. Make sure you are getting the all important water in and you'll feel better soon.
   — Teri D.

September 9, 2002
WOW.....Iam glad Iam not the only person with no energey..I am just a little over 4 weeks post op.....I have a little more energy then the first week but still not as much as I would like. Its good to read that the B12 will help. I start that next week. Thanks for asking the question. I liked reading everyones replys.
   — Sue G.

September 15, 2002
Sherry, I just wanted to let you know that how you are feeling is normal. I live here in TX and from your profile I saw that your doctor and mine were trained with the same group. My doctor also follows the same plan that you are following. I do not routinely drink protein shakes, etc. I have tried them a few times but try not to rely on them for my intake. My turn around point came around 4 weeks (I am now 8 weeks post op) and I was feeling great. I've been taking my vitamins since about 1 week after my surgery. I do take the B-12 religiously every day and the iron is supposed to help also. I usually only get in 2 meals a day also and feel fine. I try to pick high protein foods and sometimes that is all that I can eat. Cottage cheese with Splenda in it is yummy to me! I would suggest if you are having problems with the protein intake you talk to your doctor about it...some doctors have dieticians that may be able to help you. Good Luck !
   — Janine B.

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