Does anyone know a website to go to to track calorie intact and get helpful hints. appears to be a member only site. I would like a free site to track intake.    — Tami G. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
Go to its free and you can even keep a journal there also.
   — paulsgirl

September 13, 2002 is a good website, but I really prefer - I had a hard time at Fitday because I could not customize the portion sizes as small as I needed to. At Calorieking I don't have that problem. You can make the portions as large or as small as you need to. Calorie King also has a great data base that includes nutritional values for many fast food chains, if you ever need to look something up.
   — Jenny S.

September 13, 2002
I use fitday... and for portion size.. if you can't get it small enough.. you can put in .50 for half. or .25 for a quarter... or whatever works.. I've found I'm often putting in .12 .. or .10 for a tenth of a portion... fitday is GREAT.. so easy and tracks so much if you put it in.. and you can really look at trends using the reports function.... goodluck!
   — Lisa C.

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