What the heck happened. I love chocolate, why this?!

I'm 5 days post op lap RNY and for some reason the smell of chocolate makes me EXTREMELY nauseated. What happened?! I'm a CHOCOHOLIC. Although I trained myself to rid myself of chocolate months ago, I never actually HATED it. Now, to me the aroma is ODIFEROUS. what happened to my Love of chocolate. My son is now eating a chocolate zinger (formerly mine but since surgery I can't have it) and I'm literally stifiling gags. Now he's standing next to me and the odor is so strong I need to bathe him. Is this all the time or only temporary. BTW I think I smell that ketoacidosis smell I smell with diabetics. Maybe I have that? I guess it's a good thing but I didn't want it to be THAT much of an aversion. BTW I lost 13# since Thursday (273 pre op on surgery day presently 260, originally when I started this journey I was 302).    — tinky471 (posted on December 16, 2003)

December 16, 2003
I had problems with smells up until about the time I was 4 mos. post-op. Not sure why, but some smells and tastes change the way you view food post-op. I was a diet-coke-aholic pre-op and can't stand the stuff post-op. The taste is ghastly to me and I never thought I'd say that.
   — Cathy S.

December 16, 2003
I had weird taste and smell senses for 3 months after surgery, even the air outside smelled bad to me! I am over it all now (5 months out), I was told it is a long lasting effect of the anesthesia...
   — Tim W.

December 16, 2003
It's one of those weird things that happens with this surgery. They don't know what causes it. I had a switcharoo happen to me, too. Before surgery - LOVED eggs, any way I could have them, after - just the thought of cracking an egg makes my stomach flip. Before surgery, if you came near me with oysters, or sushi, I would have ran from you, after - I actually craved them, and when I finally gave in and tried them, I LOVED it. I eat both now often. Your smell and taste are off at first anyway because of the anesthesia, but my tastes for certain foods have completely changed, and I'm almost 2.5 years out...good luck! Denise 316/157
   — lily1968

December 16, 2003
Smells bothered me for 4-6 months, especially coffee. Sometimes it still happens (over 2 years out). I know, it is terrible but it WILL pass.
   — Danmark

December 16, 2003
How lucky can one person get? My fiance ate a chocolate bar in front of me the other day and it brought on such a craving that I had to leave the room to get away from the smell. Then she came to me and wanted a kiss and hug and I was like "get the ---- away from me" it drove me crazy. I think it might be better if the smell did make me sick that way I wouldn't want it so badly. AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
   — Jim S.

December 16, 2003
My nose was so ghastly sensative the first few weeks that even the smell of my kids hair after a shower made me feel icky, and perfume made me want to drive heave. Didn't care for much chocolate for a while either - didn't have a major problem with it, just didn't care about it. But the nose thing? It got better with time :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 17, 2003
I noticed that I have to leave the room when someone is eating chocolate NOT because of craving but because of my stomach and nose aren't agreeing on anything (smile). I am losing weight though, any suggestions on when does this EXTREMELY full feeling goes. I'm supposed to start pureed on monday and I don't know how if I can barely get past the first few sips of liquid or water. I almost feel like I'm going to starve to death (just without the hunger). How do YOU all know you're full? Original Poster, Terri Taylor
   — tinky471

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