I for some reason cannot find a Dr. that does lap surgery in my area.

I am having the toughest time finding a Dr. that will take my insurance. Aetna PPO open choice that does the laproscopic surgery in the Western Pa or Eastern Oh area. I've looked in the data base on this web site & it doesn't tell you what kind of surgery that they do. The few that I have found in the area that do lap surgery don't take my insurance. I called my insurance company & was told that they can only send my a list of Drs. that do general surgery but it doesn't specify what kind of surgery they do. So I would have to go through the list of litterly hunderds of general surgens & call each one to see if they do this kind of surgery!!! No thanks!! The one surgen I did find in Pittsburgh PA is kind of giving me a hard time about the insurance thing. I kind of feel that I'm being put the on the last of the list due to the fact that he isn't in my "network" even though my insurance will pay 70/20 of "non network" Drs. They told me just to basically look elsewhere. Isn't there ANY EASIER WAY??? Please email me with any Drs. you may know that do lap surgery in these areas!! I'm starting to get very frustrated!!    — Allison T. (posted on July 3, 2001)

July 3, 2001
Will your insurance cover a lap procedure? Many will not as it is more expensive. If you really want your medical issues and weight issues resolved, I'd find the best surgeon in your area having the most experience and lowest complication rate & go for the open surgery. The lap procedure is more complicated, requires you to be under longer and I have heard has a higher complication rate due to the fact that the surgeon cannot see everything at once. I had the open surgery with the best surgeon I could find and had no complications and am feeling great 6 months post.
   — Lisa B.

July 3, 2001
Hello. I know that Dr. Elariny that is in Northern VA, has had lots of people from PA come down. He does all his WLS Lap. You could give his office a call and see about your insurance. The #703-465-5060. Good luck
   — Cindy S.

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