Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin Bariatric Surgery Program

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 34 ratings

Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin Bariatric Surgery Program Bariatric Center

Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin Bariatric Surgery Program Bariatric Center Picture
Jon Gould Profile Pic
Jon Gould
Amir Ghaferi Profile Pic
Amir Ghaferi
Amy Kulwicki Profile Pic
Amy Kulwicki
Kristen Braun Profile Pic
Kristen Braun
PA-C, Inpatient
Lynda Snyder Profile Pic
Lynda Snyder
LPN, Surgery Coordinator
Andrea Dietz Profile Pic
Andrea Dietz
Michelle Weber Profile Pic
Michelle Weber
Courtney Hanson Profile Pic
Courtney Hanson
Laura Meyers Profile Pic
Laura Meyers
RN Bariatric Nurse Coordinator
Shanies Herring Profile Pic
Shanies Herring
New Patient Coordinator
Keri Blaszczynski Profile Pic
Keri Blaszczynski
Program Manager
Samantha Hoeft Profile Pic
Samantha Hoeft
Post-operative Patient Coordinator
Suzie Nelson Profile Pic
Suzie Nelson
Post-operative Patient Coordinator
Michelle Morris Profile Pic
Michelle Morris
Post-operative Patient Coordinator

34 Reviews for Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin Bariatric Surgery Program
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I had my consult at U.W. Wisconsin hospital in November. Dr Gould and his nurse were very nice to me. Dr. Gould answered all my questions and gave me his card to call if I have any questions. They do have and aftercare program and follow-up with nutrition after surgery. I only had one frustration....after I had my insurance approved it took over three weeks to get a surgical date. I kept called and bugging the poor secretary Debbie. When I did get a date (and I'm not complaining) I got a 1 week notice, I think they must have had a cancellation so I'm frantically trying to get everything done this week. Had a very in
depth consult the Friday before surgery, I thing it will make it less stressful on Wednesday. I was allowed to have all the pre-testing done at the hospital where I work. (The cost is then covered 100% as opposed to 80% if done at the U.W.)


I did meet with my doc. on Dec. 19th, 2002. I got my approval on Dec. 30th,2002..... how quick, i thought. Well that was over 3 weeks ago and i have not heard a word from my Doc. I have called the office many times and get the same thing "He has not told us to do anything about your case" so what's up with that? Is this normal to have to wait so long to get a surgery date? However i did think the Doc. was very nice (For the whole 5 min. he was in the room)The nurses on the other hand were not as friendly. He does not have much of a aftercare program as some of my friends have had with other hospitals. Well, maybe the next time i do a update it will be with a surgery date!!!!!!!!!


dr, gould was very kind and attentive. he was very good to me throughout my surgery (lap rny). He is a little young but very compitent. I spoke with a nutririonist before i left the hosp. and will be reviewing my diet at my 2 week check up. He did completely go over any and all risks involved but he also went over the benifits caused by the surgery.I thnik that he was a wonderful doctor and person too.


Dr Gould seemed to be open and friendly. He answered my questions fully . I have to admit to being very nervous .. strange for me. So I hope I made a good impression on Him :o) Everyone I met at the U of W at Madison was wonderful, from admissions to Dr Gould, all wore smiles and seemed genuine. His Nurse was frustrated that they did not seem to have all my paper work. A quick call to my Dr and they faxed the necessary documents. I did feel a bit rushed but I heard Surgeons tend to be that way. Despite (such a small thing anyway) that I did come away with the feeling that he was a caring and competent surgeon and that he would there for me. They agreed to my having pre-op testing done at our local hospital ( we are 2 hrs away from them). I was happy to find that they have an aftercare program. I will be seeing him again before the surgery to discuss more about the risks and care.

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