James Clay Wellborn, M.D. Bariatrics

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 27 ratings

James Clay Wellborn, M.D. Bariatrics Bariatric Center

27 Reviews for James Clay Wellborn, M.D. Bariatrics
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I love Dr. Wellborn and his staff. My first impression of him was how caring his is and understanding of the problems that obese people go through. He is on top of his game and it comforts me that he was one of 50 surgeons across the country that were first trained in placing the lap band. I have never been in a doctors office where I spent 75% of my time with the doctor. The rest of the time was spent with his RN and wife, Suzan, and he resident, Dr. Ramsey (who is quite easy on the eyes!) Even after my appt. was over, I sat with Tonya (surgical coordinator) in the reception area for 30 minutes just talking about everything. About 2 days after surgery, I had some fever and had Dr. Wellborn paged at 11 o'clock at night. He was so caring over the phone. Even after he helped me with the problem, he was asking all kind of questions about my health and well being. He never sounded agitated that is was so late. I don't know...I guess you can say that they get my top bill!


March 06 - I went to the Lap Band Seminar offered free by Dr. Wellborn. I was very impressed with him and his staff. Everyone was very informative, and willing to answer all questions, giving both the pro's & con's. One of the staff members even offered a "hands on moment", for anyone who wanted to "feel her port"! HAHA! I feel the presentation was wonderful! I am looking forward to my appointment with Dr. Wellborn. I think this will be the right thing for me and most likely the Right Surgeon.

I filled out the packet and sent it to Dr. Wellborn's office. Had blood work done.

April 17, 2006 - I had my inital appointment with Dr. Wellborn. I knew he would be the "Right Surgeon" ! I have never felt more comfortable with a Dr. Everyone there is wonderful!! Leslie (the patient coordinator) came out to the waiting area and showed my husband & I the video of the Lap Band. Then we got right down to business. She weighed me, and went over a few things. Dr. Wellborn came in and was very friendly, direct, and informative! I had written a letter to my insurance company (13 pages or more) telling them everything they should ever want to know about me and my family history, my co-morbdities & my understanding of each of them, my weight-loss attempts, my understanding of the Lap band, and my reasons for wanting this surgery. Dr. Wellborn wanted to know if I had a Dr. or Lawyer to write the letter!! I told him "No, I have just done my homework." He said it was so well put that he could see no reason for the insurance company to even think of denying me. I hope & pray he is right, but I am not getting my hopes up for an easy approval. Dr. Wellborn certainly was not in a hurry!-----HOW OFTEN DO YOU GO TO A DR. AND YOU ARE THE ONE WINDING UP THE APPOINTMENT??----- He gave us time (a couple of hours) to ask questions & to get to know him a little. He and my husband got started off on the wrong foot, but they cleared that up and my husband really does like him. They both learned something about each other! I am so glad that I did my research to find Dr Wellborn & Staff!!! At this point I wouldn't even think of going anywhere else!! I'll try to keep you updated as things progress!!


My first impression was that I made the right choice in chosing him as my surgeon. As time went on I didn't get to have to much contact with him untill the surgery, and after, My first impression was more than reaffirmed. His staff is courteous, and went out of their way to help me with my needs. Dr Wellborn is very informative and proffesional, and is dedicated in helping people than need this surgery to reassure them, and to do what he can to answer their questions. He knows what he is doing; he has been performing this surgery for a long time , and has an excellant track record. He strongly emphasizes after care, not only by follow ups, but also by encourageing his patients to do their part in losing the weight, and inform what to expect. By being up front and letting his patients know what to expect, what could go wrong, and what he plans on doing, along with counceling them to what they can do to prevent risks. I completly trust him, He is one of the Best in his field. Both his bedside manner, and surgical competance are above standard. I am more than impressed with his medical knowledge concerning this surgery. I had no unpleasant experiences with Dr Wellborn or his staff, and the only unpleasnt part of the surgery was because I chose an epidural for my pain management, for me that was a mistake. I am very impressed with Dr Wellborn, and have no negative comments about him at all. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants a good surgeon. His service to his patients as far as I am concerned speaks for itself. I am honored to know that chosing him as my surgeon was the right choice for me. I have came to have a great respect for DR Wellborn, and would highly recommend him to anyone who lives in and around Arkansas. I live in the North Eastern section of Arkansas and he is in Little Rock. It was well worth the Travel, and the wisest choice that I have ever made His contact information is as follows.
Dr James Clay Wellborn, Jr. M.D.
#1 Lile Court Suite 103
Little Rock Arkansas. 72205
Phone is 501-663-9600. If you read my profile and haven't had surgery yet. And if you haven't decided on a surgeon to do this surgery. I strongly Recommend Dr. Wellborn.


My first impression of Dr. Wellborn was good. I was able to ask all the questions i could think of and more. The surgery was performed and the immediate aftercare left a little to be desired. However, post 4 weeks and beyond seems to be very good. He takes the time now to answer all the newest questions I have and hope He continues. I rate him overall to be a very good surgeon.


I was originally scheduled to have gastric bypass, and I think that it was God's will that it fell through, because instead I went with Dr. Wellborn. A lot of people say that they had a great experience, and things were wonderful...stretching the truth a little. In my case I have to say I feel going to Dr. Wellborn saved my life. I was 100% sold on gastric bypass until I met Suzan over the phone, and she convinced me to go to their siminar. Suzan, Tonya, Leslie and Jamie are so great. And I REALLY mean that! It is nice when someone can say they have walked in your shoes, and to have your own cheering squad. Now I can also call them my friends. They have went beyond what they should do as office staff to make you feel good inside. (Jamie-you are my angel!) They also got me scheduled right away. I had my surgery done at St. Vincent Infirmary, and everyone there was terrific. I had the best experience... considering it was surgery! ha Anyway, Dr. Wellborn didn't just give me hope with weight loss...but with my life. Due to my weight I HAD extrememly bad GERD. I would choke on my own vommit in my sleep. After years of this, I felt that one day I wouldn't wake up. Being 33 with 2 children that is a very sad outlook on life, but I really thought that is how I would die. Dr. Wellborn repaired the hernia during my LapBand surgery, and I woke up to never have reflux/vommiting again. He was my beacon in the night, literally. He has wonderful bedside manner, and gives you his full attention for as long as you need it. You can't say that about just anyone. He is kind, informative and truly cares about your life. Most importantly, as an obese person, when you leave his office.... you have dignity. You don't feel like the outcast or less than others. That meant everything to me.
There wasn't anything that I didn't like about Dr. Wellborn or his staff, and that has never changed. Dr. Wellborn is very educated and passes that knowledge on to you prior to your surgery, advising you on anything you need to know. He is adament about aftercare, and I would highly recommend him for bariatric surgery. He is very intelligent and I feel God has given him a gift to help his patients in need. If anyone has any questions, I would love to hear from you. Email me at [email protected] or visit his website. It is very informative. www.arkansasobesitysurgery.com


Hmmm... First Impression. Let's say the very FIRST MINUTE impression. Did you see the movie "The Absent Minded Professor"?? That's who came to mind.... He came into the meeting I went to at a running pace, and I could ALMOST see the papers flying outta his satchel, the wind blowing his long white lab coat, his hair just a bit mussed and his shoe untied. (Got the visual yet?) Boy was I wrong!! Within minutes of his speaking, you knew you were speaking with someone who knew their p's from their q's!! (let me also add on here as an aside.. his wife, Suzan, and Dr. W are in perfect stride and complemented each other with insight and facts for WLS). He answered everything put before him with knowledge, yet where it was perfectly understandable to everyday people. I knew I had found my Surgeon!!! When I had my H&P, he treated me with respect...that's something being morbidly obese I wasn't used to. He didn't make you feel like he was in a rush to get you in and out. That just reinforced the fact that I knew he was the one, because..he LISTENS!******************

Now of course, I HAD to go into the office for this and for that, to take them my PCP files, Lab reports, ppwrk to fill out, TO MAKE SURE THEY KNEW WHO I WAS (LOL) and how desparate I was..(it worked!!)I was hailed one day as "Ohh YOUR the infamous Donna" by someone I had not dealt with face to face! (I am lucky they are located a hop, skip & a jump from me) and in doing so...found the GREATEST thing...Dr. W's STAFF!!! And another GREAT thing... they accepted EMAILS! How wonderful.. no busy tones time after time and no holding!! I emailed whatever I needed to and they were always there with a reply in no time at all!! (don't get me wrong, if I needed to, or didn't have email access, I could of called in anytime). I can't say a bad thing about his staff. They worked just as hard as ever to get me approved for my WLS. They cared. They helped me with anything I needed. They worked and worked and from July 26, 2005, when I attended my WLS Seminar to December 9th when I had my LapBand surgery they never left one rock unturned to get me approved. The only reason it took even that long was insurance demanded a 12 week PCP supervised diet before allowing me the surgery, and only let us know that requirement on Sept. 6, 2005...so I had to do that first. Is there something I like least about the staff?? hmmm ...no no NO! I LOVE THE STAFF!! Thank you Suzan...I appreciate your tenacity!! Tonya...what can I say... but... GIRL!!!!You are the best!! I luv ya!!!*********************

Aftercare..... Aftercare.... Aftercare... Dr. W DEMANDS it!! FOLLOW it!! If you have a problem... Let them know. They let you know that you are their patient not only the day of the surgery, but throughout the entire journey!!! And that is where I appreciate the tenacity of Suzan again: FOLLOW IT!! and if I am confused?..again...Suzan will let you know what you need to keep going, and how to get there!! (yeah, I know it's only been 5 days post-op right now, but I have already had several little mishaps I did to myself and Suzan was there to tell me what I needed to do.) FOLLOW IT!!********************

The Risk of Surgery? Well... The day of the seminar I remember him telling everyone in the auditorium the risks... and even sharing with us the deaths and rates. Honest & Forthright! I went in knowing the risks. ******************

Since July, I have had the main goal of getting this LapBand done. I had absolutely NO knowledge of how to go about getting it done. What had to be done, how, when, and what I HAD to get to get approved. Dr W and his staff ... lets just say.... worked a miracle for me. *******************

Which is better? Gosh... surgical competence? Well... I made it thru. He did what he promised me he would do. Bedside Manner? Lets just say in my Morphined state of mind that I saw a halo of light all around his head as I looked up at him smiling!!! *******************

Now...according to this review if I give a 100%positive review.... they feel it can possibly be suspect. So I have racked my brain of everything I have ever interacted with Dr W and/or his staff and the ONLY thing I can finally come up with....was I didn't know to STOP taking any of my medications after the surgery until a pill became lodged and I had to call to find out what to do. **************************

Soo .....Now you know...


My first impression of Dr. Wellborn was that he was a really down to earth man. I first met him at the seminar and my impression of him when I met him in the office was the same. His wife Suzan has been really great at returning my e-mails and answering my questions. There was a lot of communication problems with the other staff during the pre-surgery process. The day of my surgery Dr. Wellborn came to talk to me and my husband beforehand and made sure we didn't have any questions. My surgery was on time, the first surgery that I've had at the scheduled time. When my surgery was over, he went out and explained the surgery to my husband and let him know I was doing o.k. When I had some problems with chest pain, they kept me overnight to make sure it wasn't more than just the gas pains. Dr. Wellborn came to the hospital on Saturday and visited with us for awhile before letting me go home. His bedside manner is wonderful and a few nights later when I was nauseated, my husband called the medical exchange and he called back immediately and told him what I needed to do.


I'm going to answer the questions provided by OH to fill this out. Each * is a different answer to their questionaire.

*My first impression of Dr Wellborn was, "Is this guy for real, he doesn't have a Dr Image" and I was right. He has a compassionate, PERSONABLE image.

*My first impression Changed as I got to know him and his staff. They are all very caring and loving people. They talk to you like a person and Dont under talk you in a way that makes you feel ignorant and they dont Over talk to where you don't have the slightest clue as to what they are talking about.

*I can't say that there was ANY thing I didn't like about Dr Wellborn. He is very informative, he Knows what he's doing and talking about and he has no problem with telling you his statistics nor explaining what he means by something if you ask.

*Future patients should know that Dr Wellborn and his staff are the Most Compassionate Drs office I have ever been to and I've been to a lot. Dr Wellborn's knowledge of what he does and other illness, some not even related to weight was astonishing. He also goes out of his way to make you, Your family and yes EVEN YOUR BABY feel comfortable in his office. He doesn't make the person with you feel uncomfortable or ignored during your visit. And his office & even him himself are so caring that they will call you to see how you're doing. But beware of Susan (his wife) She's a sucker for babies and you're liable to not see them during your whole office visit if she's in because she'll be letting them get away with and do ANYTHING they want. All they have to do is batt those lil eyes.:) Love ya Susan.

* Dr Wellborn is a STICKLER for aftercare. If you're not willing to follow the rules and get your fills when necessary this is NOT THE DR FOR YOU. Dr Wellborn stresses very much how important it is for you to stay ontop of your healthcare & Even let them know if you get sick. He is NOT an advocate for pain and will do anything he can to help comfort you after surgery.

*Dr Wellborn DOES have a structured aftercare program and he does his best to help you follow it. If you get off track he will do what it takes to get you back to where you need to be.

*Dr Wellborn is very forthcoming of ALL RISKS no matter how little or big they are. He is very informative about other procedures as well as the one you are having. And as I mentioned before he is very forthcoming with his statistics and doesn't just tell you the good ones he tells you his bad cases also. Altho they are few and far between. If there is a problem he will be there to fix it & if you have any questions he can ALWAYS be reached. He sticks by his patients and sees them through all their complications.

*I would Rate Dr Wellborn on a scale of 1-10 1 being the lowest A 35. There aren't words enough to express how encouraging and down to earth Dr Wellborn is. I recommend him to everyone I talk to about Lap Band surgery.

*It asks which is better surgical competence, Bedside manner or are both great... I just have to say DUH.... BOTH. Dr Wellborn has a great bedside manner as well as he knows what he's doing.

at the bottom is says do you have anything negative to say about the dr. that No person can be best in all aspects but I just have to say I give Dr Wellborn a 150% he is BY FAR the BEST Dr I have ever encountered.


Very good doctor, my husband had a problem with the fact that that he doesn't make eye contact.

Staff is very nice, especially Suzan.

I would definately refer to him


dr. wellborn was a great surgeon. he got me approved in less than 2 weeks . very nice and understanding. i weighed 372 when i had surgery january 7th, 2005 now im at 268 . thats 104 lbs lost in 4 months..yeaaaa.. if i ever had to do it again i would use dr. wellborn again. thank you dr. wellborn for saving my life.

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