Alexander Onopchenko

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 with 83 ratings

Alexander Onopchenko Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

15 yr Experience

7 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65+

83 Reviews for Alexander Onopchenko
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I first found Dr. O on the internet while researching. My husband & I both wathched his web cast, and I knew from that time I wanted him doing my surgery. We even went out of network with our insurance (which means it is costing us more)! But I do think his experience and staff are worth it. We first met with him back in May and my surgery is scheduled for the 13th of Sept. He and his staff along with Atlatic care & the Hospital have the total package. I attended \"boot camp\" it was a long day but worth it. We viewed the hospital rooms and met with all the departments which we would be seeing during our stay, then back at Dr. O's Office had all my final questions answered and ready for surgery!!


I watched Dr. Onopchenko's Webinar about surgical weight loss procedures and was very impressed with the amount of information that was presented. He put everything into laymens terms so that it is understandable. He is very knowledgeable and seems to be very good at what he does. He requires all his prospective patients to attend a seminar before you can make an appointment for your initial consultation. He is very concerned about informing his patients. I am impressed with Dr. Onopchenko and his program. My intial consultation is scheduled for 5/8/06. I look forward to meeting with him. I will update after my consult.rnrnrnrn8/11/06rnJust a quick update about Dr. O and his staff. When I met Dr. O I was very impressed with his demeanor and his concern for me. He was very open to questions and I did not feel rushed. I walked away feeling that I had made a good decision in chosing him to be my surgeon. Now a word about his staff. -- These people are wonderful. I have called the office several times with questions and was never made to feel that I was being a bother to whomever I spoke to. I have gone into the office to drop off paperwork and the ladies have gone out of their way to help me with what I needed to do in order to get all of my pre-op testing done. Kathy even called the sleep lab while I was in her office and gave me the phone so that I could set up an appt. This on a day when I was getting the runaround from my insurance company and was not having a good day. I would say that Dr. O is well represented by his staff, Kathy, Doreen, Laurie, Mary Beth are all a compliment to him. And that says a lot.


felt very secure with him,staff was great, all were knowlegable, professional, and friendly. Listen to what he says and all will go well. His aftercare will be important to me. He told of all risk, that's why I am not playing around at all. I liked everything about him and his office.rnPatti Underwood


'At the seminars he was very open and went through as much as he could. Answered questions thorouhly. I thought he was business like but knew what he was doing. He did ask me if I had any questions


Dr.O is a great doctor I would recommend him to everyone. He is very frank tells you like it is no pulling punches. But he is a kind man and you can tell he is and will be there for you.


'I first met Dr. Onopchenko in 1991 when I was going thru' a rough time in my life! My obg found a lump in my breast. Dr. O (as he is known by all those who love and admire him)


Dr O was incredible. The first thing which struck me was his emphisis on surgery being a tool not an instant remedy to my weight problem. His office staff is great, from the first visit I had they made me feel comfortable and were very supportive. He addressed all of the benefits of surgery as well as all of the risks involved. Dr. O realizes that the journey to surgery as well as the surgery and afterwards is not just taken by his patient but also involves that person's family. In my case my husband and parents. He was willing to answer any question they had and promply adressed any concerns they had for my well being. Over all Dr O is outstanding. I am forever greatful that he gave me the one tool which finally worked. When i met him the first time I weighed 233 lbs. As of the last time i weighed myself (04/01/2006) I weighed 132 lbs. I went from a size 22/24 to a size 7/8. It has been a long road but he has been there the whole way. His aftercare program is great. The most annoying part for me was all the tests leading up to surgery. I realized they were for my own benefit so he knew of any hidden problems in advance but I was ( like everyone else) eager to get the process off the ground. The whole pretesting process is just a part of his surgical competence. I was confiedent going into surgery that he knew what he was doing and i was going to be ok, like a version 2.0 of myself. My faith in him as well as his bedside manner made my family more confident and relaxed during the surgery and when i first came home. I am now 9 months out (4/2/2006) and am just loving life. I can run and climb steps and don't need a nap all the time. I can exercise and go out with my husband in the same day without a nap in between. WOW. THANKS DR O, mostly for giving me a second shot at really living.


From the first time I attended Dr O's seminar, I knew he would be my first choice for a surgeon. Just by listening to him explain the surgery and answer questions, I knew he really cared about obese patients and seemed to understand what their daily "trials" were. He makes no exceptions when it comes to the rules of his program. I feel Dr. O is the BEST surgeon I could have picked to help me regain my life. I would recommend him to anyone who wants a Dr that truley cares about them and not just in for the money.


Dr. O has been great through the entire process. He is a no nonsense Dr., who takes this surgery seriously and makes sure that his patients dothe same. His bedside manner is wonderful, and I am grateful that he was my surgeon. Scars look minimal. Dr. O actually removed my gallbladdler about 10 years ago and you can not even see the scars now, so I am hoping for the same with this surgery


Dr. O is very easy to talk to. He has a great bedside manner and makes you feel comfortable. I felt at easewith him as my surgeon.

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