Barry Mann

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 17 ratings

Barry Mann Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

17 Reviews for Barry Mann
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I met with Dr. Mann 2 times now. I found him to be really an informative doctor who is willing to sit and listen to his patient. I need to feel really comfortable with a doctor, he was able to get personal with me and eased my nervousness. I love his staff, Marcie, Marcia, and Michelle. They are really supportive, care and go out of their way to do what they can for you. The whole office works together, they run a support group in which the nutritionist, Marcie and the surgical nurse, Marcia both attend. Their dedication to WLS is evident. The only complaint I have is the waiting.... but, when you look at why you are waiting, you really can not complain at all. Because when you are the patient, you appreciate the time they spend with you.

I went to the WLS support group and had asked Marcia to look at my incision as I had felt there was a problem. She did not hesitate and suggested that I see Dr. Mann right away the next morning. He needed to open up the site and was able to do it without any problem. I was a nervous wreck and he was very understanding to me. I felt that they had really cared. I had to go back 2 weeks later and again, he had to re-open up the site. He numbed the area, and kept asking me about my pain, which was hardly there, just my nerves. He was fast and again very understanding to me.

Well I went back to see Dr. Mann for my follow up and he was really happy with my progress so far. He really takes time to talk to me and follow up on my care. You can tell he is busy but he takes the time to answer all my questions. One of the questions on this questionairre is how has my impression of him changed over time. I can answer that easily, I think he is a great surgeon, who has an outstanding "bedside" manner. The person who has him as their surgeon is the lucky one!


I'm pleased with Dr. Mann and his office staff--everyone seemed pleasant and very helpful. I did have a long wait in the waiting room (about 45 minutes), but it was worth the wait. Dr. Mann explained the procedure in detail to me, explained all the risks during surgery and post op, and answered all my questions (2 pages worth!) I went to a different surgeon for a consult in October 2002 and am glad I waited for my June 4, 2003 consult with Dr. Mann. I have 100% confidence in Dr. Mann and his office staff. Even when I went for preadmission testing everyone in the hospital I encountered was pleasant and helpful. I attended the monthly support group meeting and look forward to going to next month's.


I first telephoned Dr. Mann's office early September 2002. I spoke with a staff member by the name of Mary who was very pleasant. She scheduled me for my first consultation appointment late December 2002. I was very disappointed by the lengthy wait. I had no choice but to accept it. Later that same day I received a phone call from Mary informing that a cancellation had taken place opening up an appointment in October. I was estactic.

My first consultation appointment was on October 2,2002. I was told that there was going to be a long wait and to be prepared. When I arrived I was greeted by friendly office staff who handled my insurance information and handed me a questionnaire. To my surprise the wait was not that long.

After being weighed and meeting with the nurse I finally had the opportunity to meet Dr. Mann. He stressed the fact that this is serious surgery and wanted me to think about it before making a final decision. My decision was already made before I had arrived. He explained the procedure in detail and even drew a diagram. He was very informative , even though my first impression was that he was not that friendly. (even though I later realized that he was extremely friendly)I decided that did not matter and his skills were more important.

I then met with Michelle who has been and still is the greatest. She has helped me with all my insurance needs and referrals and gave me the paperwork for all the post op test. Michelle also sheduled me for surgury extremly fast. I thought I would be waiting forever for a date. She answers every question I have and has made me feel like I am the one and only patient even though I know she is extremely busy.

So far my experience with Dr. Mann and all of his staff has been a pleasant one.

On January 15,2002 I went for my Pre Admission Testing. This was a full day. I first met with my Dr. and he explained the surgery once again in detail weighed me and gave me information for my date. Next I went to Admissions and paid my co pay. From there had every test that I think could have even been done on me. Chest ex-rays, blood work,and breathing test and more!!!!!! But I must say the medical staff at (formerly MCP) Drexel Univerisity college of Medicine
are excellect.

On January 28,2003 I arraived at the hospital at 8am. The woman in the waiting area was kind of cold and unfriendly (I wish I knew her name). After I removed my clothing she gave me a couple of pills and a shot in my bottom. My surgeon came and spoke with me and my family he explained the procedure once again and gave us some words of encouragement. I then waited for transportation. Finially they arrived (the guy was extremely friendly and hansome that was a plus)

Finially it was off to the Operating Room. I met with the Dr. who would be providing the medication and the resident who assited Dr. Mann. It is amazing how one hospital can be filled with such a wonderful staff.

I would recommend Dr. Mann to anyone who is considering having surgery. He is kind, caring, and execellent at what he does. He is upfront with the risk and complications. He genuinely cares about his patients.

Thank you Dr. Mann and Staff!!!!!!!


i met with dr.mann today for the second time and he was very nice and answered some questions i had and that my sister also had.he does tell u everthing u need to no and he does not sugar coat anything he tells u as it is and prepares you for the good and impression of him was very good and i feel safe with him also.the office staff was very nice and very helpful with everything for anyone interested in speaking with him i would say go for it because he is very truthful about everything to you.he tells you the good and bad side of the surgery and asks if u still want to go through with it or not.he makes u feel comfortable and his staff makes u feel very comfortable and not nervous while u are there.i would rate him and his staff a 100% for everything.the only bad part is the wait ,but thats not anyones fault you have to wait for everything now a days.


"Please note what you are about to read is completly my opinion. These is just my personal impressions and or experience and I am making no statements about what other people may experience. Thank you. " My first impresion of Dr Mann, I was impressed that he actually gave me a quick review on how the surgury works and what are the complication of the surgury. My first appointment was some time in 02/02 I could not help but to think that for some reasson I was being rush on the visit. A week after that I voiced my opions via a letter to Dr. Mann As soon as he read my letter he took the time to call me He expressed empathy and he also asked me if I had any questions that he would be more than glad to make time to listen to me. I was extreamly pleased & My perception of Dr Mann completly changed I think that he is a verry compassionate man and he really devotes all of his time to his patience. I am verry fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet with Dr Mann. As Far as his Office staff he works closly with Micheal and also a nutritionist that works with him there is another lady I can't think of her name now They are really nice. However the other office staff in the reception area I really think that they should take a course on customer service they seem so unorganized and rude!


My initial impression was that his office was not run in a very organised manner. I was told upon making my initial appointment to plan to be there for three hours, but I didn't realize that the majority of those 3 hours would be spent sitting in the waiting room due to poor scheduling.

Dr Mann himself seemed quite competent, he was very informative and kind, I feel ok with him as a medical Dr, just hope his office personel can get their acts together a bit.

There is a support group that meets in his office once a month, and I am told it is excellent, but for myself, living in Delaware, I find the Delaware group to be much easier for me to attend.

Dr Mann was quite upfront about the risks of surgery, he made sure I was very aware of the possible dangers.

I wasn't even aware that Michelle, his scheduling person, was seeking approval for the surgery and was quite thrilled when she called me two weeks after my initial visit to inform me the surgery had been approved by my ins. company and we scheduled a surgery date, a month sooner than I anticipated, which thrills me!


I had my first office visit with my surgeon on March 6, 2002. My first impression of doctor Mann I was very impressed with him and I kind of shocked him because I knew a lot about the surgery already because I did my homework. His office staff is alright she's a bit slow but she'll do. Dr. Mann is upfront with the risk of surgery but with him working on me and GOD on my side I will be pleased and I would reccommend him to anyone...


First consultation scheduled for 7/17/02


My first impression is that he is a very nice doctor.
since I'm new to this, there is no change over time.
His office staff are very nice also.

His future patients should know that he also runs a support group and it was great seing post op patients.


My first impression of Dr. Mann was that he was very personable. He was extremly informative and sympathetic to my individual situation. His staff made me feel totally comfortable as well. I was very intimidated and scared about attending my consulation, not knowing what to expect and my first encounter with the office totally put me to ease. I felt very comfortable!

Dr. Mann took time to address all of the risks of the surgery. He pretty much stated the facts and told me to take some time to really think about the surgery. Just because I was scheduling the date did not in any way hold me to anything.

Overall, so far, I would rate Dr. Barry Mann an 8.

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