Beamer Breiling

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 26 ratings

Beamer Breiling Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

26 Reviews for Beamer Breiling
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Dr Breiling is a wonderfull surgeon. Before I had the surgery he took the time to spend talking to me about the surgery, what to expect and what the outcome would be. Now since I have had the surgery I think more of him. When I go in for visits he sits and talks about my concerns, problems and gives me so much praise for what I have accomplished. His staff is wonderful. When I go for my visit, its like I knew them forever. We talk and I am given so much advise, praise and encourgement. I even had to call Dr Breiling at 5 am one day and I did not even have to wait for him to call me back, they put me right in touch with him. Now, this I call a very concerned doctor with his patients. I would recommend anyone to check out this dr, but again this is only my views and experiences with this dr and as I know dr's are humans too, all people are not perfect. The follow-up I have received has been great and again this dr and his staff are so supportative to their patients. I think a dr should have both surgical competence and bedside manner. Care and concern should be on their list. But remember the dr can do the surgery, but it's up to you to work at loosing the pounds. It's really a two-way street. With a good dr, family or friend support and you taking control of your life, this program will work! I am not saying this is easy, or I would not have had this done, but I have a new outlook on life and think I will do the best of I can.


My first impression of Dr. B was that he was patience personified. He came across as warm, extremely knowledgable and professional.

Through the three consultations I have found that he is not only patient and knowledgable but funny and very personable. He asnwers any and all questions thoroughly and without trepidation or embarressment.

The office staff are quite nice. Kayleen, Dr. B's nurse is so sweet! She was nearly as happy as I was when my approval came in!! It was wonderful to have someone willing to share my joy.

The thing I would have to say I like the least about the doctor would be that fact that I have had to reschedule appointments several times because of scheduling conflicts or some such things.

Future patients should expect to play by the rules, do the entire 3 consults before he will even consider writing a letter to the insurance company. You can expect the truth... plain and simple. No sugar coating at all.

I was told to expect to see Dr. B quite often in the year following surgery and that he expects patients to take aftercare as seriously as the surgery itself.

I am not sure about a "structured aftercare" program...I will have to ask the nurse. :o)

Dr. B was very frank and forthright about the risks of the surgery. He presented them in a factual and non-abrasive manner. He encouraged me to do research and to look at the memorial pages on this site and others. He wanted me to get the whole picture of WLS. That not all are successful and that complications do occur.

I would rate Dr. B a 9 out of 10. I feel comfortable going into the surgery with him in charge.

I believe that competence and bedside manner are both important factors in the successful outcome of a patient's surgical experience. The face the surgeon puts on directly reflects on his patients. His attitude, in my opinion, is importent to the patient's mental and physical healing. Dr. B seems to have both a great bedside manner and seems quite knowledgable and competent. I feel perfectly safe in his hands.


I liked Dr. Breiling immediately. He and his staff treat me like a long-lost friend. Dr. Breiling is friendly, funny, intelligent and compassionate. He treated me like a human being who needed his help from day one. In the almost 6 months since my surgery, I have grown to like him very much. His office is clean and neat and sometimes busy, but I rarely have to wait more than a few minutes for him. There's really nothing I don't like about Dr. Breiling. I would recommend to all who are considering WLS to at least make an appointment and visit with him. He answers all questions honestly and without hesitation, no matter how direct the question. He's very adamant about aftercare. He wants to make sure you're doing well physically and mentally. He asks lots of pointed questions and expects you to answer honestly. He likes to see his patients every month after surgery for the first year. He now sees me every 2 months, because I live 2-1/2 hours away. He insists that all prospective patients know all of the risks involved in this surgery. He told me to do even more research than I alreaady had, gave me a list of websites to check out, told me to find out the good, bad and ugly about this surgery, and come back to him with lots of questions. He said he would see me 3 times before he would even talk to me about whether or not I wanted to go through with this surgery. As a rating, if 1 is the worst and 10 is the best, Dr. Breiling is definitely a 10! His surgical competence is exemplary, as I have lost 60 pounds with no complications and I feel better than I have in 20 years. His bedside manner is wonderful! I was in the hospital for 6 days; he saw me every day - always came in with a sunny smile and a joke. He has a calming effect, just walking into the room.


I have had all three of the required consults with Dr Breiling. He is a very kind person, allthough I felt Not very flexible. He has a certain way everything is going to play out, and you do it his way. The nurse Kayleen & I do NOT get along. She is one of those nicey nice people who talks behind your back, and the claws come out if you even get the slightest bit short.... His office is ALWAYS running behind, I have waited up to 2 hours to see the Dr.
Dr Breiling himself is very, very patient. A good listener, and a through Dr. He has Good Credentials, and seems to genuinely care about his patients. I ended up with him on accident, I meant to call to Dr Keating, and called Breiling instead in error. I am glad that I did,as I like him. But dont plan on getting in & getting out....Plan a half a day for appointments!


I have an appointment with Dr. Brieling on May 20.. Will post more then.

05-20-03 Met with Dr. Breiling this afternoon, he was very personable and very informative. His office was nice, clean and quiet. He explained 6 or more different types of surgery [past and present]. He also took the time to explain each and everyone of them. The only thing that I didn't like was I had to wait 45 minutes for my appointment and that cut my time short because I had to be home in time to get my kids off the bus. Hopefully next time, I'll get more time to talk to him.


Wow, where do I begin. I'm 23 and have wanted this since 18. This time, this moment, this excitement is 5 years in the making. An out-goint girl with a spunky personality and a wild side at 400lbs lets just say I was less then happy untill I hurd about Dr. Breiling. He's awsome. so paitent so kind and understand. Not to mention grounded. He understands and emphasize your situation and is there to listen. Do as much research as possible and ask any question you would like. He knows the answer and is very blunt. That's is what I apperciate about him most. His staff is wonderful. Always available and understanding. I can't wait till the big day because actually he's put me at great eaze!


I have only had one appointment with Dr. Breiling. He is a wonderful Dr. He answered a lot of my questions and I am looking forward to going back to my second consult. I thought he was a great Dr so I told my Mother-In-Law about him because she said that she was interested in the surgery.


I have been very impressed with Dr. Breiling, He is obviously very knowledgeable & believes in what he is doing. He is very thorough & respectful to his patients. His nurse has been very friendly & helpful. It is a long drive for me to go to these appts. but I know they are necessary.


I have had only one consultation with Dr. Breiling. He came across as a very understanding and non-judgemental physician. He explained things so clearly, including, the history of the different surgeries over the past 50+ years, benefits and possible risks of each procedure, his preferred procedure and why he prefers it...he also gave me "homework" to study while I wait for my next appointment. The homework included researching several web sites. This site being one of them. He drew illustrations and explained everything so clearly throughout the consult. I was immediately at ease when he came into the room. He looks right at you when he speaks and somehow projects a re-assurance that you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. He also let me know that this is solely my decision and at any point, if I change my mind or have an inkling of a doubt, there are no pressures to continue. I'm very thrilled to have come into contact with Dr. Breiling. His office looks as though it was decorated in the 60s and it smells like an old Library. His staff consisted of 2 females. One being an extremely over-weight receptionist. That was very surprising to me. His assistant was very nice, although she seemed to like to gossip a lot with the receptionist. That part was not very professional, but I guess we can all be that way at times. More after my second consult. I'm so excited!


I hope that I don't offend Dr. Breiling when I say this, but my first impression was here is this old, white man that will tell to try dieting again and then get back to him. Of course this impression was wrong. Although older (about 60) he was down to earth and talked to me in layman terms which I really appreciated. Before moving on to something else he would make sure that I understood what he just said. He let me know all the risks and was very blunt which I think is very important. The office was also friendly. Even after the first visit they knew me by name when I came in the office. That was really helpful because it makes you feel more comfortable. He seems to be very thorough and emphasized that it was important that I had a doctor in town that knew about the procedure that I was going through (I live a hour away from the doctor's office). Overall, I am glad with my choice and I would recommend Dr. Breiling to anyone considering surgery in northeastern Iowa. About the only negative thing that I have to say is that sometimes I would have to drive for a hour to have a visit and would only be seen by him for 10 minutes. I guess in a way this was to see if I was really serious about the surgery.

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