Brian Gluck

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 144 ratings

Brian Gluck Bariatric Surgeon D.O., F.A.C.O.S., F.A.S.M.B.S.

15 yr Experience

12 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 71

Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

144 Reviews for Brian Gluck
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My first impression of Dr. Gluck was a very positive one. He seemed to be well educated in his surgery and very thoughtful and helpful with questions and answers. His staff is awesome. They are all very friendly and so willing to help anyway they can. They never make you feel like you are a burdend at all. If anyone has any doubts all they have to do is have one meeting with him/staff and you will know what we all have said is true. Dr Gluck has so many patience and is so good at listening to you and talking with you that sometimes you have to wait past your time to see him. But most of us know the wait is well worth it and to know he will have the same 'time' with me makes it worth the wait.


I would recommend Dr. Gluck to anyone. He is everything I have looked for in a surgeon and more. My first impression of Dr. Gluck is that he is very knowledgable. And over time my impression has not changed. His office staff has been helpful and knowledgable. There is not 1 thing I don't like about Dr. Gluck or his staff. What I would tell Dr. Gluck's future patients is, you might think Dr. Gluck is strict but he is the way he is for a reason, he knows what he is doing and wants to make sure you know what you are getting yourself & family into and not only get you through the surgery but to know how to use your new "tool" for the rest of your life. He will take you through a strctured aftercare program and will make you understand the risk you might be facing. Overall I would rate Dr. Gluck 1 - 10, 10 being the greatest. He would definely be about 100. -- Kathy Hammersley


Dr. Gluck has always been very understanding and professional. My first impression of him was that he is a very caring person. He seems very dedicated to what he is doing.
His office staff is very professional and very friendly.
My husband had WLS last August, Dr. Gluck's aftercare program has been very successful for Ben.
Dr. Gluck goes over all aspects of the surgery, what to expect before and after.

I would rate Dr. Gluck to be at the top.

I feel both surgical competence and bedside manner are both important in a surgeon, especially in this procedure.


My first impression of Dr. Gluck was that of a very caring, honest, and competent man; he comes right to the point on everything positive and negative about the procedure. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op and my impression of him has not changed at all...he is a wonderful Dr. Dr. Gluck expects nothing but the best from his staff and that is how you are treated when dealing with them also; they are all great!

At first I was kind of scared about how Dr. Gluck was so straight forward about everything; but he kept nothing back and I thank him for being so honest; I know if he hadn't things would have been much more frightening afterwards!

Aftercare is a must with Dr. Gluck and his whole staff...if you don't plan to stick to the bargain...don't go to him! His aftercare program is very structured and he expects you to follow it!

Risks?? There are definately risks, as with any surgery, but he doesn't try to hide them...he comes right to the point and makes sure you think about them.

In my opinion, Dr. Gluck is A1...I would recommend him to anyone considering this option and feel totally confident in doing so. I feel his surgical competence is outstanding and his bedside manner is tops in my book....Hats off to Dr. Gluck and all his staff! Thank you for my chance to start a new and fulfilling life!!

Valerie Gotts
LAP RNY 5/17/2004


My first impression of Dr. Gluck was of someone that truely cares about his patients. After my first consult he confirmed my first impression of him, but also that he is strict as to you following his program. His staff has been nothing short of GREAT! Always making you feel as you are thier only patient. I would highly recommend Dr. Gluck and his staff to anyone looking to have this procedure done.


Dr Gluck made me feel safe. I came through this surgery never being afraid because I was well informed by him as well as his team. I knew what to expect, the good the bad and the ugly. I am feeling so great even though I am only one week out.
I cant say enough good things about Dr Gluck I thank God for his surgical talents and his easy rapport with patients.

He is easily assesible if I needed him and at all times I felt taken care of. He may do things a little more strict then other surgeons that I have read about, but this is also why I chose him. I would rather be safe then sorry.I would highly recommend him to anyone consdering this surgery.


I attended a group consultation last night. It was 3 1/2 hours long, but well worth our time. My husband attended with me and he was impressed with how comprehensive Dr. Gluck's presentation was. Not only did we hear from Dr. Gluck and see a video on the surgery, we heard from everyone on the team. The insurance billing, support group coordinator, the nutrionist and exercise psysiologist. At the conclusion, he had a q & a time which was helpful. At the conclusion, we filled out a survey which included a question whether or not we wanted to be contacted for a consultation, and I said yes. Today someone called me! Very impressed with everything so far.


Dr. Gluck and his staff are very friendly helpful and knowledgeable. Dr. Gluck is the best surgeon for this surgery. I would and have recommended him to several people.
He knows what you are going through and will help any way he can. His wife Jennifer works with him in the office and she is a great person too. They really care about their patients. I owe them a lot for what they have done for me.
Thank you to you Dr. Gluck and your staff for saving my Life.


Febrary 15, 2004

Hello everyone,

I wanted to just let everyone know what I have experienced working with Dr. Gluck and his staff. Everyone I have met in his office have been nothing but caring and friendly and very professional. Dr. Gluck was thorough in his explanation about what we could expect with this surgery, the good and the bad. His staff took time to explain what I could expect along the way, and took the time to litsten to any questions I had and provide understandable explanations. My surgery date was February 9, 2004 and I look forward to my follow-up date this coming Monday. He will be following through with me, making sure I am following with a team support approach, making my appointments with my nutritionist, following through with exercise, and their office also provides a support group network, including monthly meetings. Thank you Dr. Gluck and staff for all that you do!


From the first time I met Dr. Gluck at his seminar to his first consultation. I was impressed by his knowledge, wisdom, and how passionate he was about this new sugery he performs. His bedside manner is awesome. He is a "right to the point" kind of Dr. and that is what some of us need. May not want but he knows what is best for his patients. He is a truely genuine man and I am blessed to have met him and that Lord Willing he will be performing surgery on me soon.
Sincerley, Kristy Johnson

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