Carlos Barba

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.75 out of 5 with 111 ratings

Carlos Barba Bariatric Surgeon

10 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Any

Max Age of Patient is Any

111 Reviews for Carlos Barba
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I am over ten years post-op from an open RNY with Dr. Barba. He saved my life, without question. I was with him in the early stages of his practice at Hartford Hospital and, because of the comprehensive of his approach I am still at a healthy weight all of these years later.

His insistance in compliance with his team, especially the nutitionist and the love and respect shown to me by his staff I got off on the right foot. The support group was key to dealing with all of the physical and emotional changes I experienced during my recovery and, even over ten years later, when I talk to people considering WLS, I emphasize the importance of these aspects of the process.

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First impression is that he looks like George Lopez. He's funny and professional and very honest with his answers.

I had my endoscopy on Thursday and he was very attentive and answered every question to my satisfaction.


I met Dr. Barba at the orientation and then again today as I was at his office for my appointment with the dietician. He is certainly confident, but also friendly and open and I have been very comfortable dealing both with him and with the other people at the office. The have been kind, diligent, and personable and have made me feel completely comfortable.

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Dr. Barba is a friendly, courteous and attentive surgeon. He is always upbeat and answers questions without being condescending. He has a very structured program with regular post op visits and a staff of helpful nurses, dieticians, and support folks. I'm very pleased with my choice of Dr. Barba.rn


The first place I met Dr. Barba was at one of his seminars before surgery. He was very informative and didnt sugar coat anything. Overall his manner was and is right on. I not once felt mistreated or like a nobody. His heart is in it. I have nothing bad to say about his office staff. They always greet me with the utmost respect. Very pleasant.

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I know a number of people that have had one form or another of wls. I have the best testimony of any of them concerning my surgeon. I also took 2 years to research wls and the surgeons doing the surgery. rnrnI wanted a comprehensive pre-op program that would bring to light anything that might put me at risk for not surviving the surgery. Dr. Carlos Barba has every component covered. rnrnI also looked for a surgeon that had a comprehensive post-op program and support system. This piece speaks to how committed to success the surgeon is. No post-op program or support system may indicate the only interest the doctor has in the patient is just getting the surgery. rnrnDr. Barba has a program and staff committed to providing resources for continuing success. It is of course, up to the patient to avail themselves of it. rnrnIt can be very unsettling to go through surgery, especially wls, but I was confident that I was in the best hands throughout the process.rnrnI appreciate Dr. Barba, Melissa and Jason. They have been professional and genuinely caring about me as a patient. I have not hesitated recommending them to others.


Dr. Barba and his staff have all been very nice and extremely helpful. They have been great at keeping me updated and making sure they communicate everything to me.


Dr. Barba seemed knoweleadgable at the seminar and had a great manner to him. He talked well, informed everyone of everything involved in taking the steps to WLS. He took time to meet with anyone and everyone that wanted to speak with him after the seminar and his staff was helpful and most were at the seminar.rnrnMy impression is the same about Dr. Barba and I've come to love his nutrionist Melissa. She is such a joy to meet and talk to. rnrnThe only thing I disliked was that I never got to meet Dr. Barba until my endoscopy and it was brief at that time. Didn't see him again until the day of the surgery. He seemed intersted in his patients but think he needs to spend more time with them pre-op to allow them to feel more comfortable in his care and get to know him.rnrnDr. Barba and his staff emphasize a great deal about aftercare. Even know they reiterate everything on my visits to his office. From day one they grind it into you about what you need to know and do right before and after surgery (even years down the road). rnrnDr. Barba was an excellent doctor. Just listen to him and his staff. Do what they say and follow the guidelines provided... I have and so far can't complain about my experience with him. They've been great to me! I look forward to the continued weight loss and experience with them and hope I will get to see more of the surgeon that has helped to begin my new life. Again only complaint is that he doesn't interact as much as i think he should with his patients before surgery. rnrnAfter following up with him, I must say he has a great mannerism to me and shows true concern for his patient, again if would have been nice to know him more prior to surgery..


UPDATE 10/2/07- I am 5 months post op and 6lbs away from goal. Although there has been some emotional road blocks, I would not change a thing. Dr. Barba did a fantastic job- I was back at work 6 days after surgery. Dr. B is an unbelieveably great doctor and I would recommend him to anyone.rnrnUPDATE-4/14/07 Yesterday I had my endo. Dr. Barba was very professional and kind. I actually felt calm and the anesthiologist was great. I have no worries about my upcoming surgery.rnrnMy first impression of Dr. B was very good. I think he is honest and laid back. His staff that was in attendance seemed knowledgeable and professional. He has come highly reccommended through other physicians and people who have had WLS done by him. I have only had the smallest of dealings with him so far but I will reserve judgement until after the surgery is done.


My surgery date was September 5, 2007rnrnI have nothing but wonderful things to say about Dr. Barba, his staff and St. Francis nurses. The only thing I did not like was I was kept 10 hours in the recovery room without my family being able to see me. I waited to get a room until 8:15pm then my family was finally able to see me. They had waited since I was taken to the OR at 8:30am. I am just one week out but I am doing well. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Dr. Barba & staff.

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