Charles R. Lambert

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 4 ratings

Charles R. Lambert Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

31 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

1 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

30% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 62

4 Reviews for Charles R. Lambert
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When I first met, Dr. Lambert, I thought he was great! He is very motivated and while making sure you know all the good and bad. He definately wants to make sure that you know all the risks involved.His office staff was very pleasant. I felt like when I was in the hospital, that I received very good preventative care, lots of heparin throughout my hospital stay, and lots of care from the respirartory staff.He has a very good after care program with lots of one on one informative appointments. I may have forgotten to mention that Dr. Lambert has also had the surgery. I believe he is 8 months post op. I think that i had the best of care and would definately recommend him to everyone. I think that surgical competence in the end is much more important, but I had it all with Dr. Lambert. He's great!


great very informative, and has had the surgery himself so he can relate to what you are saying. very down to earth love him would recommend anyone to him.


My first impression of Dr. Lambert was a good one. He seem ed to care alot about me and the surgery and gave me all the information I needed to know about the surgery. He answered all my questions and made feel at ease with going ahead and going through with the surgery. I rate him as being a perfect 10, for anyone who really needs to find a terrific surgeon who needs to have gastric bypass, I recomend Dr. Charles Lambert. His staff was wonderful and helpped me get all the paper work done that needed to get done. He would visit me every day in the hospital after surgery. I do also remeber his associate Dr. Murphy visiting me the day of surgery when I finally was sent to my room to recover. I highly recomend him.


my doctor is very caring and listens to all your questions is just had the sugery himself so he knows what you are going through. his staff fought to get me approved i am disabled and on medicaid but they didn't give up.there was nothing that i didnt like about him.i have;nt had my sugery yet i will post later.

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