Daniel Stickler

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 134 ratings

Daniel Stickler Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

7 yr Experience

7 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 21

Max Age of Patient is 65+

Medabolix Profile Pic
Bariatric Center

134 Reviews for Daniel Stickler
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Well to be perfectly honest when I walked into that office I was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers. I was immediately put to ease with the down to earth and friendly staff. I felt like I had known them all my life and didn't feel anyone was looking at me like \"what a loser\". Then I met Dr. Stickler I felt an immediate trust. He was very honest and open with me and it was exactly what I needed. I did everything that I was told and breezed through surgery without any hitches. I don't feel like I visit a Dr. now when I go for my checkups I feel like I'm visiting an old friend. He gets as excited as I do about my success. I can't say enough great things about this team!!!! I owe a debt to them that in many lifetimes could never be paid...I have a wonderful life now with a very bright future to look forward to. The only thing I regret is that he was so far away from me I wish he were in Parkersburg.


This is Julie Barker....Hi Doc?My daughter says hello too!


Dr. Stickler was very informative about the surgery...He seems as though he cares about his patients...That is one great quality in any doctor...So far so good


My first impression of Dr. Stickler is that he is a caring doctor and he knows what he is talking about.rnrnI liked Dr. Stickler even more over time.rnrn Future patients should know that they are in good hands.rnrnDr. Stickler is there for his patients 24/7 after surgery. His program is excellant before and after surgery.rnrnHis nurse and himself goes over all risks in great detail and answers any questions that you might have.rnrnI rate Dr. Stickler 10. His surgical compentence and bedside manner are wonderfull.rnrnI am diabetic and before my surgery my blood surgar became elevated and he still done my surgery first which made his other surgeries that day late.rnrnI highly recommend Dr. Stickler. I trust Dr. Stickler with my life and there is no other doctor I would let operate on me.


Dr. Stickler is a down-to-earth person that is very open in explaining ALL of the aspects of weight loss surgery...both good and bad. He offers a wonderful support system/aftercare through his office at Medabolix. He has personal trainers, dieticians, and a health food store on site. rnrnrnrnrnrn


My first impression of Dr. Stickler was \"what a hottie\" LOL. :) Then we started talking about the surgery, complications, and how this \"TOOL\" was going to be life changing in so many ways. The bedside manner was wonderful. He always had a smile on his face yet still never sugar coated anything. The staff that I met, Paula, Julie, Tiffany, and Jeremy were great too. A wonderful team. rnrnI would rate Dr.Stickler and his staff both a 10!!! I am just so excited to have been given the chance to have my life back.


First impression: I was totally impressed with Dr. Stickler….Very informative and friendly! His staff was great, very nice Ladies!!


Dr Stickler is an excellent surgeon who has given me a tool that has enable me to loose and maintain 100 pound weight loss.


I had my first visit with Dr. Stickler on 9/10/2007. He was very casually dressed and that made me feel right at home. He was very knowledgeable and kind. He explained the possible complications and the other risks involved thoroughly. I was impressed by him. I am an RN and found him to be very professional but, easily approachable. I would recommend him to anyone. His office staff were nice but he had a new Receptionist who really messed up a couple of times and caused me to be there for hours longer than I should have been. She is new though and I wish her well. I saw his Dietician who was blunt and made me realize what a tough process this is going to be.... No Cakewalk!!! His Psychologist on staff saw me even though the Receptionist screwed up my appointment. I was there from 9:00 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. so that I could wait around and see the Psychologist. She was nice enough to work me in after the Receptionist screwed up. I was glad because I live 1 1/2 hrs away and would have had to take off another day from work which is not an easy task. Overall that office is great! Just a new kid on the block. I saw Dr. Stickler go into the weight room and work out with his patients when I was waiting to see the Dietician and Psychologist. I thought that was so wonderful. A doctor who practices what he preaches. So cool! I told him that I watched \"Big Medicine\" on TLC so that I could see how the surgery was done and he informed me he was a much better Doctor and chuckled. That made me feel more relaxed.


Dr. Stickler and his staff are very friendly. They do not make you feel like you are a failure for not being able to lose weight on your own. I felt like he was very sympathetic and understanding of weight problems. He also eased my mind about the surgery. I left his office excited and ready to move on to the next step!

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