David Buchin

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.89285714286 out of 5 with 40 ratings

David Buchin Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS

13 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


ORBERA Intragastric Balloon


and 3 more...

Helene Buchin Profile Pic
Helene Buchin
Co-owner & Executive Director
Erin Nastro Profile Pic
Erin Nastro
Lacey Crawford Profile Pic
Lacey Crawford
Clinical Medical Asst. & Patient Care Coordinator

40 Reviews for David Buchin
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When I walked into Dr. Buchin's office two years ago, I could have never imagined how much my life would have changed. Meeting with Dr. Buchin and his wonderful staff members pushed all my worries aside. They made me feel at ease and comfortable with my decision of having gastric bypass surgery. Over the next six months that followed, Dr. Buchin was there to answer all the questions I had. On July 29, 2009, I walked into the hospital ready to leave my old self behind. Throughout the months that followed, I felt more like family every time I visited Dr. Buchin's office. I wasn't just a patient! He helped me to learn how to adjust to the new person I was transforming into. With his support and the support of all the members of his wonderful staff, I was able to reach my goal. On July 29th I was 276 pounds and now alittle over two years later, I am 115 lbs and a new person. I am not sure where I would be without all of the support and encouragement I received throughout my journey. I have never been able to find the right words to say...how many thank you's would it take to show how much appreciation I have. From the moment I walked into the office of Dr. Buchin, I knew he would not only be the right surgeon for me, but I knew in my heart that both he and his wonderful would be some of the most important people in my life...for the rest of my life!! So even if it takes a million thank you's I will be forever thankful for the support, direction and care I have received since day one. This journey is not over for me, it continues each and every day and I know that Dr, Buchin is here for me every step of the way.

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I started out my journey into the world of bariatric surgery in 2010. I attempted to attend a seminar of another bariatric surgeon who practices on Long Island. After reading this particular surgeon's website I planned to attend a seminar that was posted on their schedule. I went to the hotel where the seminar was supposed to be taking place only to find that the hotel staff had no idea of such an event. I called this surgeons office and got his answering service as it was after regular business hours. I left a msg with them as well as emailing his office asking what had happened to the seminar. I received no apology or for that matter no reply whatsoever. I became a bit discouraged. I decided immediately that I wouldn't be doing business with that doctor.

Determined to continue forward with bariatric surgery I researched other practices in my area. That is when I came across Dr. David Buchin and his staff. I saw when they were planning to have an informational seminar and this time called the office to confirm that it was going to happen as planned which it was. The seminar was more than I would have expected. At no point did I feel like I was being "pitched" a weight loss solution. Dr. Buchin and his staff were very informative without ever seeming like they were selling me a bill of goods. He listed the procedures he performed, the reasonable expectations with each procedure, as well as the possible negative scenarios associated with each procedure. I left that day unsure of what I was going to do but felt very well armed with all of the information I needed to make an informed decision.

Shortly thereafter I made an appointment to have a consultation with Dr. Buchin. I was originally thinking of lap band surgery but by the time I came in to see him I had changed my mind to a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. When I met with Dr. Buchin I expressed my opinion and why I felt the way I did and he thought I had made a sound decision for myself. Again, there was no salesmanship involved and I never felt pressured to make a hasty decision. He took his time answering every question I had and I never felt hurried. He was more than happy to make sure I had every detail I needed to go forward with surgery or to decide it wasn't for me and walk away.

I went through his office for my medically supervised diet prior to surgery . His physician's assistant Sophie supervised my diet until I got my insurance approval. I learned quite a bit about nutrition during this time. This information served me well after my surgery.

I got my approval and had my sleeve surgery on 6/27. It was the best decision I've ever made for myself. Dr. Buchin was very attentive during my stay in the hospital stopping by multiple times a day to insure my well being and answering any quesitons I had. He also told me if anything doesn't feel right day or night to have him notified immediately. The immediate post surgical care was terrific.

The support that I have received from both Dr. Buchin's office as well as his online support group and in person monthly support group meetings have been a huge help in getting me through this. I think the pre and post operative support is what brings this practice a notch above any other medical practice that I've personally experienced or heard about through others.

What amazed me about the entire practice was their accessability throughout the whole process. Dr. Buchin and Sophie have an online presence on Facebook. On one occasion I had a totally non-urgent question roughly 2 weeks after my surgery to ask Dr. Buchin. I sent him a Facebook message about 11pm on a Sunday night. I was hopeful that he would have some time the following day where he could get a response back to me. As it turns out I had a reply in about 20 mins later that same night. My wife and I were both astounded by the level of accessibility that we get from this doctor and his staff.

In summary, Dr. Buchin and his staff have a wonderful, professional, and caring practice. I wholeheartedly recommend them to anybody who is considering bariatric surgery. I was so pleased with my care and my results that my own mother is also going to have sleeve surgery performed by Dr. Buchin.

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My original surgeon was Dr. Sandeep Malhotra, who I thought was fantastic, and as soon as I figure out how, I will paste somewhere in my profile what I had written about him in 04. Dr Buchin is the surgeon that took me on as a patient when Dr. Malhotra moved out of the country, Dr. M was a tough act to follow in my eyes, but Dr Buchin has met and exceeded my highest expectations. He is very knowledgeable, has an excellent manner, and he does not have a prejudice against the Band that I have seen from other Bariatric MD's. Dr Buchin works with Sophie Mcleod-Pearson who is a Bariatric PA. Sophie is wonderful in every aspect that would be important to a bariatric patient. As a team, Dr. Buchin and Sophie have developed a wonderful Bariatric Program with very supportive aftercare. I have gone to Dr Buchin and Sophie since March of 08 for band adjustments and aftercare. I was rebanded with a Realize C band by Dr. Buchin on 3/23/09. I lost about 90 lbs from my first band and maintained the loss, but would like to lose another 30 lbs. I feel confident that with my new band and a wonderful bariatric aftercare program, I will get to goal for once in my life. I would recommend Dr. Buchin to anyone who is considering WLS. I have been involved in the WLS community for almost 5 yrs now, and from what I have seen and heard, I truly believe that Dr. Buchin and Sophie are the best team that you can get in this part of NY.
Aug. 21, 2004

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Right now I am pre-op all I can say Is Dr. Buchin and his PA Sophia took the time to answer all my crazy questions, they didn't rush me. Thoroughly went over procedure... Told me if ever I have more questions I can call, email... he will always answer my questions..That alone makes me confident in my decision to use Dr. Buchin for my Revision Gastric Bypass. My first visit first I was weighed, blood pressure taken, went over my history again. Told me I need several things starting with blood work..ugh 12 vials.. I am grateful for that. I now know I have some pretty significant vitamin deficiencies... now I am on tons of them.. I have to see a Cardiologist, Pol monologist,Nutritionist Psychologist...have an upper endoscopy.. ( in witch he found a Hiatial Hernia) The first surgeon I contacted gave me a script and wanted to book surgery...Thank you Dr. Buchin for being the type of Dr who cares for his patients well being.,Looking Forward to surgery in March.

I am now over 6 months post-op. I have exceeded all my expectations. Since my revision, Dr. Buchin has performed Gastric Sleeve on BOTH my parents... if that doesn't sum it up I have no idea what could. I can honestly say Dr. B & Sophia have given me the second chance to LIVE & participate in my life, for that alone I am grateful beyond words.
If you want a caring Dr, one that will educate you, listen to you, support you, and to have the absolute best care... DR. B is that Dr.

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my first impression of dr buchin, he was very informative nice and made me feel comfortable i knew with that first visit i wanted him to be the one to do my sugery. his assistant sophia is a sweetheart she also made me feel at ease. as for his staff the ladys are great very helpful especially carla very on point with what needs to be done, helping me with information i need and sending my appointments and documents i need. i rate dr buchin and his staff a 10+

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Before I even met Dr. Buchin, I had basically decided he was going to be my surgeon. Before I made my appointment, I looked him up on the internet and found a great site with online support, plenty of information and patient pictures. Those pictures inspired me so much the first time I saw them and they continue to inspire me today. When I met with Dr. B, he was informative, patient and very sensitive to my feelings, which is exactly what I needed for my consultation. I left his office with \"my plan\" and felt I had taken a great step. The support that I have been given, from the online bulletins and the monthly support group, has been sensational. When I am at the group meetings and have a chance to chat with him or pester his PA Sophia with a zillion questions, I always feel safe and secure, which is what I need as I continue this journey. Thank you for everything Dr. Buchin, Sophia and the whole staff at your office!

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Dr Buchin and his amazing PA Sophia are not only incredible caregivers but they are incredible people. They went above and beyond for me more than once. They helped me through some very trying times when I was about to give up. I can not say enough wonderful things about them. I felt safe, well cared for, well informed and I knew that my life was in the best hands. The after care is wonderful. I do not feel alone. I know if I have questions or concerns they are a phone call or an email away. I did not feel like a patient or a case I felt like a person. A person that mattered to them. They respected me and my thoughts (no matter how silly they were).rnI would highly recommend this practice.

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I love my surgeon! I was so confident having him operate on me...and he didn't fail me. He is so caring, listens patiently and has a great, extremely patient, knowledgeable staff.

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Dr Buchin is the best. Interviewed 4 surgeons and his program is by far the best. Outcome was perfect. Support is outstanding. I'm down 160 pounds and am no longer diabetic or on blood thinners! Dr Buchin saved my life!


Dr. Buchin is the best! I had my surgery one year ago and most 130 pounds. Dr. Buchin gives you a program to help you along the way. His staff is incredibly helpful. If you are going to have weight loss surgery you should use dr. Buchin.

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