David C. Voellinger

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 117 ratings

David C. Voellinger Bariatric Surgeon MD,FACS, FASMBS

10 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 14

Max Age of Patient is 75

117 Reviews for David C. Voellinger
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I met Dr. Voellinger in October of 2003. I was pleased and impressed with him. He began by discussing my current weight and health and the risks that I was under because of my obesity. Secondly, he informed me that surgery was an option and I was a candidate, but there were other alternatives that he could help me with. He then explained all the risk of bariatric surgery and explained in detail the three types of surgery that he performs, and in his opinion which one would be best for myself. During my appointment we didn't discuss many details about the pre and post op life of the surgery. I later got this information when I met with the psychiatrist and nutrionist who see Dr. Voellingers clients and have detailed instuctions and rules that are all a part of the weight loss surgery process. So far I am feeling confident in my decision to have surgery and my choice of surgeons. Hopefully I won't have any regrets.


I like the full-service approach Dr. Voellinger's practice takes. I had all of my pre-op evaluations (psych, nutrition, exercise) right in their office. They stress support, and run a monthly support group, which I have attended and found to be very helpful. There seems to be good follow-up, including meeting with the nutritionist and trainer after surgery. Dr. Voellinger made me feel comfortable asking any questions I had at my consult, and seems to really know his stuff. I especially appreciate his staff. They have always been very helpful and responsive when I have called, and seem to really care about their patients. I have been very pleased with my choice so far.


I was very pleased with Dr. V. He was very patient with us and explained everything very well. He was not in a hurry and answered all our question. The office staff were all very nice.


Loved Dr. Voellinger. Instantly felt at ease with him. Very personable and took a great deal of time with me. We discussed in detail both the RNY and AGB. He offered suggestions and answered all of my questions (2 pages worth). I am extremely pleased with my choice and look forward to surgery. I feel I'm in good hands.


My first impression about my surgeron was that I had chosen the right one. He has been great from the beginning,he is very personal and is always willing to listen.The staff in his office is awesome. The nurse Julie and I became friends very fast. No matter when I call Dr.V's office everyone is willing to help. I can always depend on calling for the nurse and getting a call back,in a fast fashion.What I like the least is that I have told so many people about him and now everyone is going to him I am having to wait longer for my appointments. This is not a bad thing because usually while we wait we have a little support meeting among ourselves.I tell everyone in Charlotte who is looking into having this surgery Dr. Vollinger is your man.He is a great doctor. The doctor and his staff went in great detail abiut the after care of my surgery.Before I had the surgery he explained everything in lenghth.He talked the pros and the cons of the surgery.Over all I rate Dr. Vollinger on a scale of 1-10 and 10 the highest he is a 10 and above.Both surgical compentence and bedside manners are great.


Well, I am post-op! Dr. Voellinger was everything I expected and more. I think he is a very seasoned surgeon with a fantastic bedside manner. I feel fortunate that he is my surgeon.


Met Dr. Voellinger on 2/19/2004. He was OUTSTANDING!! He bed side manner is GREAT!! He listened to what I had to say and was careful to answer all of my questions in detail!! He did emphasize after care programs details as well as the risks of the surgery.

My first impression was that no one told me how good looking he is!! He is very handsome!! He was kind and attentive.

I would certainly advise others to see him befor making a choice.

His program is very intensive and focuses on the whole person.

On a rating scale of 1-10 I would give him a 10, so far. I have heard complaints about his office staff being very slow but they have been ok so far.


I attended an information meeting where Dr. Voellinger explained about weight loss surgery. He was very personable and appeared well educated and trained. I was first referred to him by Dr. Hipp and Dr. Woolen. I read about his background and learned that he was well-trained at Mt. Sinai in New York and was an expert in laproscopic surgery.

At my first meeting with him in his office, I was a bit uncomfortable. I think it was because my husband was there with me and because Dr. Voellinger had to tell me all the possible things that could go wrong if I had the surgery. This was not exciting and was rather sobering. I had to go home and think this through.

His nurse Billie has been very helpful.

I have been directed to support groups, nutrition and psych consults, and I believe that the guidance is there for anyone who is serious about getting help.

I have heard from his other patients that he is great. I hope that I will feel that way, too. I am looking forward to our pre-ssurgery meeting so that I can feel more in touch with him as a person (and vice versa) before we meet in the operating room.

Our pre-surgery meeting was awesome. I felt more like a person and less like a number...Dr. V. is really great. He was right there for me in the hospital. I'm so glad I found him.

February 12, 2004

Dearest Dr. Voellinger,

I heard you say on TV today that the surgery gives us our life back. That is such a true statement!!!

I just love you, Dr. Voellinger. You are truly the Valentine of our dreams. My friends and I all love you so much and appreciate what you have done for us.

I recently posted on the bariatric message board that I would put my life in your hands any time. I had to, Dr. Voellinger, because I wasn’t really living before. Now I have the most wonderful friends, I can wear beautiful clothes, and I am truly happy.

I have spent so many years of my life wishing I were dead. Now I want to live! It’s ironic that I have the cancer now, but I’m not going to let that get me. I have so much to live for.

Dr. Eaves is doing a fabulous job of remaking my figure. He is quite an artist, and I can’t wait to show off for you!

I just want you to know how much I love you and appreciate all you have done for me and my friends.

Happy Valentine’s Day, You Sweetheart!


Jennifer Ross Jantsch


Dr. V is wonderful. He takes time to answer any of your questions and seems to really care about your health and recovery. His nurse Pam is out of this world. Always above and beyond the call of duty. Not only is she a great nurse, but she has also been through surgery as well. The physician's assistant David is also great. He is very helpful and kind. This team is AWESOME...because they truly are a team!


Dr. Voellinger is the best! I felt comfortable with him and his staff the first day I met them. He was very knowledgeable and straight forward but was also so very caring about his patients. In the hospital, he was wonderful. My husband and parents really liked him as well. I would highly recommend Dr. V to anyone thinking of having the surgery in my area.

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