David C. Voellinger

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 117 ratings

David C. Voellinger Bariatric Surgeon MD,FACS, FASMBS

10 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 14

Max Age of Patient is 75

117 Reviews for David C. Voellinger
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Dr. David Voellinger performed the RNY on my husband on 11/04. He worked with a large general surgery group and did other surgeries as well. He was primarily interested in and did most of the bariatric surgeries and helped to create the bariatric program for a hospital here. rnIn the same week as my husbands' surgery he did a gallbladder removal on my daughter who had a lapband surgery from Mexico 6 months previously. Both my husband and my daughter, each with many comorbidities previous to surgery, have had no complications and only the best of care and outcome since he has helped them.rnDr. Voellinger, soon afterward, opened up a practice solely for bariatric surgery and it has a center of excellence rating.(Southeast Bariatrics) His only difficulty is that he is very busy, though still a compassionate, caring person. rnIn November 07, due to many comorbidities, I underwent the lapband procedure with him. I had a great result as well and have lost 84 lbs in the past 15 months. Due to a delay of getting my first fill (my travel), it has only been 12 months this week since it took place. I trust this man with the life of my entire family and would recommend him to anyone in my area of Charlotte, NC.rnHe does ask that patients commit to seeing him for continual medical and obesity help and support for life after you have the surgery. He has a very large support system available through the many employees that assist all of us in this partnership.


He cared about his patients like me. I was impression his kindness toward to me and my husband. My husband had him as surgeron in the past with his hernia repair. His office and his staff are excellent and doing their job very serious. He was concerned of my leg problem that created a problem due to blood clot. He refered me to see heart doctor to implant IVC a week before surgery. It went very well! AFter I had VSG surgery. I was in ICU for few days becuase of low blood pressure. A day before I was going to be discharge, but held back becuase I was allergy to pencillin (I did not even know about it). He refer a doctor to check on my hives breakout, one of my infection leg and high white blood cells. He is nice, but quiet. Both of the doctors agree to discharge me two days later with a help of nurse home care. I have iv hook up at home. I was treated antibodies for a week. My husband had to stay home with me to do the IV hook up. I was blessed to have Dr. V. to do care about me and my health.


I could not be more pleased with a surgeon than I am with Dr. David Voellinger. He is very personable. He takes the time to explain issues, answer questions, address concerns. He has a great sense of humor and cares about his patients. I believe he is truly committed to the personal issues of those who suffer from obesity. rnrnHis staff is equally committed to the field of bariatric surgery and the success of their patients. They are extremely busy given the demand for their services in the southeast. I found that they were very responsive especially via email. The follow-up care provided via support groups, post surgery office visits, etc is top notch in my opinion. rnrnThe one topic to be aware of is that Dr. Voellinger and his staff are extremely busy. They handle a lot of patients on a daily basis so their timeline for you may not be what you have in mind. My advice, be patient, manage your expectations, take control of the things you can control and remember - you didn't get to this weight in a few weeks, it will probably take some time to lose it.rnrnFrom the first information session where Dr. Voellinger and his staff reviewed the risk and reward proposition of bariatric surgery to the day of surgery and the follow-up visits, I would highly recommend this top notch speciality medicine team.


I have only met Dr. Voellinger 2 times so far. I met him at the WLS seminar where he appeared very knowledgable and understanding. He has had experience in more than one type of surgery. He can be humorous, but he is very serious about the actual procedure and lifestlye changes that must be made in order for the surgery to be a success.I met him again at my first consult to begin my journey. He was thorough and to the point. He didn't seem concerned about what got me there, just about informing me about the surgery itself and what he does. Seemed to be very busy and in a hurry. Not too aloof, just didn't seem to have time for too much conversation. He did ask me if I had any questions. I did not since he had answered them all. So that was that. He was gone. I will be seeing him again next week for my pre-op consult with him. My lap-band surgery is in 2 weeks!


I went to one of Dr.Voellinger's Seminars last week and he was very nice. I have Medicade so I have to wait 3 months before I can make an appointment to get in to see him. With Medicade you have to be on a 6 month diet supervised by your PCP so after 3 months of being on the diet, THEN I can make an appointment to see him... Anyways, his staff was very nice and very helpful. A couple of them have had WLS by Dr.Voellinger so I thought that was cool... I really look forward to making an appointment with Dr.Voellinger and starting my WLS adventure... Like I said, I have only saw him one time at his Seminar but I would totally reccomend him.

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4/23-I am just starting...I picked my doctor based on his personality at the seminar and the vibe I got from him. He is real straight forward and personable. My partner felt real comfortable form the get go as well. The staff is knowledgable, helpful, returns emails REAL quick..I love them so far and I will keep you updated all!rnrn10/17- The surgery is done! Dr. V has a wonderful bedside manner. My 2nd day was horrible and Dr. V knew exactly what to do medication wise to flip my pain and nausea right around. He is wonderful...worth every penny I spent to this business. He was wonderful working around me being vegan. I am 4 days out and I do not even feel like I had surgery.

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My first impression of Dr. V was how laid back and easy going he was. I first met him 5 years ago when he was a general surgeon. He did my gallbladder removal. When I was ready for WLS and learned he had moved into that specialty, my mind was instantly made up. My husband and I have both had surgery with Dr.V. He's one of the kindest, caring doctors I've ever met. He has handpicked an amazing office staff, too. They all take time to listen to you, share your concerns, and several of them are also his patients. The only thing I like least about this office is that they're so busy, it can be a little hard to get an appointment. But, if you plan ahead, it makes things much easier on you and them.rnrnDr. V emphasizes aftercare as an essential part of the WLS journey. His structured program follows you very closely your first year, and then somewhat closely for years 2-5. He has a great support group run by his psychologist. She's awesome! He also provides nutrition and exercise support with an exercise physiologist and nutritionist on staff full time. The follow up is great, he even has you sign a \"promise\" that you'll allow him to follow up with you a minimum of 5 years. He's with you for the long haul. rnrnDr. V is also very good at expressing the risks of surgery. He explains the downsides (and we all know there are a couple) in plain, easy to understand conversation. He would never talk down to you. He is very forthcoming in letting you know what to expect after surgery as well, including how hard it can be to \"abandon\" food as the comfort it may have been to you. (This was a big issue for me.) For both me and my husband, he explained that yes, there is risk with any surgery and he reviewed those with us candidly. He also told us the benefits would outweigh the risks in our situations. Especially for my husband. He was consistent with both of us, and also consistent with my experience with him previously. rnrnOverall, I would have to rate Dr.V with 5 stars. The only thing I know of to improve is the wait time in office and for appointments. However, when you're one of the most popular surgeons in town and with the growing movement to WLS, the longer waits are to be expected. I'd much rather wait on him a little than go to someone else I've heard about.rnrnAs far as surgical competence and bedside manner, Dr. V has both. He was one of the first doctors in the country to do laproscopic by-pass. He is also skilled in performing the other types of WLS, offering gastric sleeve, duodenal switch, and lap-banding. He always allows his patients the ability to help choose their WLS option. He is head of the Board of Bariatric Services at what is to be considered (generally) the best hospital in town, and operates at both of the largest hospitals in the region. Dr. V is also involved in community events and awareness, sponsoring the Walk From Obesity in Charlotte, NC as well as other involvements. rnrnIn my opinion, Dr. V is one of the best. The only negative thing I can refer to is the busyness of his office. That's a small price to pay, however, when considering WLS. If you live in Charlotte, or the surrounding area, Dr. V is well worth the trip. Questions? Google his name and check his website, or just call the office and talk to one of the girls. They'll get you started on the path to a beautiful new life!

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From the inital informational seminar to meeting with my mom and bf before and after sugery Dr. V was very kind and informative. rnSEB has an extremely structured aftercare program. Client Rep. and onsite nurse super nice and responsive. Almost all of the emp. in office has had surgery performed by Dr. V.... That means alot. Office is in great location for me; 5 min. from office and 15 min. from house. He has a great relationship with CMC - Mercy and everyone raved about him. He was open to all my questions and concerns. Very detailed and has a sincere personality. rnOver all staff is good but timeliness is much need with some customer service refreshers.rnThis is just my review and highly respect SEB and Dr. V. and feel that I made a great choice.

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i like him and the office


I first met Dr V at his seminar. He was very warm, funny and very well spoken about the surgery and it's good points and also some of the side effects. He gave out packets of the care before and after. I feel very confident of him and he promised me the \"coke\" band. Its a inside joke. I liked his warmness and his sense of humor. I realize this is a lifetime committment and by the time my journey is started to the end we will be like a family. I dont have anything bad to say, Just waiting to get my tests completed so I can have my surgery. rnRenea \"joanna}

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