David Drinkwater

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 19 ratings

David Drinkwater Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

19 Reviews for David Drinkwater
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Dr. Drinkwater is the best Medical Doctor I have ever had. He is thorough, intelligent, has an excellent support staff, and maintains a thoughtful well executed Obesity program.

Over time I have grown to appreciate Dr. Drinkwater even more. 6 months after WLS I was having cancer surgery. I was spoiled by the support I received from WLS. The cancer surgery experience really was sub-par with not so much post op support or education.

Listen to Dr. DW and go to the support group meetings! Don't worry about the time that you wait for a surgery date...it's taken a lifetime to gain the weight and it will come off before you know it. The time is needed to prepare physically and mentally for the surgery.

Aftercare is extremely important and Susan (the nutritionist) will be by your side all the way. She is wonderful and quite an asset to the program.

I would rate Dr. DW, Susan, and Jen a 20 on a scale of 1-10.


I wasnt to sure about Dr Drinkwater when I first met him .Over time when he saw that I truely wanted this and would go to any lengths to get to the operating room.I had respect for him and his job.I cant say enough about the office staff.I have never met so many angels in one spot.He is very black and white.I didnt like that however it made me work harder to prove to him that I wasnt going anywhere.well,He is not only a aplus surgeon,He will praise your weight loss and other accomlisments that you have while in his program.You need to be 110% to enter this program this is not the quick fix surgery.It really goes deeper than that.Dr Drinkwater and his staff are there to help you in anyway they can.Only if you are willing to help yourself first.You Pre ops have a great cheerleading team if you do your work.Aftercare is really up to you.The hospital offers a buddy to walk you around I believe on day 2.Take that walk get up wash up and get ready for your new life.Remember the joy is in the jouney.THe work that you did pre op doesnt stop post op you still have appt.and the nutrisioist.Weigh ins ect...Dr Drinkwater doesnt hold anything back all the details about the risks you will know about go in with an open mind and your eyes wide open.Well I would have to say that Dr Drinkwater is the BOMB!!!!!He was given to all of us to save our lives.I would have to say both but his bedside manner after my surgery was awesome.He made a joke and my husband and I both laughted and when he left the room.We both looked at each other and our jaws hit the floor.That was the first joke that we have heard from him.Anyway he is awesome and I am very grateful to him......


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I went to the Orientation at SNHMC in May, 2005. Dr. David Drinkwater gave a PowerPoint presentation. His Program Coordinator, Jen, was there, too. There were about 20 people there who wanted to learn more about weight loss surgery. I was VERY impressed with the program.
He was very confident, but never arrogant. He was personable, yet factual. He was empathetic, yet firm. I am convinced, more than ever. Not only do I want to have this surgery, but there is no doubt in my mind, that I want Dr. Drinkwater to be my surgeon. I have my initial consultation scheduled with him on May 18, 2005. It’s my opportunity to ask questions, and I’ve got quite the list. After the initial consultation, the next appt. will be with their Nutritionist. I am very impressed with the fact that each person on this team knows the “ins and outs” of the program, and they meet with each other several times each month to talk about their patients, discuss their progress and strategize. They make sure they're all in sync with each other.

I have the utmost of confidence in each member of this team, including Dr. David Drinkwater.

Two weeks prior to my surgery date, I had the opportunity to meet with a nurse who will explain what I will need to bring with me to the hospital, and what to expect while I am there. I also had the opportunity to meet one of the anesthesiologists.
In most programs, you're lucky if you get to meet your anesthesiologist the morning of your surgery, if at all.
This is the best program. Nothing is ever left to chance.

David A. Drinkwater, MD
Bariatric Surgery
The Obesity Center at Southern NH Medical Center
Nashua, NH
Joined SNHMC Staff: 1999
Board Certified: General Surgery
Member of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery
Degree School: New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
Residency: Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA
Fellowship: Advanced Laparoscopic Bypass Surgery,
New England Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Kimberly Ribbans
WLS 09.20.05


My first impression of Dr Drinkwater was that he seemed VERY dedicated (he was late to my 1st informational meeting due to an emergency apendectomy!) confident, yet not cocky and able to communicate in laymans terms to the people who were there. My impression of him was just re-affirmed when I had my 2nd meeting with him. His staff is excellent, there are a team of people who work together & meet weekly including nutritionist, program coordinator, support group coordinator, psych and the dr himself. One of the best things are that they INSIST & make you sign a contract re: aftercare. The aftercare requirements are given to us upfront 1st thing and drilled into us. Dr D. described risks initially in the introductory meeting & went into details with my 2nd one on one with him. I would give him an overall rating of 10 out of 10 so far...stay tuned...surgery is in 18 days!


I really liked Dr. Drinkwater, he made sure I understood everything. Also, I went to the orientation night and my first appointment with him alone, I left my husband watching the kids and he told me to make sure he comes to the next appointment. Dr. Drinkwater said since it would be my husband he first speaks with after surgery, he wants to make sure all of his questions were answered as well. I thought that was very kind of him.

I can't say enough great thinks about Jen, who is the office manager I think. She gets everything scheduled and is great!

I have only been to one support group meeting so far, but that is great as well. A nice time to get questions answered etc from people who have had the surgery as well as meet people like me, who are in the process.


My first impression of Dr. Drinkwater was he was very nice, but very matter of fact. He also was very detailed in any explanation he gave and I did not feel rushed when talking with him. From the first meeting until now, I only like him better!!! His office staff is great...especially Jen, the program coordinator. She is spectacular!!!! Dr. Drinkwater is very thorough, but I wouldn't say he is very fuzzy and warm...which is okay..some people like that in a doctor..I just wanted a competent surgeon that would not hold any information back and tell me the truth..which is what I got with Dr. Drinkwater!

The entire program is awesome. So much preparation is required so that you will be a success after surgery. Dr. Drinkwater explains every detail of the surgery in entirety, every risk involved, and requires so many medical tests beforehand so that he knows what to expect in going into this surgery. It is very comforting. I would give him an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. His surgical competence is absolutely wonderful and I would go through it all again only if he was my surgeon! :)


My initial introduction to Dr. Drinkwater was via an orientation lecture. He was informative, knowledgable, succinct and rather young. His assistant, Jenn was affable, efficient and helpful. My impression has changed only in that I've now met with the doc on a few occasions and I'm perfectly confident in his skills and abilities within this relevant realm of being my surgeon. I feel informed and comfortable with how the process is moving along.
His program, The Obesity Center @ SNHMC in Nashua NH is comprehensive. It's no quick fix. The doc is very up front about this being a process which requires approximately 6 months of participation prior to the actual surgery. It encompasses all stages of nutritional needs, behavior change, psychiatric evaluation, extensive medical tests, bloodwork, education and offers ongoing support mechanisms. It seems like a long process at certain intervals but you will be prepared and confident by the time you have a surgery date. I am fortunate that I'm in such capable hands.
As for op and post-op, I'll let you know. ;)
UPDATE 1/5/05 I trust this surgeon implicitly. He was perfection and the wound looks great. I could not be more pleased. THANK YOU Dr. Drinkwater!!


Dr. Drinkwater seems quite and competent. He states what he's going to do and makes sure you understand before going on.

His office staff is unbelievably efficient and helpful.


My first interaction with Dr. Drinkwater was at a new patient night...I was very impressed with his presentation. He answered all the questions I had up to then and I didn't have to ask them.
After my first consultation with him a week later, I knew he is the right surgeon for me. He is a very genuine person and you can't help but feel comfortable with him. Jen, his program director, is great too.
I wish everyone were so lucky to have someone like Jen to work with.
They are a great team!!


well first off Dr.Drinkwater has the kindest heart that I have seen in a very LONG time. He'e also interpersonable, patient, and a good listener. He has never given me any reason to doubt his abilities, or techneques. Whenever I had a question Jen would be right there to answer the phone and would get Dr. Drinkwater right away. Jen is also Dr. Drinkwater's right hand gal... if you know what I mean...
If your looking for a surgeon Dr. Drinkwater stays on top of all cases, he is VERY thurough, and he emphasizes all through the care form start to.... when ever the patient leaves the group.
This program is very structured, with a strong team of dietitians, psych, and himself with Jen at his side for all the paperwork and the endless calls that she makes...and everyone on the team has the patient as top # 1 in mind. As for the rate that I would give Dr. Drinkwater 1-10....I would give a 20... And as you can all tell I had a pretty good experience with everything ( except the neaseau ) but that all straitend itself.....

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