David Geller

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 89 ratings

David Geller Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

5 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

89 Reviews for David Geller
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I loved Dr. Geller as soon as I met him and from what I heard he would be easy to talk to and he was. He truly seems to care and went over all of my questions with me and husband. His office staff has been wonderful and always answer my emails pretty quick.


He was very nice and informed me of everything I needed to know. I've research him on the web and have a very good impression of his staff overall. He is very talkative, even when i called about a seminar, he talked to me for a while, he seems to be very caring. He makes you aware that this is a life time commitment and a change of life style after the surgery. I already have my after plan on hand.


Dr. Geller and his staff are wonderful. I never feel rushed and get all of my questions answered. They have been able to guide me through the insurance process and straighten out alot of information that insurance has given me -- I think to be misleading.

I was surprised that his office has no surprise fees like I found at almost every other surgeons office I contacted.

He does emphasis aftercare, risks are addressed. I feel very well informed after going to his seminar and consult.

I think he is the best.



Dr. Geller was recommended to me by a patient of his. I met with him and liked him. Everyone in the office is super sweet. One new employee was rude to me over the phone the first time that I had talked to her. I am chalking it up to her having a bad day because everyone else is really nice. He is going to perform a gastric bypass on me on July 15, 2009. I will update my opinion after surgery. My surgery was rescheduled to July 17, 2009. It went well. Dr. Geller was awesome! I really like him and would recommend him to others.


Dr. Geller performed my RNY on July 1, 2009. As a self-pay patient, I could have chosen to have my surgery with anyone in my area or abroad. I met with three different surgeons and Dr. Geller was BY FAR the most personable and patient. I had a long list of questions for him and he answered every single one. I did have a potential glitch involving the anesthesiologist the day before my surgery, however, that was resolved and my surgery was done on the date originally scheduled. I have no complaints about Dr. Geller's staff. I think they do have a busy practice and sometimes they may sound a bit rushed when a patient calls. There's a lot involved in getting patients ready for surgery, so I understand that they want to get down to business. Dr. Geller is extremely easy to talk to and explains things in a way that those of us without a medical degree can understand. I like that you see him for follow up appointments and not a nurse or PA. I appreciate that he said it's fine to call if I have any problems after hours and he'll respond personally to me if that ever happens. To me, Dr. Geller is the perfect combination of a competent surgeon and a caring physician who takes the time to talk to you. He is a genuiniely caring doctor and I recommend him without hesitation.


I had my first experience with Dr. Geller at my WLS seminar. He was extremely through and well equipped to answer any of my questions. I knew then I wanted him to be my surgeon. My impression of him over time was one of awe. He was compassionate and warm every time I had a visit with him and eager to answer any questions I had. His staff was equally as helpful and assisted me with anything I needed. Dr. Geller was very big on re-enforcing the routines and practices after surgery. He educated me and my family so much that by the time surgery came around, everyone knew what to expect before and after. He equipped me and my family with detailed descriptions of pre and post op diet plans, diagrams of the surgery itself and a detailed vitamin and medication plan for after surgery. Not only did he explain the surgery and what would be going on during the surgery, but he also explained in detail what I had to do to prevent any complications. I would suggest Dr. Geller to ANY person wanting to explore WLS. Even if they just had questions. His surgical competence and bedside manner were top notch and he was even willing to come in on his day off just to make sure I was feeling ok. He has a bedside manner unlike any other Dr I have had before.


I read alot about Dr. Geller before my surgery. He seems to be very well liked. My first impression is that Dr. Geller is a very patient and informative person. I hope he is like this with all his patients.


Dr. Geller did my RNY on December 2, 2002 and I have to say it still works just fine!rnrnAs far as I am aware I was one of the very last patients that Dr. Geller did during his training. In the 6 years since my gastric bypass the quality of the procedure has actually been complemented by other surgeons!According to the doctors I have seen in the intervening years I have exactly the correct structures required to keep my weight normal and my body well nourished. Obviously I need to eat right, take my vitamins and exercise -but Dr. Geller did a fantastic job giving me the tools and information I needed in the very beginning to do that.(see my review on page 1 - Nov. 2002)rnrnThe only thing I can complain about is my scar. I had open RNY and I have the worst scar ever!! It is just horrid! Kind of like painting a rolls royce with house paint! rnrnDr. Geller does great work - simple as that. it stands the test of time as well.


He is a GREAT person, Over time i like him even more He listens well and takes time for me.His Office staff needs a little help One of the Girls is not nice at all But I've learned to work around her and somtimes even make her smile and that makes her a nicer person.rnDr. Geller has a seminar before surgery to explain all the ins and outs of it and the ups and downs as well I was very informed and not worried at all at the time of surgery. I really like him and will continue to see him all of my life...


Dr Geller is an amazing person. He is the most compassionate doctor I have ever met next to the weight loss doctor I saw before I sought out Dr Geller. He spends as much time with his patients as the need to make sure they completely understand what is going on and what they can expect. I was so pleased with him that my dad decided to go to him and have the same surgery. His medical staff is great as well, they treat me like family.

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