Earl Noyan

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.85714285714 out of 5 with 48 ratings

Earl Noyan Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

2.5 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

Val Prokurat Profile Pic
Val Prokurat
Bariatric Surgeon

48 Reviews for Earl Noyan
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Love this man. Was very helpful and supportive. I would recommend him to anyone in the market in the Hamilton, NJ or Freehold, NJ area.


Great surgeon. personable, honest, takes time to explain everything to you, Attentive, great follow up. Has been successful with his outcomes, accessible. Would recommend him, He helped with insurance process very clear on what was needed, office staff is pleasant and also helpful, Appointment times are flexible,


I found Dr. Noyan when I was looking for a gastric bypass surgeon. His name popped up and made an appointment in the Hamilton office sometime in late December 2012. I met with him and he listened to everything I had to say and listen to my concerns not once did he interrupt me while I was talking. The he sat down with me and suggested what he thought was best for me and my body but asked me what I wanted to do. I went with his decision cause it seemed like he understood me and my concerns. I had my surgery on April 8th 2013 at Robert Wood Johnson in Hamilton at 11am. Surgery went wonderful. No complications at all until the next day when I had to drink the burim drink to test for leaks, and I had a leak and threw up all day for the next 2 days. After the vomiting stopped Dr. Noyan came to check on me to make sure I was doing fine and to see if I was ready to handle the liquid diet. So we tried it and it worked well. Stayed down. I was released a week after the surgery since I had he vomiting complication. Well mannered doctor. Very educated on what to do what a problem arises. Very caring and talkative doctor who makes you feel wonderful! I recommend him to everyone who needs surgery.


Dr. Noyan was my original surgeon for the gastric by-pass. He seemed very nice and helpful at first. However I began to have complications from the very beginning. Some side affects that we're very out of the ordinary. However, Dr. Noyan insisted that everything was going well with the surgery and it must be something else going on with me to be causing all my problems. Come to find out that there was a problem with the surgery that he overlooked. My stomach pouch that is made during the by-pass surgery had collapsed on itself and was full of scar tissue causing malabsorption problems which led to other drastic problems from the mis-diagnosed stomach pouch. My advise to anyone who has had surgery or is thinking of surgery with Dr. Noyan to beware and to be careful. If you are having problems it is your right to question it and seek out second opinions. He seemed to downplay my symptoms and at one point even suggested that I had developed anorexia and pica. Unfortunately due to this mis-diagnosis I have had to get a gastrectomy and had other complications which landed me on a respirator and an induced coma for 7 1/2 weeks and 3 more surgeries down the line to say I am a walking miracle. I will never be the same but if this could help one person then I did my job. After about a year of the suffering I found Dr. Steven Raper out in the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Gastro Surgeon/Bariatric Surgeon. He is sooo good. I have so many complications from the original by-pass that he had to preform a gastrectomy instead of reversing it. He is the most caring doctor. He actually listens to you and takes what you say into consideration. He explains everything and answers your questions no matter how stupid I think they are. Even when I was in ICU for 8 weeks if there were people in the room and they had questions he would take the time answer them. If anyone needs a good surgeon and live by the Philadelphia area please consult with him. You will love him. I travel 2 hours to see him. That's how good he is!!!


Dr. Noyan is amazing. His bedside approach surpasses a family member. I had surgery about 4 years ago and lost 135lbs. I went from a size 20 to a size 4 and I have not gain the weight back. The morning after my surgery I was up taking a shower, walking the hospital hallways, and requesting to go home. I had no pain. Dr. Noyan checked in on me at least 2x a day and answered all my questions and my concerns. I have since recommended him to 16 other people in which 10 have had the surgery with Noyan. The other 6 chickened out. Thanks Doc for making feel sexy again at 49.

1 person found this helpful



First of all this surgeon is NOT associated with a bariatic clinic. Which means you will be placed on a hospital floor with people that just had basic gall bladders surgery post recovery. Those nurses do not know what to do with you. I had an ICU nurse look at my mom in HORROR never had a gastric bypass patient before, in the ICU!! Please go to a surgeon that is affiliated with a hospital that performs these types of surgeries on a routine basis! The types of complications you have will be way different than other patients and the nurses should be familiar with them.

Second, Dr Noyan punctured my mom's bowel during her lap gastric bypass surgery. She was sealed up and sent home the next day. She came back to the hospital a few days later and NO ONE CAUGHT THIS. They sent her back home where she continued to get weaker and sicker. Dr Noyan told us to just keep giving her protein! Finally she could barely walk because 80 lbs of fluid had built in her legs and she was desperately sick. Even though Dr Noyan's office is 2 miles from her home he flat out refused to come see her. He made our family struggle to get my 400 lb mother down the stairs, in the car and into the office. Nothing was still done. Finally I called an ambulance and brought her back to the hospital. FINALLY someone caught that there was air in belly, septic and bowel had been punctured. Dr Noyan was in Jamaica!! Some random surgeon in the ER had to perform emergency surgery. In the end I do not know how my mother made it through it alive. It took her almost 6 months to recover all of these complications due to poor medical care.

Please go to someone else, this surgery is so difficult. Most bariatic hospitals will provide a plan before and after surgery. Dr Noyan requires the bare min to have surgery and provides next to no aftercare on how to live your new life!


1 previous review. « hide


First of all this surgeon is NOT associated with a bariatic clinic. Which means you will be placed on a hospital floor with people that just had basic gall bladders surgery post recovery. Those nurses do not know what to do with you. I had an ICU nurse look at my mom in HORROR never had a gastric bypass patient before, in the ICU!! Please go to a surgeon that is affiliated with a hospital that performs these types of surgeries on a routine basis! The types of complications you have will be way different than other patients and the nurses should be familiar with them.

Second, Dr Noyan punctured my mom's bowel during her lap gastric bypass surgery. She was sealed up and sent home the next day. She came back to the hospital a few days later and NO ONE CAUGHT THIS. They sent her back home where she continued to get weaker and sicker. Dr Noyan told us to just keep giving her protein! Finally she could barely walk because 80 lbs of fluid had built in her legs and she was desperately sick. Even though Dr Noyan's office is 2 miles from her home he flat out refused to come see her. He made our family struggle to get my 400 lb mother down the stairs, in the car and into the office. Nothing was still done. Finally I called an ambulance and brought her back to the hospital. FINALLY someone caught that there was air in belly, septic and bowel had been punctured. Dr Noyan was in Jamaica!! Some random surgeon in the ER had to perform emergency surgery. In the end I do not know how my mother made it through it alive. It took her almost 6 months to recover all of these complications due to poor medical care.

Please go to someone else, this surgery is so difficult. Most bariatic hospitals will provide a plan before and after surgery. Dr Noyan requires the bare min to have surgery and provides next to no aftercare on how to live your new life!


Awesome pure and simple. Very nice trust him my surgery went very well.

1 person found this helpful


Excellent provider! Also, could not be more satisfied with Sabina (the nutrionalist/dietician) and the friendly, helpful office staff.

2 people found this helpful


My first impression is one of complete compitance, experience and fantastic doctor to patient manner. Appropriate at all times and is very caring and open to any and all questions!! His office staff is amazing. Nicolette is always pleasant and helpful! To me surgical competence is number one! I dont care about being coddled, I want competence!


Let me first say how much I really like Dr Noyan, Dr. Prokurat and their office staff.

Sabina his nutritionist is always available and I love being able to email her and getting an answer back quickly.

Dr Noyan and Prokurat are very nice and work hand in hand. During my surgery my husband had to go tan appt at the University of Penn while a friend stayed with me until he came back. Dr Noyan called him 2 times to let him know how I made out right after the surgery and then again when he was back at the hospital.

I love going to their monthly group meetings and love the camaraderie of all the patients.

I had my surgery 8/30/10 and so far (knock on wood) I've had no problems and continue to lose weight. I went for my 1 month visit and since I lost 19 lbs. they said there was no need for a fill so I will now see them in 6 weeks.

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