Harold Kent

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 29 ratings

Harold Kent Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

21 yr Experience

5 yr in Bariatrics

17 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Suzanne Morgan Profile Pic
Suzanne Morgan
Barbara Jacobs Profile Pic
Barbara Jacobs
Practice Manager
Tammy Gault Profile Pic
Tammy Gault
Administrative Assistant, Certified CoolSculpting

29 Reviews for Harold Kent
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dr. kent was very nice and cared what you had to say and answered all of ques.the office staff was very helpful and kind...
the dr follows up and looks afer you with much care ..the dr has a good after care program.the dr stated all the risks withgreat care ...i will have surgery on


My first impression of Dr. Kent was not favorable. I originally thought that since he had not been the head surgeon on many of the laparoscopic surgeries that Golden Isles had proformed, that he was not as good. I do NOT believe that to be the fact now. Dr. Kent is a very intelligent and very experienced doctor. After discussing my questions and listening to his statistics, I now believe Dr. Kent to be just as good as any other bariatric surgeon.

The staff at Golden Isles Center for Obesity Surgery is awesome...no other word. All the girls make an extra concerted effort to make sure that you are comfortable and to let you know what is going on. They also give great directions on what procedures are to follow so you are left with little to know questions. Cheryl is my hero, by the way.

I want future patients of Dr Kents to expect a man who is straight to the point and not afraid of giving you the facts. Any question you have will be answered. Though he is dry and monotone, he makes up for it with sincerity and honesty.

Aftercare is also very important to both surgeons. They stress that you follow the diet and attend support groups. Falure to comply could be bad for you health and nutrition. I was given a guidline to start with for aftercare and will be provided a nutritionist after surgery to help me figure the diet out.

The risks of surgery were addressed immediately. What could happen is not hidden, but if we lived on what could happen, we'd all die of worry. The statitstics of death from surgery at this institution are less that one percent. Nothing to worry about...I think it all has to do with how seriously ill you are before the surger is done.

Overall, I would rate Dr. Kent a 8 out of 10, for personality reasons...social skills leave something to be desired, but that's not what I look for in a surgeon anyway... I want someone who is knowledgable and caring...I think I have both.


My first impression of Dr. Kent was professionalism at the best. He seem genuinely concerned and took time to answer all questions I had.
His office staff should all have halos. They are truly angels.
There was nothing about Dr. Kent not to like.
He emphasized aftercare very much. And stated he was always available should a problem arise. His aftercare program is very structured. Follow it and you succeed.
Dr. Kent addressed the risks of surgery and I am willing to accept them.
Future patients - listen to him and find out how dedicated he is to helping you.
As for surgical competence - I wouldn't let him do surgery on me if I didn't consider him competent, but I will update this after my surgery. And I am hoping his bedside manner is the same as his "manner" anywhere else. If I had to choose between surgical competence and bedside manner, I would go for the surgical competence. I can deal with a not so great bedside manner. However, I figure if I do as I am instructed by Dr. Kent, he and I will not have a problem.


I have not meet him yet. I am planning on going to a meeting at the office of Dr. Henderson and Dr. Kent. I am doing what Cheryl told me to do to get everything done and then can apply to Insurance Co. Already meet Lauren and Monday will meet with Dr. Feldt, then turn my package in. Hopefully after this, I an meet him and get everything rolling. Then I will check back in here.

I meet Dr. Kent and Cheryl at the Pre Op meeting , and they are both very kind and understanding about every ones questions and feeling. Cheryl works her butt off, this I can tell and I would think the other office staff does too. I am very pleased with what I have found and meet so far.


I met him today for my pre op. He is very nice and soft spoken. He gives the feeling that he cares about you and your health. he answered all of my questions and I feel very comfortable with him and his office staff. I took my kids with me and they had a blast.He is very into the after care and communication and doing well.


Dr.Kent and the staff at Golden Isles Surgical Center have been outstanding. They cover everthing with you about the surgery, aftercare, and do's and dont's. Any questions that you have they are right there to answer.


my first meeting was with dr kent on march 10, 2003. i found him to be a caring and genuinely concerned for me and my health.my surgery was scheduled at that time for march 24th 2003.

dr kent asnwered all my questions (i had about 75!) with out ever batting an eye, his office staff is great---courteous and supportive.

they also have a support group meeting the 3rd weds of each month at southeast georgia regional medical center called REDS and everyone there is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!


My first impression of Dr. Kent is that he is wonderful. He took plenty of time with me answering all my questions and concerns. His staff is very friendly and helpful. I am really appreciative of all their kindness. Very pleased at this point. I will report after my surgery, which is scheduled for 2-12-03.
Well, I still feel the same about Dr. Kent. He has done a wonderful job up to this point. He said my surgery only took 1 hour 10 minutes. That is great.


Dr. Kent was wonderful. Very easy to talk to and understanding. I'm thrilled that I had him do my surgery. And the office staff, was THE BEST! All were willing to help and answer any questions.
All the pros and cons of the surgery were discussed. He was just great, and I have nothing but good things to say about him and his office staff.
I'm on my way, to a new journey.
Good luck to all!!
PS This is my own personal experience and my own impressions.
Mary Jane Skrecz

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