Jorge Acosta

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 23 ratings

Jorge Acosta Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

11 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

23 Reviews for Jorge Acosta
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I met with Dr. Acosta finally on my son's 4th birthday December 4th. I was very impressed with him and really liked him. He seems to be staying around for a while unlike my last surgeon who dumped all of us.


My surgery was done by Dr. Eldo Frezza. He turned out to be pretty bad. My insurance company assigned me to Dr. Acosta for follow-ups, and he is absolutely adorable. Much better care than my original surgeon, and nice looking to boot! ha ha. I feel lucky to have him!


I really like the Dr., It was a very long day with just a lot of waiting not any new information, but I guess we have to do what we have to do to get what we want. Lap Band here I come!


So far so good. :)


I have been very pleased with Dr. Acosta's professionalism and bedside manner.


I met Dr Acosta at the seminar almost a year ago. He seems very personable, and like he cared about his patients, therefore, naturally I went with him as my surgeon because he was the one I met. During my consultation he was including my parents in the conversation and wanted their opinion and was thorough in explaining what he was going to do. His office staff has been good so far, I haven't had any complaints. I've had a few questions since I came home and the ladies have been responsive within a timely manner.


Very quiet, peaceful manner. Not overbearing, but I get the feeling that he could lay down the law to you if he had to. Office staff is wonderful and available to you by a phone call at any time that you need to talk to them. Did I mention that the Doctor is easy on the eye??


My first impression of him from the seminar, was that he was very informative and professional. his nurses were super nice and one actually had the surgery with him and she looked awsome. he was very firm with his aftercare regamine. they explained everything i wanted to know about the gb. all the pros and cons. he was great. i also spoke with him again at my consult appointment. he was awsome and i have nothing but wonderful things to say about him. and i wanted to say again how awsome the staff was. they made me feel very comfortable...well i got my date..everthing went really fast. they got an approval from my insurance in just days. its all very exciting. and i will be having mysurgery on september 17! and i'll keep y aposted.


I did not know him prior to going to their seminar in El Paso. We do not have anyone in the state of NM currently who is able to do the surgery. I was totally impressed with him, he really seems to have a geniue concern for overweight patients. He's very patient, answered all my questions and put my fears at ease. On a scale of 0-10, I would give him a 20:-) Great bed side manner, does not talk down to you and readily answers questions re: their mortality rate, rate of complications, etc. He does a stitch in your abdomen that in my opinion, really lessens the chances of leaks post op. That was what clinched the deal with me as I've lost a friend to a leak when the surgery was offered here in Albuq. That surgeon is no longer in the state of NM, his mortality rate, in my opinion, was high. I would highly reccomend him or his partner, Dr. Lara to anyone.


Dr. Acosta is really amazing. I would recommend him to anyone, and have! He is very thorough, and even though he has many patients, he made me feel like I was his only one. His bedside manners are impressive, and his surgical competency is unmatched (I have almost no scaring!).

I have nothing negative to say about Dr. Acosta, and I look forward to referring him other potential patients.

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