Jorge L. Rincon

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 23 ratings

Jorge L. Rincon Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

1 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

23 Reviews for Jorge L. Rincon
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I found Dr. Rincon to be professional, committed and enthusiatic. This is a guy who loves being a surgeon - you can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice.

He is very committed to ensuring success in his patients. As such, he makes it clear that the surgery will make up only 1% of success and behavioral changes make up 99%.

He expects compliance on the part of his patients - especially pre-surgically. In order to reduce the size of the liver prior to surgery, he requires his patients to go on a five-day, very rigid, restrictive diet - the idea being that fat and sugars stored in the liver will be eliminated to some degree, thus shrinking the size of the liver and making the operation easier for him. From what I understand, this is not required by a lot of other surgeons.

Dr. Rincon is not a touchy-feely kind of guy. In fact, he is, if anything, clinical in his approach. At first, this was very off-putting, but after interacting with him a number of times, I came to believe that it's more important that he's a competent surgeon than a conversationist. And if I looked hard enough, I could see that he really is a lovely, and committed guy who wants nothing more than for his patients to be successful. . .


My first impression of Dr. Rincon was that he was a very serious and careful doctor who wanted make sure that his patients were well educated about WLS.
He also was very strict on what his expectations are for his patients meeting the "Master Goals" and working on the "Practice Diet".
He has a dry sense of humor and I have a tendancy to joke around when I am nervous and he didn't seem to be able to relate to my sense of humor. I know that this is serious business. I don't mind his lack of humor though. I'm more concerned about his professionalism. After all he is the one who is going to operate on me. He seems young but well educated. He answered all my questions clearly. He was polite but obviously more concerned with checking me out for the surgery. I'm glad he is so careful. I feel confident with him. So far, I would recommend him. His staff is well trained, friendly and informative. The aftercare program is totally written out for you so that you understand what to expect. They obviously have done their homework and have all bases covered.


Dr. Rincon is phenomenal! When I first met him, he seemed a little stand-offish. But, as I got to know him, he's a very warm and caring physician. He has a dry sense of humor and a very straightforward bedside manner. Dr. Rincon checked in on me the afternoon of my surgery and the following two mornings. The nurses on the Bariatric Wing at Valley Medical Center said that he called each evening before he went to bed to see how I was doing. He is very thorough in his pre-op education of his patients.

I highly recommend Dr. Jorge Rincon!

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