Kevin Wasco

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 36 ratings

Kevin Wasco Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

5 yr Experience

5 yr in Bariatrics

5 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

40% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

36 Reviews for Kevin Wasco
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My first impression of Dr Wasco was indifferent. It didn't improve over time. I was under the impression that I would be treated by both he and his partner. Clearly, I became "his" patient. He is always in a hurry. He makes it very clear to you that he is in a hurry. Once, during an office visit he excused himself and took a phone which seemed to be relative to a baseball or soccer game. This, after I waited more than 35 minutes to see him. Once he received that phone call he was more rushed than ever. This was during an office visit. At the hospital he stuck his head in the door. He barely entered the room, and again gave the impression he was too busy to give me much more attention than that. I don't like his bedside manner. If he is so busy then they need to hire additional surgeons. They do have a good after care program. There is nothing wrong with the people who are working in the aftercare program, but when a person has surgery they want their surgeon to stop in and assure them things are OK. My family said he barely spoke to them after surgery. I had some reservations when I went to the initial meeting because I had read and heard some not so good things about Dr. Wasco. After the initial presentation I was impressed with his partner. I thought that these not all of these things could be true. I dismissed what I heard as something a disgruntled patient had to say. Now I am not sure. He has not given me time to ask questions (I've barely seen the man). He does not return my phone calls ( no one has since I have asked for him specifically to call). I think given the cost of this surgery, one should be given just a little one on one time. Like I said, if they're that busy maybe they need more surgeons. Maybe the person who just blasted him years ago wasn't just exaggerating. My frustration level is very high right now too. I guess I could also be considered a "disgruntled patient of Dr. Wasco's". I would not recommend him when there are so many others to choose from!


I was very impressed when I first met Dr. Wasco during the seminar. I first met him one on one in May of this year. I was very pleased that he was my surgeon. He is very nice. He made me feel a lot better about the whole surgery. He came and talked to me in the hospital. He even signed the pillow I was given. The whole office staff is very nice.

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Dr. Wasco was the second surgeon in the OR for my vertical sleeve gastrectomy on Tuesday May 31, 2011. I can not say anything bad about Dr. Wasco, Dr. Georgen or his entire staff. The only issue I had during my entire process was the wait time it took the office to send my information to insurance. It took about 3 weeks but there is only one NP that is able to review paperwork and they were also going through a computer upgrade at the time all my information was ready. Dr. Wasco is part of Midwest Bariatrics in Neenah Wisconsin. Its located in Theda Clark Medical Center. Dr. Wasco also works with Dr. Raymond Georgen in the surgery room. That means you have two surgeons operating on you with four eyes instead of just 2. This is a center of excellence and I can see why. Totally worth each and every one of the 5 stars I am giving him and the center. No complaints. I'm only 5 days post op at this point but I feel great. Dr. Georgen and Dr. Wasco and the office require there patients to really learn about the new lifestyle before having the surgery. They require you to meet with there psychologist, there nutritionist, attend at least one support group meeting, and sometimes attend the lifes skills group. This was an 8 week group therapy session where you learn about the lifestyle changes that have to be made for the surgery. I was not required to go however I did and it was totally worth it. Like I said, no complaints and totally would recommend Dr. Georgen, Dr. Wasco and Midwest Bariatric Solutions!

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Dr. Wasco is an extremely friendly man. He has real bedside manners. His passion for the outcome of this surgery and his true care for his patients is outstanding. The office staff is so friendly and knowledgable! If they don't have an answer they will find out for you! Their main goal is your success! They address all the needs of each patient. The whole process at Theda Clark Midwest Bariatric Center is AMAZING!

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My first impressin of Dr Wasco was that he was competent. Little did I know at the time that my initial impression couldn't have been more off. Following my surgery there were many complications at which point he became defensive and ultimately blamed my complications on myself and other physicians. He was shockingly rude, I believe he lacks all integrity and character and truely is a discredit to his profession. If anyone would like to have specific details, please e-mail me. I have all documentation and proof of the foregoing remarks.rnrn6/22/08. It has now been substantiated by a WLS that my problems are the result of \"Surgeon's error in the placement of the band\". I have had many, many surgeries since the removal of my band in August of 2006. I think there is a light at the end on this nightnmare (no thanks to Kevin Wasco who medically abandonned me of September of 2007). The pressure got a little too great for him and he din't know what else to do but hide. Oh yes, I know we should not state only negatives things about our WLS, so i would like to say that Kevin Wasco (you will never, never find me addressing him as a Dr because I can guarantee any of you that he is no Dr), but anyway for the positive - he has a nice variety of magazines to choose from in his waiting room.

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My first impression of Dr Wasco was that he seems to be a very genuine and compassionate soul.. that loves helping others gain a new lease on life. He had a very positive and calming energy. I knew that I was in very good hands. His office Staff is incredibly nice,willing to help with anything... I felt very informed going into my first surgery. Dr Wasco & Staff gave very thorough post op teaching.rnI would not have any surgery unless it was at Theda Clark. rnrn I have nothing but praise regarding my care.

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Dr Wasco was great n very helpfull n his staff.I would send any 1 to dr wasco office

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I finally had surgery on 7/09/2008. It ended up being fairly complicated due to the revision. Both Dr. Wasco and Dr. Georgen came to see me after surgery and told me I taught them something. They ended up taking part of my stomach out. Dr Wasco and I discused the risks at length especially since mine was different than most. rnrnBefore the surgery I was kinda iffy about the dr's, they were always late for appt. and rushed but since the surgery I couldn't ask for better.rnrnIn fact Dr. Wasco made a point of telling me yesterday that I never had to wait til my appt. I could always call if I needed something.rnrnThe staff in and out of the hospial were very nice and informative. rnrnwhat impressed me and my family most is that I had noone at the hospital and Dr. Wasco took the time after the surgery to call my son long distance without being asked or directed to.rn

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My first impression was that he was nice and explained things well. This first time I met him was at the orientation that has many people in attendance. The second time I met him was two weeks before surgery and it was to go over the risks and the benefits. I was a bit disappointed because mt appointment was for 11:15 AM but they didn't call my name untill about 11:45 AM. I think if they are going to be that far behind they could of called me at work and tell me to arrive 20 min later than schedualed so I didn't miss so much time at work. Then when I got in to see Dr Wasco and Betsy they were very rushy....not rude but very rushy....As far as the office staff they have been all friendly except the girl at the front desk, Mary. She had been rude to me and I saw her be rude to two other people. I think that position they should have the most friendliest person they can find. First impressions are important and that is our first impression of the entire office staff. The least that I liked about the second time meeting with Dr Wasco was that he was in such a hurry. But he did make me feel good about my anxiety of pain after the surgery. I liked that very much!! His nurse pract was not rude but she was not what I would call very friendly either. She was all business. This was just my personal impression. They both stressed aftercare and this hospital has a wonderful aftercare program. They did go over the risks involved in this surgery. I am not going to rate Dr Wasco or Betsy until after my stay at the hospital. I think that both surgical competence and bedside manner are important.rn----Okay this is an update. I had my surgery on April 21st and Dr Wasco and Betsy have been wonderful!!!!!!!!!!

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I had surgery on 4/28/08 with Dr. Wasco. All I can say is he was WONDERFUL. I met with him the Friday before my surgery and he was very nice and very informative. I never felt like he was trying to rush me through the appointment. He checked on me twice while at the hospital, but other than sleep apnea I was a low risk case. The hospital staff was wonderful in the care they provided me and Dr. Wasco's nurse Betsey is like your own personal cheerleader. Over all I am very very happy with my surgeon, the staff, and my decision.

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