Michael Felix Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

Where do I begin. Dr. Felix did my bariatric surgery back in 2009 in Sewickley, Pa. February 8, 2018 I was rushed to the er with severe stomach pain. I honest to God do not remember. It turned out that I had to have emergency surgery for Ischemic Colitis. Apparently I went sepsis & died on the table for a few seconds. Blood clots were found, I had to wear a colostomy bag for 6 months. I was in a coma for I believe 3 -4 weeks. While I was in the hospital Dr. Felix Apparently lost his privileges at Sewickley Hospital. I was in the hospital when I heard about it. As his patient I should have been told that he will no longer be my dr. To find out that the surgeon that saved your life looses his privileges makes me wonder if he did something wrong in my surgery. I am still having severe stomach issues. I am just so pissed off that I was not told anything.. Dr. Felix, where are you & what happened?

My first impression of Dr. Felix is that he was a nice, kind, patient, caring man. I first met him in 2007 when i was deciding on gastric bypass surgery. My impression of him never changed, i've always had alot of respect for him and what he does. The receptionist is wonderful and should be given a raise!! She is so nice and caring and focuses on you when your speaking with her. Most of the nurses are nice, had one that was \"short\" with me, but everybody has a bad day here and there. But in all the staff is wonderful. There was really nothing that i didn't like about him. He is straight forward, and tells you how it is, yet is kind and patient and willing to answer any questions you may have. He emphasizes aftercare alot, he's very up on it all. He has a very good, structured aftercare program. He told me the flat out truth and all the risk with the surgery at the initial weight loss seminar and when i was in his office, but he is always very positive in his manner of addressing things. Overall i would rate him number 1. I am now needing another surgery, and i told my friends and family that i would do whatever he recommened cause i trust him that much. (i was hoping to postpone surgery, but i wanted his opinion.) He told me what he thought at the appointment and we decided to take care of the surgery now, I hate surgery, but the one thing i am glad about is that Dr. Felix will be the one performing the surgery on me, i feel totally confident, and comfortable with the fact that he is my surgeon and i trust him fully.rnI recommend that anyone looking to have weight loss surgery or any general procedures meet with Dr. Felix. He's a wonderful doctor.

As an RN I probably am more critical about a physician that the general public. In Dr. Felix's case from my first appt. on I knew God had led me to His choice for me. Due to unusual circumstances and the need for extended care since my surgery in April 2007 I have come to realize how knowledgeable, compassionate and kind Dr. Felix is. I must add that his partner Dr. Wilcox is equally all these things as I had priviledge to be cared for by him as well. As other patients have commented the Staff is superb, starting with the smiling face of the receptionist and all of the support staff. My advice to future patients to either Dr.Felix or Wilcoxrnbe compliant to the before and after care and you will have a great outcome and meet goals you have set for yourselves. These 2 men know what they are talking about- so LISTEN. The risks of surgery are mapped out and explained at the required workshop you need to attend before your lst visit, Take notes and ask questions-it's your time-you must be an informed patient. Hope Bariatrics has an excellent program and it is all provided for you. Bedside manner should not out weigh a surgeon's skill, but in Dr. Felix's case I would say \"Superior\" in both areas. Patricia Patton Uniontown PA

Dr. Felix was great. From moment one he was very caring and actually listened.rnrnThe office staff at Hope Bariatrics are fantastic.rnrnDr. Felix is great. He is heavy on pre surgery needs and aftercare.rnrnHe addressed the risks, which scare me, but there are very few incidents.rnrnApparently I have a large liver and Dr. Felix went out of his way to make sure I wasn't opened up. He was great. I can't thank him enough for that.

I love my surgeon. Always patient, answers my list of question and never makes me feel rushed, and his staff is the same. If you call them, they call you back and make you feel important, not like you are bothering them. When I have called and asked for something to be faxed it has always been done the same day and usually within the hour.

I first attended a seminar conducted by Dr. Felix and his partner desceribing the various options in baraitric surgery and the steps before and after surgery. They answered any and all questions and gave me confidence that I had received a good recommendation when I was directed to their practice. Although the period before surgery was longer than I would have liked (I'm a \"do it now\" person) the surgery went exactly as described. My recovery period was short and with no complicvations. I actually exceeded the progress on the suggested schedule in eating phases and found the pounds peeling off. My beginning weight was 347 and by my one year anneversery I was at 225. I've had little difficulty maintaineing that weight. I eat everything I used to but much less. I couldn't be more satisfied with the results and the physician.