Michael Williams

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.44444444444 out of 5 with 88 ratings

Michael Williams Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

15 yr Experience

14 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

Adjustable Gastric Band


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication

ORBERA Intragastric Balloon



and 3 more...

88 Reviews for Michael Williams
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I thought and prayed long and hard about whether I should have the surgery sooner and have Dr. Williams do it, or wait and have Dr. Champion do it. Then, it just happened that a friend of mine (I didn't know she was working toward having gastric bypass) had a laparoscopic RNY, and Dr. Williams did hers. She was so impressed and pleased with him, that I made up my mind to have my surgery sooner and let Dr. Williams do it. I am SO glad I did. I really can't say enough good things about him. My surgery was scheduled for Jan. 9, 2004. In early December I got a call from my case manager at my insurance company telling me that beginning Jan. 1, 2004, anyone having WLS will be responsible for an additional $5000.00 co-pay. I was very upset and disappointed. I called Dr. Williams' office, and the helpful woman on the phone calmed me down, and said she'd see what she could do. She said she'd speak with Dr. Williams and see if he had any suggestions. She told me that it would be Monday before she'd get back with me because Dr. Williams had already left for the day. (this was on a Friday afternoon). I got off the phone with her thinking I would be really upset the whole weekend, and then proceeded to call a couple of my friends just to vent. About 10 minutes went by, and the woman from Dr. Williams' office called me back and told me that I needed to be there Dec. 18 at 8am for my pre-op, and that I would have surgery on Dec. 19! She'd spoken to Dr. Williams and told him of my situation, and he said he would work me in. Needless to say, I absolutely ADORE him. He actually cared enough to do an extra surgery that day just so I (who he didn't know from Adam - I'd never met him before) wouldn't have to pay this ridiculous insurance company an extra five grand.
Dr. Williams was very thorough in explaining the surgery, and explained the risks, as well as what to expect post op. After care is emphasized by the whole Videoscopic Institute staff, and about 1 hour of my pre op appointment was dedicated to after care teaching.
Dr. Williams has a great bedside manner, and did a good job of reassuring my mother who was very scared and worried. His manner at our first encounter put me very much at ease.
My surgery was very uneventful. I had little pain, and my scars are very small.
My overall rating of Dr. Williams: on a scale of 1-10, he is a 15.


My first impression of Dr. Williams was, "Wow! He's a lot smaller/shorter than I thought he would be." LOL. He was very relaxed and made me feel quite comfortable. Dr. Williams struck me right away as being professional, knowledgeable, caring, and completely up-front.

The office staff at Videoscopic Institute of Atlanta is wonderful. They've always been friendly, personable, and helpful.

I think the thing I least like is that I only met the surgeon once before I had surgery. Of course, I'm sure I could've met with him before I began the whole process if I had decided that's what I wanted.

Aftercare is greatly emphasized through this surgeon. They give an instruction binder with everything you need to know, and you meet with the nurse at your pre-op appointment to ask any questions you might have.

All risks of surgery were addressed thoroughly (from what I can recall).

I would rate Dr. Williams high on surgical competence and bedside manner. Overall, he gets a rating of EXCELLENT from me.


Dr. Williams appears to be a very quiet man.. but he's very sincere and knows what he is doing. He made sure that i was comfortable and aware of the things and feelings to come. I was talking to one of the nurses during one of my walks at 1 am and he had called to check on his patients. I thought that was definitely a sign of dedication and i couldn't have asked for a better surgeon. I would recommend him to anyone. He's definitely a 10!!


Dr Williams is great. He made a wonderful first impression. He's compassionate and caring. He's passionate about helping people help themselves.
The office staf is great. Several of them have had surgery.
I found nothing to dislike about my doctor or his staff.
They have a very structured after care program.
Dr Williams is very careful to stress the risks of ANY surgery.
I couldn't have asked for a better doctor. He is completely competent and has a great bedside manner.


My first impression of Dr. Williams was that I liked him immediately. I had been told by other patients that he was so nice and friendly and that is waht I found. He is so thorough and takes all the time you need for questions. The office staff couldn't have been nicer or more pleasant. I developed a low grade fever while in the hospital and he immediately came back to check on me even though it was a Saturday night. What a great doctor. I have not had any problems and am so glad I had the Lap RYN by Dr. Champion and Dr. Williams office. I recommend these guys to anyone in the Atlanta area who is considering this surgery. Dr. Williams Rocks!


He is so kind and quiet mannered, I instantly took a real liking to him. I've worked in the OR as a Surg. nurse inyears gone by and wasn't real impressed with most surgeons, but he certainly made me feel quite different!! The staff in his office is very supportive. He emphasizes after care and has a structured aftercare program. Actually much better than the hospital did. On a scale of 1 - 10 I would definitely rate him a 10!! I feel like his competence and compassion were both superb and would change a thing about him. The thing that really impressed me was when I met him the first time the day before surgery, he told me he had read my progress notes here on the AMOS site. I thought that showed true caring and empathy for his patient--You would think a surgeon would be too busy to do such a menial thing -- he's cool!! would recommend him (and have already) to anyone. . .


Dr. Williams is very professional and likeable. He is very up front about successes and failures and has a manner that put my wife and I at ease. Since my wife had alreay had the surgery he waived some of the counseling sessions and we were also able to get through office visits quicker since we both knew what to expect. He is very good about explaining things in layman's terms.

He did address the risks of the surgery and was very forthcoming about any problems he had personally had during surgeries with none of the "I am the greatest" complex some doctors seem to have.

He works with Ken Champion and the two of them are usually available to back each other up if there is a problem which provided myself, and my wife, with an extra measure of security. He seems to be a very competent surgeon and handled a slight complication in my surgery (had to be done retro-colic) with no apparent trouble. His bedside manner is very good and he took time to answer questions and let me know what to expect during my hospital stay. He seems to be a very cautious surgeon who would rather take extra steps (gastro-grph and swallow test and drains) than risk problems with patients.

He has my family's confidence and my wife and I are both happy with our surgeries. I would rate him a 9.


Dr. WIlliams and his staff are all wonderful people! I ahve had many questions both pre and post op and they have never failed to let me down! Dr. Williams himself called be 2 days after I was released from the hospital to check on me. That really showed me he truly cared! The have a program where you can go and excersize with other surgery patients and at no cost. My only concerns with Dr. Williams was that he had not been practicing as long as Dr. Champion, but after speaking to him personally, all inhibitions were gone.


Dr. Williams is excellent at performing the Lap Gastric Bybass procedure. This has been an extremly good experience for me and I believe this is mainly due to the expertise of my surgeon. He was very patient with me and I never felt that I was wasting his time by asking lots of questions. All of my questions were answered and then he asked if I had more questions. He throughly explained the procudure, what I could expect and any associated risks.

The office staff was great! No loop holes there. When my insurance was approved, the next person called me to discuss finances. Once that was done, I received my next call from the person who schedules the surgery. A few days later, I received my pre-op package in the mail. You are never just sitting around wondering what will happen next or if they forgot about you. They have the whole process down to a 'science'.

They also have a good support program with an open support group and a post op support group.

All through the process I knew that I'd chosen the best surgeon and staff available. I recommend Dr. Williams for anyone who is looking for a surgeon. You will not be dissappointed.


Dr. Williams is a soft spoken and kind man. I was very nervous when I when for my first visit. He made me feel like I was talking to my uncle. So nice. The staff is WONDERFUL... I love them.

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