Michelle Toder

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.2 out of 5 with 45 ratings

Michelle Toder Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

20 yr Experience

20 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

45 Reviews for Michelle Toder
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Nothing but praise and thankful to Dr. Toder and the EMMC team! I wanted an expert in the field with a proven track record of excellence and that is what I received. The program's expectations are well defined, you follow them and you will achieve success! Dr. Toder is a straight shooter, and will be nothing short of honest with you. Perhaps some of the negative posts are because some people just can't bear to hear or acknowledge the truth when it is presented to them. I prefer to go into surgery armed with all the information, the pros/cons and fully prepared to do what ever it takes to be a success story.
Dr. Toder provided me with this and the team answered every question I had, responded to every telephone call and email and I know that now the success is up to me! I will always be thankful to Dr. Toder for the fresh start in life she provided to me.


"Obesity Help staff has the sole discretion to remove posts without warning or explanation", That would explain why its smelling like roses for toder. I feel that if this removed, you are doing an injustice, by not informing other's of intolerable, and unacceptable misconducted behavior about Toder.

I'm a post op 6 yrs ago, and was seen by Dr. Toder the beginning of 2013 for pain. This was my first time meeting with her. It was noted in my referral why I was there and that it was due to complications from a bad gastric bypass procedure. My objective was there to find the cause of my severe pain and investigate why, and if it was a plausibility from complications like the report said.

I was immediately yelled at by Toder saying, "YOU DID NOT HAVE A BAD GASTRIC BYPASS!" The thing is, I never stated that fact, this was noted in a GI Dr. report after testing.

She disregarded the reason I was there which was server pain, and focused on denial of any possible of a bad procedure. I was verbally attacked. In Toder's preconceived notion yelled, "IF YOU THINK YOU CAN WALTZ IN HERE BECAUSE YOU ATE YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR GASTRIC BYPASS AND THINK YOUR GETTING A NEW ONE, YOUR SADLY MISTAKING"!

She informed me that she is disregarding those test and report because the GI Dr is incompetent and that she would not be taking any suggestions from her.

and threw it back at me by saying, "SO, WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

She tried to belittle and give me a hard time by interrogating me of not having a job to the words, ""do you, so you don't, so your not working?"

Since when does it make it ok, to give someone a hard time because their not working outside the home, but working full time and devote taking care my 13 year old daughter with a severely disabled make me a second class citizen? Toder had me in tears. Her misconduct and poor insulting behavior was unwarranted, when I was just there for help.

She told me she was going to make a referral for an endoscope which has now 4 months ago. I have yet to heard from Toder, or the referral. I have since moved on with test to concur with the GI Doctor.

You can also add to Toder resume unethical behavior, truthfully challenge and someone who willfully neglects there patient if it serves her to do so to to cover up any wrong doings. I just received my records this past week and found that Toder made a fictional report to disguised the real reason I was there, and made it to look I was a difficult patient.

I just want to add a learning note that makes this successful for me. Having a child with servere disabilities, I find that I am not able to retain all information. So for years now, I record every doctor visit so I can reflect on anything I don't remember, and my visit with Toder was not any different. You have alot of explaining to do....

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She' s great! Simple

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Everything I read about Dr. Toder when I was looking into having WLS is true. She is an excellent surgeon! Above and beyond, I found her down to earth and easy to talk to. She even called me the Friday evening before I was to have surgery to see how I was doing and if I had any questions or concerns. She is direct and makes sure her patients know the good, the bad, and the ugly about the surgeries. I had my surgery on 8/22/11 and between pre and post-op have lost about 85 lbs. I am thrilled that I had this surgery and that Dr. Toder performed it. I would high recommend her!

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I met Dr. Toder on August 30,2011. She is a great Doctor. I had my surgery on September 26,2011 I just had my 2 week check-up and I had alot of questions for her and she took the time to answer all of them!!!!! I'm losing weight and feeling great. THANKS TO DR. TODER !!!!!!

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I went through hell trying to have weight loss surgery with Dr Toder. I went through the entire program. I did everything asked of me and met all qualifications and requirements. I never had a complaint of the program and was excited to get my surgery date. I asked Lynn Bolduc to be put on a surgery cancellation list in an attempt to get in sooner. She kicked me off the program at the last stage before my surgery because she said I asked her to cancel someone for me. That is a lie. To cover up for her actions she is now saying I quit the program! That is rediculous! I never quit the program. I went through 5 months and was kicked out for absolutely no reason and now they are lying about it cover their own unprofesssional butts. I am being denied surgery for no reason. Shame on Dr Toder and her staff for their arrogant attitudes and mistreatment! These are the FACTS of how badly I was treated. She may be a good Dr but that doesn't change the fact that I was mistreated. Funny how this site warns that you can be sued for libel if you post something negative here. Maybe that's why there's only positive comments. What happened to the truth? What happeend to free speach? Well bring on the law suit, I would love the chance to speak in court!

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Dr. Toder saved my life on March 15, 2010 by performing a RNY By-pass for me. I had one foot in the grave and the other on slippery mud. As of 6/5/10 I have now lost 103 pounds and continuing to melt away. All Diabetes medications are gone and my blood sugars are under complete control.
Dr. Toder is my hero!!

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I was a little scared that she would turn me down. The nutritionist told be the best way to convince her I was a good candidate for Gastric Banding was to loose weight beforehand. I did that very well. She explained the facts to me. I understood it was all in my hands. To be sucessful or not. I had to do the work. I really am impressed by her skill as a surgeon. She is very pleasant but serious as to you knowing the facts. I agree with her methods. The program is one of excellence.

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09/04/2009: My first impression is that she has very little time and is very curt with her responses, precise and to the point. She seems very competent.rnrnUpdate 11/20/2009: I am finally home from the surgery. It went very well. Dr. Toder will not push you home before you are ready, in fact, she kept me longer than I wanted her too, but it was for the best. I am 5 days post op and I am recovering well.rnrnShe and her staff made sure that I had my 2 week and 6 week follow up appts. even before I went in for surgery. I was even encouraged to attend the wls support group meeting at the hospital the day after surgery.rnrnShe was very upfront about all of the risks that come with this surgery and emphasized them frequently to impress them on me. Her after care, and support programs are superb!rnrnShe is technically advanced in her field. Dr. Toder does perform robotic, laproscopic procedures and is one of the leaders in the field.rnrnOverall, I am impressed with her and very glad that I chose her for this surgery. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants the best there is.rnrn

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Dr. Toder is very streight and to the point! I was a little scared of her at first, but she grew on me and i realized she has my best intintions in mind. Her Office staff is great and always helpful. I would highly recomend Michelle Toder if you are looking to have WLS.

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