Milton Owens

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.47058823529 out of 5 with 165 ratings

Milton Owens Bariatric Surgeon

30 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

98% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is by case

Max Age of Patient is by case

165 Reviews for Milton Owens
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Dr. Owens is friendly but direct and to the point. He helps you with your questions and has a good program behind him. The office staff is friendly and they were very quick with me. I got my lap band in December


Dr. Owens is very knowledgeable. He helps me alot every time I come with my weight. I lose alot after every visit. He is a wonderful doctor and very good surgin.


I love Dr. Owens! I think he's a genius. He is extremely concerned and personal with his patients and has a structured aftercare program but expects us to be involved in our own care as well. I would rate him 100%. I think his office staff is pleasant.


After researching all bariatric surgeons and facilities in my area, I selected Dr. Owens and I could not be happier! From the initial evaluation process through the surgery and on-going maintenance, he has been the kindest most professional medical provider I've ever had. I had the lap band surgery almost three years ago and I've lost more than 100 pounds and have kept it off. Dr. Owens provided the tools for me to succeed. Even with the lapband, the process of losing weight was hard work. Dr. Owens made sure my expectations were realistic and his Coastal monthly support groups -- specifically the Torrance group led by the amazing eating disorder specialist Robbin Gregson (for support group information visit: have really helped to keep me on track throughout the process. I've referred many friends to Dr. Owens / Coastal Center for Obesity and I can't wait until his new offices are open in Torrance. Cannot say enough good things about this surgeon!!


Dr. Owens is very kind and committed to my success. His staff is efficient and professional and there isn't anything I didnt like about him or his office. I think that Dr. Owens knows more about lapband than most do and he can be trusted. He follows my progress and makes suggestions that always help. His bedside manner gives you confidence in his surgical competence.


Dr. Owens is awesome. I did a lot of research before I chose him. He is always available and I love the fact that I don't see a nurse; I see my doctor everytime. He is alwys friendly and helpful. At first I thought he was a bit stand offish, but that was my 1st visit and I knew he was an excellent surgeon. You will not find a better doctor and with him, you will be followed by him, not someone else. On every visit he strongly stresses the aftercare that's important for success and he has a program that you stay with. He is amazing and awesome and I don't believe there is a better doctor.


I felt that Dr. Owens made a great 1st impression on me; it started high and got higher as time went by!
His office staff is very helpful too. Future patients will want to know that he is always there for you and that his expertise and knowledge are very strong. He does emphasize the importance of aftercare and is there to help you thru; no other doctor I know gives you his cell phone in case of problems or help. He sends his patients his DVD that goes over the risks of surgery and other information, and he goes over it with you in person too. His bedside manner and surgical competance of great and I'd rate him a 10+ overall!


My first impression of Dr. Owens is that he was a very kind person, understanding and supportive. I've come to have real affection for hiim over time. I find his staff to be friendly and competent too.
Future patients should know that he is very responsive to calls, gives out his cell phone and answers promptly. He strongly emphasizes aftercare and has a structured program. I would definitely rate him as excellent overall!


Dr. Owens is kind and helpful and really cares about his patients. His staff is friendly and helpful too. He addresses the risks and educates his patients thoroughly both in person and online. I think he is an excellent surgeon and has great bedside manner too.


My first impression of Dr. Owens was that he is very knowledgeable and that hasn't changed over time. I think he is a great doctor who is very attentive not just before surgery but after too. He has a great staff and they do have a structured aftercare program. I think his surgical competence and bedside manner are both great and I recommend him to others.

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