Norbert Richardson

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 74 ratings

Norbert Richardson Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

22 yr Experience

20 yr in Bariatrics

22 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

20 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Adjustable Gastric Band


ORBERA Intragastric Balloon



Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

74 Reviews for Norbert Richardson
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I had several friends who had RNY 2 years ago. One of the friends is an LPN who did a lot of research in deciding on her surgeon. So as I was deciding on the surgery, I knew I would want Dr Richardson to do it. I attended 2 New Start seminars before my surgery and made sure that Dr Richardson would be leading both of them. He seemed very knowledgable and experienced, so I made my appointment. When I did go for my office visit, I was a little disappointed in his attitude. It did feel a little bit like I was just another statistic to him, but he wasn't rude or anything. I believe this is just so routine for him and I didn't present with anything unusual, so he didn't see me as anyone special. The New Start program puts a major emphasis on follow-up and education, but as I live 2 hours away, it will be very difficult for me to attend as much as I would like.


Dr. Richardson was very personable and professional. He answered all of my questions and concerns very thoroughly. He was patient and has a very good sense of humor. He did shock me with the 2 week liquid diet though, but he did make a joke that I would "hate him that first week." lol


My husband and I both were very impressed. As my husband states "he seems like an ok guy".
The receptionists were rude and unorganized.
I liked everything about Dr. Richardson, he emphasizes greatly on after care., with a very structured aftercare program.


Investigated several surgeons by going to New Start seminars. Also checked out WLS surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Dr. R answered some difficult questions with the enthusiasm of a person who not only knows what he is doing but also likes what he is doing. He has an easy way about himself and did not get defensive by challenging questions.
Don't be afraid to ask any questions.
I believe he leaves much of the aftercare to be structured through the New Start Program that is currently administered through St. Alexius Hospital. He is straightforward about the risks. So Far, So Good. Will know more later. I met him once before surgery and he checked on me after surgery. My first post-op appointment is next week in his St. Louis Office. RE: competence vs. bedside manner...You have to have both. Personally, I wouldn't let a jerk do surgery on me no matter how proficient they were.
11/2005: I'd do this again in a heartbeat! Have now lost 170lbs - very few problems. Dr. R removed my gallbladder this past July - again a good experience. The shared office staff & New Start have been very helpful in scheduing appts for me w/ Dr.
R. for problems that have come up (gall bladder/stricture) between quarterly sched visits.


If i get approved for surgery, my doctor will be Dr. Norbert Richardson of St. Louis. He is an excellent doctor and had recently decided to also specialize in Lap Band, even though hes been partnered doing Lap Band surgery for years. Hes a very informative man that tell the entire truth (pro's and con's) about each WLS. I have faith and trust in him because of this.


I have no problems with Dr. Richardson, he called me back afterhours right away and found out what I needed to know and Patty is the best thing that has happened to me since this whole thing began. How ever not impressed with New Start. I don't think that my experience is typical though....I had to have surgery at a different hospital due to St. Alexius lost their contract with my insurance. But now no one wants to help with my follow up dietary care. I guess it is because of the confusing insurance situation. But Patty is taking great care of me now. Dr. Richardson was very straight forward about the procedure and you know ahead of time what to expect. Overall, he and his office has been the best part of it all.


Dr. Richardson was very straight forward in the information meeting I attended. I liked his ability to take the time for each person and fully understand their question, his answers made sense even to us lay folk.
I appreciated he had so much sucess and experience with doing a lap proceedure
His office staff have been and still are wonderful.
I recently experienced a GI bleed not related to my WLS, Dr. Richardson took care of me and even personally followed up calling my home to check on how I was doing. Every person he has referred me to has been excellent.
I have no complaints what so ever, just praise.


Dr. Richardson is a very sincere Dr who is excellent at what he does. He answers all questions, and thinks thru his answers, not just giving "blanket" one size fits all responses.
The office staff in his personal office are friendly, I have only spoken to them over the phone. The Newstart staff is hurried but cordial. The staff in the time-share office where he does his follow-up is a little stand-off-ish. You feel sorta like a chart number. They also have some sort of scheduling problem too, because the wait is maddening. Someone there needs to do the math, you can't see 30 patients in 1 hour, so why have everyone sit there griping to each other miserably?
Dr. Richarson very much emphasizes after-care, and I like seeing the dietician and bariatric nurse along with him each visit.
Surgical competence far outweighs someones personality or bedside manner. I am a nurse, and can say this without a shadow of a doubt, but my Dr has them both!
I researched many Dr's and could not find one with any more skill and confidence than Dr. Richardson.


I met Dr. Richardson at the pre-op seminar that i attended. I liked his enthusiasm and the way he put a positive spin on the surgery. At my pre-op appointment, I was 'seen' along with 3 other people. He never put a hand on me or asked me any questions -- just gave his well-rehearsed speech. I didn't see him on the day of the surgery or during my hospital stay. Due to a conflict, I didn't come in for my first check-up during his clinical day so I didn't see him then either. On my next post-op check up, I saw Dr. Richardson but I was part of the huge 'group' appointment again. I was told that this type of scheduling is for HIS CONVENIENCE . . . well, what about MY convenience? That isn't important. So, I finally get my moment with the doctor and he didn't even look at me. He read my chart, handed me a preprinted fact sheet and told me to schedule another follow-up. I never did. I saw no need to be treated this way. No one has ever called to see why I didn't return so I guess I was never really that important to them.

As far as the operation, I think I have had one of the best post-op courses of anyone I have talked to in OH. No dumping, no diarrhea [actually, I am constipated!] and I can eat anything. The weight loss has been dramatic [145 lbs!] and I am well under the goal weight suggested on the BMI calculator. At 5' 7" - I weigh 138 lbs!

The biggest disappointment has been the hair loss. I finally broke down and bought a wig which has made me feel more confident. When my hair grows back, I will be a very happy AND SKINNY camper!


Dr. Richardson is very personable. I liked him at the first meeting. His office staff is a shared staff, but is very nice, although overworked! He is planning on moving to another state in May, but there are other surgeons in the group who will be doing follow up care. He does have an after care program. I saw him one week post-op, then will return at 4 weeks post-op, then again at 3 months , and one year. The risks of surgery were explained several times during different fourums. Overall I would rate him an excellant surgeon. His surgical competence would be his best point.

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