Patrick White

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 with 43 ratings

Patrick White Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

Over 30 yr Experience

14 yr in Bariatrics

25 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 67

43 Reviews for Patrick White
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I think Dr White is really cool, he really does care about his patients first and foremost. The nurses were shocked that he shared a personal story with me! (thats because Im so special )!! I would rate him an A!


I was pleased with Dr White. I felt comfortable talking to him. He seems like a man of few words but what he says is important. He is a great surgeon. I am 4 days post-op and I feel like a million dollars. I asked him the day after surgery if he actually did the surgery because I felt so good. I've had a different experience with his staff because his bariatric nurse was on a medical leave so it is hard to evaluate this portion. He has a support group once a month for post-op patients. He does follow-up with you frequently after the surgery. He was upfront about all the risks. In my opinion, Dr White is a top notch surgeon. He is honest and caring. I would not hesitate for him to operate on me again if the need ever arises.

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i will update this as time goes along since i'm just now starting to work with dr. white. but so far, he's been the most realistic surgeon i've dealt with and the most down-to-earth. he has a very calm, seemingly unflappable demeanor with a very dry sense of humor...that cracks me up! both the calm demeanor and the sense of humor are important to me. his staff, so far, have been EXCELLENT and incredibly helpful and friendly. in addition, he comes highly recommended by some people i know and whose input i would consider trustworthy.


I knew this would be the man to help me.rnHe was so soft spoken, and reassuring...and he has a very warm smile.rnI love the staff..Kathy is great, she will be your lifeline...rnI was so comfortable with the descision to have surgery, he was so thorough, and the seminar had already answered what my research hadn't.rnThats the most important thing you can do for yourself...RESEARCH!!rnThe support group he offers is a godsend..I am thankful...for alll of it, I would do it all over again.rnHis 30 yrs experience, along with his bedside manner was the Icing on the cake, he has a sense of humor, just make sure you do to.......rnThank you Dr.White, with all my heart, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


My first impression of Dr. White was definitely that he was very quiet. He is not one, in my experience, to make this journey his idea. I felt that it had to be my idea and my desire completely. He in no way pressured me into surgery and he allowed me to ask a zillion and one questions, even personal questions about his plans to retire and what I would do if he were no longer able to follow me. He is a great listener.rnrnI see Dr. White's nurse, Cathy, more often than I see Dr. White himself. Cathy has to be one of the most caring nurses I have ever met. She is completely down to earth and easy to talk to. I have established a comfortable relationship with her in that I can call and ask questions at any time and not feel like I am putting her out or wasting her time. She is a great nurse and is very knowledgeable about bariatric surgery. I am very thankful for her!rnrnI cannot think of anything that I least like about my physician. At least not at this point. He came to the hospital after surgery and I was surprised at how little time he spent with me, but other than that I cannot think of anything!


My first impression was that he was quiet, mild-mannered, and sweet. I have learned that he is kind, extremely knowledgable, caring, respected, and a talented surgeon. I went through the surgery process with my sister-in-law and she had a wonderful experience with Dr. White and has had spectacular success! He has a great support team and a structured aftercare program to promote success. I would say that his surgical competence outweighs his bedside manner, but I would rather have a talented surgeon rather than a friendly caregiver. On a scale of 1 to 10 Dr. White is a 9 (there is always room for improvement).


When I first met Dr. White, he impressed me very much with his kindness and wonderful bedside manner. He is very soft spoken, but seems to truly care for his patients and he has a great office staff!


Dr. White removed my gallbladder after the birth of my son. My recovery was quick with no complications. I'm fortunate that he will be my WL surgeon. I trust him and know is an exceptional surgeon.


If I were to rate Dr. White on a scale from 1-10, I'd rate him a 20. He is professional, kind, curteous, considerate, and his skills are sharp. His best interests are the interest of his patients and it shows. rnI remember meeting him face to face for the first time, talking to him about this journey and my feelings, and i can tell that he really was listening. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it and said that he and his staff would do every thing they can to help me. I really felt at ease. rnrnAt every step of my pre-op process, I aways met someone that testified to how great of a surgeon he is, and how great the results are from his program. Complete strangers would talk to me and tell me of how they know someone that looks great now......I used to work in the medical field and never have i heard so many great things about one doctor. His reputation is impecable! Go to the seminar, see for you self, i promise, you won't be disappointed!


My first impression of Dr. White is that he is very quite, also that he care very much about his clients and he doesn't just do the surgery for the money he wants to make sure that you are really pre pared for the surgery. Kathy (his head nurse) is absolutely onderful along with the other ladies in the office.

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