Raymond Georgen

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 41 ratings

Raymond Georgen Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

16 yr Experience

16 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

40% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

41 Reviews for Raymond Georgen
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This Dr is so nice. He knows what he is doing and he is a very caring man. He takes the time to listen to all of my concerns and he is always available. He completed the surgery with no complications and I have healed up very well.


My husband and I embarked on our weight-loss journey approximately two years ago at a seminar at Theda Clark Medical Center in Neenah, Wisconsin. This was the first time we had ever met Dr. Georgen, Dr. Wasco, and the Theda Clark team. We have been impressed ever since.

The process for surgery is an involved and educational one. Sometimes the path seems unnecessarily arduous, but every action is required because of the well thought (and laid out) out plan of Dr. Georgen. It takes awhile to realize that everything is based on having me (the patient) become responsible for my decisions and my lifestyle if I am to be successful.

My husband had his surgery on June 29 2010 and I had mine on August 23 2010 and found Dr. Georgen and his team to be nothing short of spectacular in their caring, skill, and support. They have been there for us all the way and we appreciate them very much.

I had my "tummy tuck" on November 29 2011 and Dr. Georgen operated on my once again. He was open and honest about the procedure and that, along with his sense of humor, really put me at ease. I was and am completely comfortable with Dr. Georgen and his surgical team.

Dr. Georgen is a consummate professional who I would recommend to anyone.


Nancy Kent

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Dr. Georgen performed my vertical sleeve gastrectomy on Tuesday May 31, 2011. I can not say anything bad about Dr. Georgen or his entire staff. The only issue I had during my entire process was the wait time it took the office to send my information to insurance. It took about 3 weeks but there is only one NP that is able to review paperwork and they were also going through a computer upgrade at the time all my information was ready. Dr. Georgen is part of Midwest Bariatrics in Neenah Wisconsin. Its located in Theda Clark Medical Center. Dr. Georgen also works with Dr. Kevin Wasco in the surgery room. That means you have two surgeons operating on you with four eyes instead of just 2. This is a center of excellence and I can see why. Totally worth each and every one of the 5 stars I am giving him and the center. No complaints. I'm only 5 days post op at this point but I feel great. Dr. Georgen and his office requires his patients to really learn about the new lifestyle before having the surgery. They require you to meet with there psychologist, there nutritionist, attend at least one support group meeting, and sometimes attend the lifes skills group. This was an 8 week group therapy session where you learn about the lifestyle changes that have to be made for the surgery. I was not required to go however I did and it was totally worth it. Like I said, no complaints and totally would recommend Dr. Georgen, Dr. Wasco and Midwest Bariatric Solutions!

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Am in process of getting approval. Have met him 3x in information seminars. Seems like a nice guy.

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I love Dr. Georgen! He has been amazingly supportive, informative, and personable. He treats you like a person, not just a patient. I would HIGHLY recommend him and Midwest Bariatric Solutions to anyone considering surgery! They are very thorough, caring, and have a wonderful and comprehensive program to provide all the support and information you need.

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I went to a seminar and he was teaching it. I learned so much about the surgery that I planned right then and there to have it done. Now it is 3 months later and I will be going in for my surgery in 5 days.

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What was your first impression of him/her?rnI saw him at the seminar and he was very informative. He is also a trauma surgeon for the hospital and that is a real plus on the comfort level.rnrnrnHow did your impression change over time?rnMy impression never changed. I could tell he was a very thorough surgeon who is very good at what he does. rnrn rnHow would you describe his/her office staff?rnThe office staff is questionable. The reception staff is not warm, almost snotty at times and makes you kinda feel like your an inconvenience and not special enough to talk to the person you would like to talk to.rnrn rnWhat should future patients know about him/her?rnHe is VERY strict. He wants the best for his patients, and he seems to have a lot more rules then other surgeons. He will follow thru with dozens of pre-op tests if he feels there is an underlying issue. He wants to \"dot his I's and cross his T's\"rnrnrnHow much does he/she emphasize aftercare?rnBigtime. I had to pay upfront for visits with the personal trainer and for group visits- I am sure to make sure you don't waste your money and attend the much needed classes.rnrnrnDoes he/she have a structured aftercare program?rnVery much so.rnrnrnHow did he/she address the risks of surgery?rnIn very great detail.rnrnrnHow would you rate him/her overall?rnI would give him an A++. I feel 100% comfortable with his decisions and knowledge.rnrnrnWhich is better, surgical competence, bedside manner, or are both great?rnBoth are great of course, but surgical competence is by far the most important. I feel safe with my life in his hands. Bedside manner is really for the nurses and the nurses were by far the most fantastic nurses I have ever had.rnrnrn


He seems to genuinely care for his patients and what he does. Very personable man, and easy to talk to. His staff is awesome, and they cover just about anything you want to know. Great doctor, and I'd recommend him to anyone!!


He seems very bright and perhaps not as personable as the other surgeon however he has peformed far more surgeries and has had very few problems. Great track record.rnThe office is very busy and waiting is quite often a problem. The staff for the most part is very good and kind.rnI would hope that future patients would look past his attitude because he really is caring. When I had difficulties he wanted to solve them and did not rush through the appointment.rnThe aftercare is structured. You meet with a dietician and can attend suppor meetings and kind of a lame exercise program. Meets once a month to see how you are doing. I think more structure is needed here because you do pay for it.rnOverall, despite medication screw ups in the hospital which I think needs to look at their patient to nurse ration to solve this problem, I think the surgeons are great and very competant. Again I do think that Theda Clark needs to take a hard look at their nursing situation.


Had my surgery in Sep. 2005 by Dr. Georgen and it was a success. He is a wonderful surgeon and takes his time to answer all your questions. I am now going to have him do a tummy tuck on me hopefully in June because I truely trust in him with my medical history that is why I want him to be the one to do my tt.

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