Samuel K. Miller

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 44 ratings

Samuel K. Miller Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

6 yr Experience

2 yr in Bariatrics

6 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

1 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

65% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 55

44 Reviews for Samuel K. Miller
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I loved Dr. Miller. he was straight forward and didn't sugar coat anything. Nor was he rude or arrogant. He gave me the information I asked for, explained things clearly, and was very willing to take whatever time I needed. The office staff is great, they are very empathic and I appreciated that. They don;t rush you and they do everything they an to facilitate things. I esp liked that when I had an issue in the hospital, he jumped on it right away. He wasnt confrontative. He wanted to know my perspective and he wanted to know what he had to do to fix it. I love Dr. Miller. he is skilled, and he's a good guy. The only thing I had problems with was my initial consultation. It was with Dr. Smoot who I found arrogant, abrasive and way to self possessed. His sense of self importance far eclipsed his skill as a surgeon. I found it quite alarming that suddenly, Dr. Smoot was gone and Dr. Miller would be performing my surgery. I found a great sense of relief to deal with Dr. Mille. He didnt require me to undergo an open procedure, nor did he require me to undergo the placement of a filter that Dr. Smoot did. When I asked Dr. Miller why there was so much of a differencein surgical recommendations, he was very diplomatic and told me Dr. Smoot practices on the extreme end of caution and that he, Dr. Miller practices in the middle. My perseption is that since Dr. Miller had no patients die, and Dr. Smoot had 4 of them die over a period of time, Dr. Miller is not so full of himself, and is more objective. Maybe thats not fair, but thats how I feel.


Dr.miller has been great from the beginning.His staff as always been supporative and available for questions.He is a very honest person and hold nothing back.He always stressed to follow through with aftercare and support groups.Stressed as with all surgery.However his program took every avenue to prevent anything from happening.Over all I think Dr.Miller was great from before the surgery,during and after.


My first impression of Dr. Miller is that he was a very caring, thorough doctor. My impression only deepened over time. Dr. Miller spent a lot of time with me and my family outlining the procedure, pre-op and post-op. Dr. Miller's staff is extremely helpful and friendly. Dr. Miller and his staff stress the importance of after care, followup apts. and support groups. They explain this is a lifelong process, not a quick fix.


Dr. Miller is not warm and fuzzy BUT he truly knows what he is doing. His office staff was very friendly and very helpful. His office does not have a structured aftercare program, but they do put alot of emphasis on aftercare. During my first visit, he goes over ALL the risks. It would be great to have a doctor that has both bedside manner and surgical competence, but if you can only have one I would want the surgical competence. I feel that Dr. Miller is very competent.


I like Dr. Miller from the start. He was straight forward. My impression of him is still the same. His staff has changed (new ones came old ones left). OVerall staff is good. The only thing that I didn't like about Dr. Miller is that he is a small stature person. I felt huge and was huge next to him. Ask questions, research and trust your gut. Miller is all about the aftercare. He wants to see you on a regular basis. Yes he has a structered aftercare program. He addressed the risks to me up to the time for surgery. I asked him right before surgery about deaths. I would rate him as a very good doctor. Both are great. I couldn't ask for better care. All of the above is my opinion of Dr. Miller and his staff. Now when I was in the hospital they did not have a bariatric ward so I kind of was left to fend on my own. After the first time of getting me out of bed, no one assisted me after that. I did everything for myself.


Upon meeting Dr. Miller during my initial consultation I was very impressed. He was very informative and gave everyone the good, bad and the ugly about the surgery. He was very knowledgeable about the surgery and modest about his contributions to this type of surgery. Soft spoken but direct. I liked him. So much that I cancelled my appointment that was scheduled for the following week with another practice.

Dr. Miller peformed my surgery on July 1 and he did an excellent job! I knew I had made a great choice. I am happy with the service I received from him.


Dr Miller made a great first impression. He took the time to explain the risks and benefits of having WLS. The staff was great. They have a great aftercare program and I feel that I will be getting the best of care.


I was first scheduled 1 1/2 years ago to have surgery done by Dr. Stephen Growney (Seaford, DE) Both my wife and I were scheduled to have surgery at the same time, but after careful thinking over of everything, we decided not to be done at the same time.... she got to go first. Prior to her surgery, Dr. Growney became unavailable and her surgery was done by Roy Smoot (Seaford, DE). I scheduled myself to have my surgery done this time around by Dr. Smoot but have changed recently to Dr Miller due to some changes in the practice. I am familure with Dr. Miller as he attended to my wife several times during her hospital stay and during her follow up check-ups.

Dr. Miller has a very good bedside manner and has no problem spending time with you, answering questions... all of your questions. If they are important to you, they are important to him.

Dr. Miller is experienced and I feel totally comfortable with him as my surgeon.

My first appointment (this time around) was with Dr. Smoot. I will be having my second appointment on Jan 30, 2004 with Dr. Miller at which time I can make other comments.

My second consultation was with Dr Miller and was really an eye opener for me. This gentleman allowed us as much time as we needed to ask and get answers to all our questions. He thoroughly briefed us on what we were getting into. He gave us complete risk factors that we needed to consider. Made it known that he takes his time to do things right the first time around! That is something I really appreciate. I place my life and my future in Dr. Millers hands... and feel very comfortable in doing so!!

Do I have any negative comments about Dr Miller?? NO, not as of yet. The time he spent with us, he never hurried us out... never acted like he had something better to do, his time was our time.


I met Dr. Miller on Jan 9th after he took over my case for Dr. Smoot. I enjoyed my visit with him and his professional demeanor.
I was truly amazed that I was scheduled for surgery just a few weeks away! His staff has been helpful with the transition between doctors.


Dr. Miller is a detail oriented surgeon. My first impression of him wasn't favorable, but I think that was because I was very nervous. Once I was able to sit and really talk with him one on one, I gained so much respect, admiration and trust in him. I truly believe Dr. Miller loves what he does and is an excellent surgeon and will make sure I am taken great care of under his care while I am in surgery. I would rate Dr. Miller a 10 out of 10!! I believe my procedure was done the best it could have been done. I would highly recommend him.

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