Scott Fisher

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 53 ratings

Scott Fisher Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

21 yr Experience

20 yr in Bariatrics

21 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

20 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

40% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

53 Reviews for Scott Fisher
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he is a very knowledgable medical doctor was patience and kind with everything he said.

my impression has not changed.

office staff is nice very busy and i believe overhelmed at this time with the over all response of people wanting to have this done.

nothing that i have not liked yet.

just ask don't think you ever asking too many questions. he will answer what you think are the silliest questions.

It is the only way you will be successful.
change and exercise. it's that simple.

yes, great follow up to help you best succeed.

there are always risks.

out of 10 a 8, did hear he is one of the most respected GBP surgeons in the region.

both are great, but i would like someone that is well practiced and few fatalities.


good 1st impression.


My first impression of Dr. Fisher was wonderful. Him and his office staff have catered fully to me being in another state and have accomodated me fully. My impression about Dr. Fisher and Barb in his office have stayed great and have not decreased at all. The thing that bothered me the most about him is his age. He is a very young doctor, but seems very competent. The aftercare program for Dr. Fisher's office is huge. I have never seen anything like it. Dr. Fisher has a very structured aftercare program and I look forward to going to as much aftercare in Colorado as I can, even though I am in Albuquerque, NM. He addressed all the risks of surgery and made me feel very comfortable. He answered all my questions fully. He seems to be an excellent doctor and I'm very excited about the surgery.


I had received recommendations to use Dr. Fisher from two of my co-workers. Dr. Fisher was very pleasant and took his time answering all of my questions.

My first impression of Dr. Fisher was "my gosh, he's awfully young!" But he is very professional, knowledgeable. He indicated that he could make this a cookie cutter procedure and make a lot of money but doing a large number of procedures. He doesn't do that though, He cares about his patient and their success. Dr. Fisher and some of the other surgeons in his office track progress of past patients and try to figure out why some have great results and others don't and they share what they've learned from tracking this info.

The hospital nurses who took care of me after surgery said that Dr. Fisher is one of the top 2 for this procedure.

His office staff is ok. I'm not sure that any of the nurses or front desk staff have gone through this procedure.

The only negative thing I have to add is that Dr. Fisher is pretty shy and it's difficult to carry on a normal conversation.


My first impression of Dr. Scott Fisher in Colorado Springs, CO was impressive. He was kind and sensitive to my needs and concerns. The office staff at Colorado Springs Surgical Associates was very professional and caring. All the staff here emphasize aftercare and put you through programs to make sure you are capable of sucess with this surgery prior. Aftercare is structured. Since I haven't yet had my surgery, I cannot give input on bedside mannor. So far, I feel confident that Dr. Scott Fisher is very competent and I liked him very much. I hope that you do not delete doctor S. Fisher off the list. He told me that he doesn't do computers, that is why he hasn't given any information online. He is a Great Surgeon in Colorado Springs, Colorado and I would recommend him highly to anyone out there in this area that needs a excellent Bariatric Surgeon. They don't come much better than he is. He doesn't even own a computer. If I were to rate him on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best. S. Fisher would rank up in the 9-10 area.


wonderful.. all around.


My first impression of Dr.Fisher was that he was a very sensitive,intelligent man. I continue to feel this way about him after surgery, His office was nice and comfortable and his staff was super sufficient and polite to me. I would recommend Dr.Fisher to anyone considering WLS, I had no problems at all, everthing went well just as Dr.Fisher assured me. I also dealt alittle with Dr.Fedorak from the same surgeon team and he also was a neat man, these guys know what there doing no doubt. They are very professional. Dr. Fisher was quick to set a one week appointment after surgery to check for any complications with me or my incisions. There is an awesome aftercare program that Dr. Fisher office has me set up with and I will follow all instructions as requested. Dr. Fisher told me first hand about all the risk involved with is surgery and I understood it was not much risker than having any other major surgery. I Rate Dr. Fisher an A+, or excellent. I'm glad he was my surgeon and I feel at ease with the whole thing. My Hospital stay was a very pleasant experience as well. (Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs, CO.) These are all my personal experiences, although I know not all feel the same way. I have nothing negative to say about my Dr.


Scott Fisher is an excellent surgeon. He is very practical about preoperative testing and cautious about letting patients go home too soon.
My first impression was that he is young and serious, as I got to know him I discovered he has a great sense of humor.
His staff is overworked but efficient - not overly friendly, but competent.
Aftercare is very important to Dr. Fisher - his program is excellent and includes 12 month dietician follow up, and a consult with an exercise trainer that includes one month free at the Centura Health facility.
He addressed all the risks of surgery as well as his and his associates' experiences, what he would be looking for, etc.
I rate Dr. Fisher as excellent. I could not have asked for a better surgeon. Surgical competence is the number one thing for this surgery, then bedside manner. I think Dr. Fisher has both.


On 9/18/03 Had my consult with Dr. Fisher. He was wonderful! He was very throurough. and answered all my questions. He and his staff are wonderful to work with. I would recommend him to anyone concidering this surgery. He strongly emphasizes the aftercare, and the commitment. THank God for people like him commited to help others in our situations.


My first impression of Dr. Fisher was he looks so young. Since it was my first impression, I actually told him about his age. By the end of my appointment his age had no bearing on my decision. I had fuzzies and I'm ready to go.

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