Todd Foreman

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 35 ratings

Todd Foreman Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S

17 yr Experience

18 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

17 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 69

35 Reviews for Todd Foreman
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Dr. Foreman is a very caring person. He is extremely personable. I am very impressed with his professionalism. He thoroughly informed me of all that I would undergo with this surgery. His staff was extremely accomodating as well. His bedside manner was very thorough and caring. I would recommend him to anyone.


Very easy to talk to and had the information to questions that I had asked.
It hasn't
Some are helpful
So far I like everything about him.
How he describes the surgery to the patient and wants to know if there is anything that he can talk about with the patient.
In full detail
Very good
Both are great.He did my gall bladder surgery and was very nice and informative to my family


My first meeting with Dr. Foreman made me feel that he is very confident in what he does and he explained everything that I wanted to know. I have only met with him once and I will meet with him on July 2. The office staff at Alabama Surgical is fantastic. They are always good about getting back with you and they have been very helpful with the insurance process. More to come in my future visits !


Dr. Foreman seemed very knowledgeable, I appreciated his candor concerning the number of these surgeries he has performed solo. I was very nervous and didn't a lot of questions, next time I'll bring a list.

Staff seemed friendly enough.


I'm very excited to say that I have had my consultation with Kristi and my appointment with Dr. Foreman is June 15th. I'm so ready for this. I think the quality of my life will vastly improve from this procedure. I cannot wait to meet Dr. Foreman and discuss when I can have this life changing surgery.

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