Vincent Iannace

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.94736842105 out of 5 with 54 ratings

Vincent Iannace Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

11 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 65

54 Reviews for Vincent Iannace
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Dr. Iannace was my surgeon and I am glad it was him. He has a great bed side manner and made me feel like family. He explained everything to me in a way that I can understand it. I would recommend him to anyone who is interested in having the weight loss surgery. He is very professional.


Dr. Vincent Iannace did my surgery in 2006 I was 266 pounds he is the best surgeon ever I drove over an hour just so he could do my surgery. Back then he was at Capella Surgery in Ramsey NJ. I would recommend him to anybody that wanted surgery. If I had to do all over again I certainly wouldn't hesitate. I wish I could send pictures have not gained weight back and I am maintaining weight at 155 love it love him. Dr please email me so I am able to send pics.


It took me over a year to make the decision to attend a seminar. Once I met Dr Iannace at the Seminar... I was ready to go. Thank goodness his Insurance Person, Ryan, was on top of his game. He held my hand and advised me what I needed to do to get my insurance to Authorize my surgery! Thank you Dr Iannace and Ryan! you guys are awesome..


I have to thanks Dr Iannace. He has made me realize I can Change My Life! I've beenn on a downward spiral for five years now. Even though my family and doctors have suggested weight loss surgery I was afraid. But eventually I had a bigger fear of doing nothing so i went to his seminar. He was so honest and said there are risks... but there are also risks to doing NOTHING... which is exactly where I was.... SO that caught my attention and I finally listened!

Thanks to Dr Iannace and his great staff for helping me figure out the Insurance Hoops, getting everything done they required and having my surgery! OK america..... It's been 2 months and I'm already down 60! I realize it won't continue to drop so rapidly.... but I'm still in shock! This has been life altering in a good way!


I was so happy when my doctor in Bergen County told me that you were going to be doing a seminar about Weight Loss Surgery in their office. I had thought about it and searched Internet and your group came highly recommended, but Morris County is a bit of a hall for me. I found your Seminar to be very educational and it answered the few questions that I still had rattling around. Now I am on track, have spoken to your insurance Specialist and he has mapped out a checklist of things I need to get done before we move forward.
Thanks for all the help and I look forward to taking this journey with you and my doctors at Bergen Gastro! Your are an awesome Doctor and a great person!


I actually met Dr. Bertha when I attended at a weight loss seminar, but ended up having my consultation with Dr. Iannace & really liked him. He was very clear, concise, and easy to talk to. Once I decided that surgery was right for me (I opted for the lapband), his staff gave me a check list of everything I needed to get done, which made it very easy to manage everything that was needed both Medically & for my insurance to get my surgery scheduled (it took a little less than 2 months).

I had no complications from my surgery, altho I am losing weight a little slower than I expected. The whole time you are going through the process, everyone keeps telling you that the band is just a tool, but it's not until you actually are living with it that you realize just how true that is. It is a fantastic tool for eating less at each meal, but it is still a struggle daily to follow a healthy food plan, and I am still in the midst of reprogramming my brain.

I would reccomend Dr. Iannance to anyone who was considering weight loss surgery. He really did a great job with my surgery/fills and his staff has done a great job with everything else.

Good Luck!!


I attended Dr. Iannace's Seminar on Sat. Oct 1, and was very impressed . He was so kind and answered all questions that we had. I am so looking forward to having my Gastric Banding with Dr. Iannace and becoming the person I know I really am! In the presentation he mentioned he would be opening another office in Emerson NJ which is closer to my home so that sealed the deal for me. Thanks to Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeons of Morris for CARING about our fight with Morbid Obesity and for being willling to help us get our lives back! You guys are great!


I just want to thank Dr Iannace and his whole staff for helping me to get my surgery done. When I first thought about going forward with the surgery I was scared. I didn't understand what all needed to happen for me to really move ahead.

his staff was great about informing me of what was needed and I jumped in with both feet and scheduled my appointments and got my clearances. Then before I knew it I was ready for the "big day".

Well it's been almost a year since then... I'm down over 100 pounds and I've even took up dancing. I found it to be a great form of exercise and now i Love to Dance! Thank You SO MUCH.... without you and your staff I'd still be couch surfing !


I have to say THANK YOU to Dr Iannace. I'm on vacation at the beach... and this is the first time in over 10 years I have dared to even been seen in public in a bathing suit! Having the Gastric Bypass and loosing 100 pounds made such a difference. A year ago i came to the beach and stayed INSIDE the house... This year... I'm swimming and Parasailling... OMG.. I can't believe how much a difference there is in the past year! Thanks to Dr Iannace I was able to loose the weight... I can do things the rest of my family has always done... while I sat on the sidelines and watched!


Thank you very much Dr. Iannace. Even though, you are not my regular Bariatric Surgeon, I find you very helpful, pleasant and caring both occasions I had encounter with you. You answered all my questions without rushing me. You are a fine caring Surgeon. I will definitely recommend you and your office. Again thank you for taking time to help me over the weekend.

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