Voravit Wongsa

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.33333333333 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Voravit Wongsa Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

20 yr Experience

16 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 70

251 Reviews for Voravit Wongsa
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I felt complete confidence in my surgeron, Dr. Wongsa. He was wonderful to my husband and mother after my surgery when I was still in the recovery room. I was very pleased with him and would HIGHLY recommend him to anyone. He's wonderful!


Dr. Wongsa was very nice. Even though I had been to other surgeons, he explained everything to me. I'm 64 and most surgeons would not even talk to me. He did not feel this was right as not everyone is the same at every age. He warned me of all the things that could happen. I asked many questions and he answered all of them. We stood up to leave and I asked his opinion between RNY and VBG. He said set down and he explained all about both. He was patient and very thorough. He would not contemplate surgery without a letter from my cardiologist, who by the way forwarded it immidiately. I'll let you know more in two weeks after surgery. Ruth is his nurse and she has had the patience of Job, answering all my questions, even helping me find lodging for after the surgery. I feel surgical competence way outweighs bedside manner, but I think he will have both.


I will be having LAP RNY on October 18th. I find Dr. Wongsa to be very caring. He's the kind of Dr. you just feel very comfortable with. I saw him last week and we just sat and talked for an hour. I had a lot of questions and he answered every one of them. The staff at Cy-Fair hospital says he is the best. His staff is very nice. His nurse Ruth is the greatest. I've called her quite a few times in the past 3 months and she always returns my calls right away. She also does all the fighting with the insurance companies.


I am an employee in the operating room in a hospital
where Dr. Wongsa performs Laparoscopic GB RNY. He
is an excellent surgeon. His laparoscopic skills
are highly advanced and other surgeons come into
his OR just to watch him work and to learn. He
is constantly refining his technique in subtle ways that are
designed to produce the very best possible
surgery and best possible outcomes for his patients.
Some of the changes he has made has shortened
the surgical time from 5 hours to around 2 1/2 hours.
Considering the amount of technical detail in-
volved in performing this surgery, I think this
is phenomenal.

He is truly caring about his patients and con-
siderate of all people with whom he comes into
contact. I cannot say that about every surgeon
I work with in my hospital.

I do not have knowledge of his entire care
program, as I do not get to see his patients
after their surgery. I do know his office
nurse, Ruth, who used to work in our ICU. She
is a very nice lady and an excellent nurse.


I met with Dr. Wongsa on 7/21. At first, I got the impression that Dr. Wongsa was trying to discourage me from having the surgery but after a few minutes, I realized that he was just wanting to make sure that this is something that I really want and not just a quick decision that I made. I am grateful for that. I found his staff to be super friendly and very helpful. Dr. Wongsa spent a great deal of time with me explaining all of the risks, benefits, aftercare, and long term effects. I couldn't think of a single question that he hadn't already covered by the end of our session. I feel that he is completely competent doing this surgery and I am putting myself in his hands (if the insurance approves it).

I am awaiting insurance approval at this point. Wish me luck!


I visited with 3 surgeons before I made my final decision. I spoke with Dr. Ferrari, Dr. Naaman and Dr. Wongsa. I chose Dr. Wongsa because 1) he does laparoscopic surgery 2) he seemed very down-to-earth or at least as close as a surgeon/doctor can get. My decision also included feedback from others that I contacted (via this site) who had already had the surgery. Dr. Wongsa doesn't have an aftercare program, but it appears that he follows-up regularly. He explained the surgery well and the risks. His staff appears to be very nice. I asked 3 pages of questions so he was very patience with me.


My first impression of Dr. Wongsa was that he is very straight forward. He has a small office, I only met one nurse who was very nice. He does not have a structured aftercare program, but you do schedule check-ups at different intervals after the surgery. Personally I see his surgical competence as slightly better than his bedside manner but both are adequate.


Had my first visit with Dr.Wongsa on 4/19/00
He is a very nice man and was very patient with answering all my questions. I plan to see him again because after doing more and more research on this operation i find myself with a few more questions.He was honest with me about the fact that he does not do "production line surgery" and that he has done 41 Lap.gastric bypass surgerys.

Update:6/23/00 Had my psych.appt. today and
everything went real well.That is one step
closer to the BIG DAY!!


Voravit Wongsa, MD, Out of CyFair Hospital in Houston TX. He is interesting, seems genuinely concerned. I wasn't sure who was more excited him or me when I got approved. His office staff is OK but changed in the middle, so not sure about new person yet. He does both laprascopic & open GB with RNY.I would rate him as good & will let you know after. He does ~20 of these per year.

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