William Graber

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 124 ratings

William Graber Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS

18 yr Experience

12 yr in Bariatrics

17 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Laura Buschmann Profile Pic
Laura Buschmann
RPA-C, Physician Assistant
Gary Stoltz Profile Pic
Gary Stoltz
Evelyn Mariani Profile Pic
Evelyn Mariani
Terry Sullivan Profile Pic
Terry Sullivan
Practice Manager

124 Reviews for William Graber
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When I met with Dr. Graber I was immediately impressed with his ability to put me at ease. He took the time to fully explain the procedure and what I could expect afterwards. The same was true about his office staff. During the time since my first consultation his staff has been outstanding in assisting me with any questions or concerns I have had. During my initial consultation both his nurse and Dr. Graber fully outlined all of the things that can occur after the surgery. I am looking forward to participating in the monthly support group meetings after my surgery. Overall, I would rate Dr. Graber outstanding.


As I have only had a consult, my impression was that he was very pleasant, interested in my health.

His office staff was great,one of which is also a patient.

The only down side was that he was late, but it was because he had a patient in need at the hospital, it could have been me.

He was very adamant about his aftercare, a very structured program.

He was very up front about the risk, including death

I don't feel I know him well enough to rate him

I would rather have a skillful, competent surgeon and forego the bedside mannors.


I have had my initial visit with Dr. Graber and was very comfortable with he and his staff. My first impression was that he is knowledgable and confident in his work as a bariatric surgeon. I was informed of the risks and complications of the surgery. He appears concerned with my medical history and wants to make sure that I am physically and mentally healthy before doing the surgery. He prefers that all pre-operative work ups be done down there which I agreed to but be prepared to travel. I live 4 hours away so I try to make every trip count. His nurse is very informative and explains pre-op and post-op procedures. She is very friendly and easy to talk to. The literature is a bit overwhelming but very thorough. He emphasizes that support groups are benificial and reccomends that his patients go before surgery and after. Because I have had abdominal surgery in the past he told me there is a chance that I might not be able to have the RNY laproscopic and that he would attempt to do it that way first and if my stomach didn't stretch that he would have to do it by making a incision. I am glad that he is going to try doing the lap. first.


My first impression of Dr. Graber was very postive. He seemed all business which I like, as I can relate to this, being a businessman myself. Lisa, his nurse, was very proficient and complete in answering the many questions that my wife and I had for her. We spent the better part of an hour with Lisa and then a goodly amount of time privately with Dr. Graber. He was right up front with all the possible complications and side effects. He even was very candid about his "batting average". 330+ "hits" and only one "error". The "error", he explained was a very high risk case. All in all both my wife and I are very pleased to have him as my surgeon. I have read dozens of reviews about him and talked to many people who have used him and all is very positive. My PCP highly recommended Dr. Graber because several of his patients had their surgery with him and have acheived wonderful results with little if any problems. Am I feeling postive about Dr. Graber...you beccha!!!


I thought of Dr Graber to be a caring and thoughtful phyusicial, nonjudgemental and willing to help me in my new journey in obtaining a healthy lifestyle.
His office staff was friendly, helpful and not at all pushy.
On initial phone call, I was sent a packet to fill out, and my consultaion date was made,and day of consultation all my questions were answered and I felt very comfortable with Dr and his knowledgeable staff.
I have attended support group meetings for the past 5 months, and look forward to continuting them during my recovery period, as they are quite helpful, expecially caring and sharing.


great doctor and straight to the facts and honest and seems to care of course he says im an apple shape lol


I have only met with Dr. Graber once. He was very nice, and very imformative. He took as much time with my husband and I that we needed. No rushing, no pushing....it was wonderful! I had heard wonderful things about him, still hear them, and trust him completely.


My first impression of Dr. G was he was an up front kind of guy, he tells you like it is. He has changed my life for the better. I am so happy I got to have him for my Dr.


Dr. Graber and his staff has always been very helpful in answering my questions and orchestrating my appointments leading up to my surgery date. Dr. Graber is insistent on the patient being successful in their weight loss and actually has a "contract" that is signed by the patient as well as himself which states that both parties will do everything necessary for this to be successful. He was very clear in explaining all of the risks of the surgery and spent as much time with me as I needed to make sure that all of my questions were answered.


Dr. Graber is a very concerned doctor. I was so impressed with the care and attention that he provided for me while I had to stay in the hospital longer than originally anticipated. He has given me a new chance for a much better life. I will always feel indebted to him for this.

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