William Rupp

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 104 ratings

William Rupp Bariatric Surgeon M.D., FACS, FASMBS

21 yr Experience

23 yr in Bariatrics

17 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is Varies

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch




and 2 more...

Peter Kelly Profile Pic
Peter Kelly
M.D., F.A.C.S.

104 Reviews for William Rupp
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I like Dr. Rupp even though I have only met him once. I am not sure if I like the fact that you meet him once on a one to one basis before surgery, but that is just the way it is I guess. He covered the risks, advantages, and the possible outcome of the surgery very well. rnI just found out today that I will be attending a 3 hour information meeting prior to surgery, so I am hoping to feel better informed after that. It seems since they called today with my surgery date, I do not know or remember anything. lolrnThe staff of St. Paul Surgeons is phenomenal, they have answered all my calls, e-mails, and questions. The only problem I ran across was that they have another patient with my name (both first and last)and when I would call they would call her back. I was getting upset when they didn't call me back, but they were (kinda) lolrnI am anxious to have this surgery and finish this blog...rnMy surgery is done and I am 6 weeks out now. I am disapointed with the lack of communication my husband had with Dr. Rupp after the surgery. Dr. Rupp did not wait for my husband to come around the corner in the waiting room to talk to him, he just left. I did not find out until my 3 week check up that I had my gallbladder out with my RNY. I really feel that I was on a conveyer belt and Dr. Rupp just kept doing the surgeries. My 3 week check up wasn't much better, I saw him for maybe 5 minutes. I had so many questions, but felt so rushed I forgot them all. Yes I had wrote them down, but didn't have time to grab them out of my purse.rnSo I guess Dr. Rupp is a good surgeon, but his communication skills are lacking. Plus all his pre-op classes are bogus.


I am my 4th year and I will say DR. Rupp did do a good job with my 2nd surgery. The first was the vbg in \"04\" and I will say the most problem that I didn't loss the weight on this sugery was my fault but the 2nd one the rouy-en on 6-13-05 was wonderful on my third year I lost 79% of my body fat. BUT I end up having a tummy tuck done in \"06\" cause of the weight loss. Well I hear from others people as well drs say that you shouldn't have a tummy done untill 3yrs after having suregry because that when you stable on your weight. So I should have been told that by Dr Rupp and I wasn't. He show me pictures of me before the tummy and he said the I had to have it done ok I go to him. I got my thighs done also (WHICH I PAID FOR THAT TO BE DONE BECAUSE MY Ins. DIDN'T FOR IT THEY DID PAID FOR THE TUMMY SURGERY) When I got my staples out after the thights surgery I got home and both of them split open 7\" long 4\" wide and 2\" deep. Yep I call the office after and it was like uh oh ok I live 1 hr from his St Paul office. I end up in the hospital near home they didn't want to touch it but they did because they got a hold of him. They just felt it wasn't their hospital that did the surgery so they told me that I should have got back BUT NO I am beelding my skin is wide open Hello so they did, thank you. I went back to Dr Rupp to look at it and he said he did'nt know what happen. well anyway MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND HAD TO PLAY DOCTOR FOR ME. For 1 1/2 months he put steri-tape on the the open skin everyday 2 time a day. Thats cost what @ $122.00 for that stuff and surgipad for every day twice. So that month its cost us @ $500.00 to heal me up. Ok Ok what I am geting at is this: IF YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR TUMMY DONE PLEASE THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU DO GO WITH DR RUPP YES HE EVERY EVERY GOOD FOR WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY, BUT NOT TUMMY TUCKS. I LOOK FOR SOMEONE FOR MY BREAST TO BE DONE THIS TIME I REALLY DID MY JOB AND DID MY HOMEWORK AND FOUND SOMEONE THAT IS SO WONDERFUL,HAS A BIG CARE HEART AND WILL BE HONEST WITH YOU AND LISTENS TO YOU.... AND THAT PLACE IS CALLED..rnHARRINGTON PLASTIC SURGERY IN EDINA MN ON FRANCE AVE SO. Sorry Dr Rupp you have a good heart good bed manners and do well in weight loss surgery but maybe not tummy tuck and thighs. Dr Harrington had to redo my tummy tuck over and now my thighs. SO I AM JUST WANTED PEOPLE TO KNOW THIS BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN HURT THAT I HAD TO DO MY TUMMY DONE OUT OF MY HUSBAND MONEY AND I WAS FELLING HURT BY WHAT DR RUPP DID TO ME. I AM SORRY DR. RUPP BUT I HAD TO DO THIS FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO SAVE THEIR MONEY NOW DAYS JOBS AND MONEY IS HARD TO GET AT. ..... I FEEL BAD THAT I HAD TO DO THIS BUT I HAVE BEEN DEPRESSION OVER THIS FOR LONG TIME.rnrnDEB LINDSTROM rn


Dr. Rupp is very good. That is why I'm going back to see him 12 years after having my very first band- gastric bypass surgery by him in 1997.rnI am currently having problems keeping food down, I feel hungry all the time and when I eat food won't go all the way down into the stomach. I'm told that the stomach will regrow after time and the loose stomach may \"flap\" up over the hole that is open for food to enter into the stomach. That may be why I'm throwing up all the time. It's funny because its not really vomit, its simply the food that never quite made it through.rnI've already talked with Mr Rupp, but I plan to talk with him again and review my options then schedule the surgery. This site is great! I can give you updates, and listen, advise about your concerns as well. rnDr. Rupp is absolutley Great! you can trust him and feel confident.


I stayed after my info seminar to talk to Dr Rupp abt my situation and my previous denial and my problem with my PCP and he listened and didn't rush and felt even though I was a lightweight that will all my co-morbidities I deserved the surgery. I saw him next for my pre-op and he took alot of time with me to answer all my questions. The next time was right before surgery and he has such a good energy I wasn't nervous at all. I saw him out of recovery and he gave me some additional meds for the pain in my side and he the gave me the ok to leave the next day. Being I had gone through a different surgery center with my previous attempt, I must tell you, his requirements are so much thorough and I learned so much more that I am unsure I would have been successful before! He's great!


I was impressed with Dr. Rupp from the first time I heard him speak. After meeting with him I knew I was in great hands. He and all his staff were so wonderful to work with and he really cares about his patients. I look forward to my post-op appointments. rnThis is a top notch surgery center for bariatric surgery and I would recommend Dr. Rupp to anyone.


My first impression of Dr. Rupp was at the pre-op seminar. I liked his manner, but mostly I was impressed with his knowledge. I felt confidence in him. Over time, I felt my impression was confirmed. rnrnDr. Rupp's office staff has been very helpful and accessible. They answer emails promptly and are willing to go the extra mile.rnrnDr. Rupp definitely emphasizes aftercare. He is very careful to make sure we are doing well. His staff is available for questions and concerns. He has support groups and schedules regular appointments for full blood panel workups. We make a lifetime commitment to keep following up with his office.rnrnHe spent as much time with me as I wanted to discuss the surgery, its risks, and all my questions. He never gave me the impression that he was in a hurry. I felt very comfortable with him.rnrnOverall, I rate him highly. I have utmost respect and confidence in him.rnrnI felt that his surgical confidence was number one. In the hospital, he was mostly business, but in his office, he was attentive, not rushed, and very thorough with my questions and concerns.


The only issue I had with Dr. Rupp is that I was put under about 2 hours prior to my actual surgery. I spent most of the first two days in the hospital sleeping off the anesthesia. I was told that it was a miscommunication. rnThe rest of my experience so far has been good.


I think Dr Rupp is the greatest, he is patient and treats people like they are human beings.rnHe has a wonderful bedside manner and truely understands what we are going through.rnrnHe is thorough and does testing as needed and I just cant say enough about him.rnrnHe is HIGHLY recommended from me!


Dr. Rupp is no non sense type of guy and calls them as he see's them. He's straight to the point and doesn't beat around the bush. He'll tell you things you might not rather hear but everything he tells you I believe comes from his heart. rnrnHe did both my VBG and revision to the RNY. Rupp's office staff are very good at what they do and are always there to answer any questions.rnrnI had the first procedure at St. Joes and the second at United. rnrn


The Best. He Is And Was Very Straight And Truthful. Seems Like Your Just Not Another Body But Actually Warm And Compassionate With Your Goals And Concerns.His Staff Was And Is Very Helpful And Totally Proffesional With Their Guidance. Would Recommend Them In A Heartbeat. Just Like Family. I Have Nothing But Heart Felt Apprecation For What They Are Helping Me Accomplish In My Living A New Life Style.

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