Jonathan Purnell

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Jonathan Purnell Endocrinologist MD

1 Review for Jonathan Purnell
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Dr. Purnell - is very thorough and extremely knowledgeable. He is a clinical researcher and is very educated on obesity research and advance. He offered me MANY courses of therapy and treatment because initially I was very resistant to the idea of obesity surgery. He never pushed surgery, but always suggested it as a good option for my situation. Spend two very long visits answering questions for my husband and I once we decided to move forward to pursuing surgery. An excellent practitioner and extremely compassionate - I would recommend him to anyone with no reservation. Only negatives are clinic related - long wait times, limited clinic days, sometimes there is a waiting list for new patients - he's still worth it if you can tolerate the front office hassles.

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