Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

Rating: 4.28 out of 5 with 234 ratings

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Hospital

234 Reviews for Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
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I thought he's kinda young looking.
I asked a few of his co-workers about him and
they all said good things.
For the most part his staff has been fairly average.
I wish he had told me about this web site sooner.
He's very confident in his work and trys to make
himself available to his post op patients.
I'm still going through the aftercare part, so
I can't rate that at this time. I was given a
booklet to follow, but I still could use some
more help. I'm seeking my own nutritionist at
this time and it was given to me through his office
and she (Linda Aills) referred me to this web
site. We went over the risks fairly quickly,
mostly because I'd already researched it and the
whole Carnie Wilson story just cinched it for
me. She and I had all the same symptons and
everything. Even the same zodiac sign.
So far I'll go with surgical competence.


Dr. Schweitzer is an outstanding surgeon. He performs LAP RNY and trains others around the country in this procedure.

At this point in his career (Dec.,2000) and being fairly new to Georgetown University Medical Center, he has very little arranged in the way of pre and post op information, nutrition, or follow-up care. For a patient who is highly self-motivated, well-researched, and willing to find alternative resources, he's terrific. Other patients could well "fall through the cracks" without proper couseling, nutrition, and support services.

Approval for surgery took a while because the Dr.'s office didn't send the proper information to the insurance company (or so the insurance company claimed).

Dr. S's assistant, Sentresia, was always courteous, responsive, and familiar with my situation.

Surgery went off great and I was up and moving in no time. I saw no evidence of "cold fish" personality described in other reports, although he wouldn't be described as "warm fuzzy" on first meeting. This was not important to me. After surgery we found him to be caring and humorous.

Currently, I'd rate highly overall. I don't know what might happen with future problems or follow-up care, so I'll post more in the future.


Dr. Schweitzer is now at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC. Everything I have heard about him suggests that he is a more than competent surgeon.


Arrogant, but good. Just had first consult.
Aaron on Chicago Hope. His interest is in non invasive Surgery. Laparoscopic. I just had my surgery with him. He is an excellent cut man. I have gone home after only two days in the Hospital because I am feeling and doing very, very well. He is concerned and dedicated but not a people person. he does care very much though about the whole person and how they will respond to this surgery. He made sure that I wanted him as my surgeon and that I had no reservations about his skill or the procedure that I was undertaking. In fact he knew that I was "over educated about the surgery" and possible consequences or outcomes of the surgery to the extent that he wrote them in his notes about the case. He is moving to another city in December and has arranged for Dr. DeMaria to take over the case management when he leaves. This is fine with me since Demaria assisted with the Surgery and is afterall the Chief of Trauma Surgery at MCV and the pioneer of Laparoscopic Surgery in the field of Bariatric Medicine. Surgery was 10/8/99. Edited 10/11/99 - Three days after surgery! Lost 9 pounds so far. Ps It is hard to get all those proteins down in one day but today I got 69 grams of protein and 780 Kcals.

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