Ricardo L Rodriguez

Plastic Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 3 ratings

Ricardo L Rodriguez Plastic Surgeon M.D.

20 + Years Experience

thousands Surgeries Performed


Body Lift

Lower Body Lift


Thigh lift

CosmeticSurg.net Profile Pic
Plastic Surgery Center

3 Reviews for Ricardo L Rodriguez
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I'm 48 years old and lost 240 pounds with gastric bypass and August 2006 Dr. Rodriquez did a lower body lift on me. The surgery is nothing to take lightly but the results were breathtaking.Every inch of hanging skin on my upper thighs ,buttocks and stomach were gone. Dr. Rodriquez did a tremendous job.He is a professional in every sense of the word. In March 2007 I had my breast lifted as everyone knows massive weigh loss produces sagging breast. Dr. Rodriquez took my South Pole breasts and moved then to the North Pole. I could not be more thrilled with the contouring he has done to my body. Thank You from the bottom of my heart Dr. Rodriquez for my new body. I work in the medical field so I researched many surgeons before I had my surgery. Dr. Rodriquez has made me a knew person inside and out. His staff is compassionate and professional.They deserve a big applause. Thanks to all of you. Linda Kratochvil

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I had a consultation with Dr. Rodriguez. He was very thorough and answered all my questions. He does the Lockwood method for tummy tucks. I think that is more than I really need so I am going with another doctor. His staff was friendly. Of all the doctors I met with him prices were the highest. He recommended additional liposuction that three other doctors said I did NOT need. He was nice and knowledgeable but just not the right one for me.

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Ionly had confirmation with primary provider and cosmetic and plastic surgeon Dr.kamal t.Sawan at John Hopkins Hospital 5/30/02.

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