Low Calorie, Easy Black Eyed Pea Salsa

This addicting black eyed pea salsa is so easy to make! Bring it to your next potluck, serve it at dinner, or just prepare it for a snack. You won’t regret it! Re-named by my daughter as “crack salsa”, this chip dip has been a staple for my kids growing up, and they still make ...


From The Community


Duodenal Switch Forum (DS)
1696 views · 6 replies

Sleeve to do a Duodenal Switch revision.

Hello all. I am waiting for my date this week to have a sleeve revision to duodenal switch. I have a million questions about what to expect and need a mentor. Is there anybody in here who's had the sleeve revision to duodenal switch. I am much more anxious and…

VSG | Mar 10, 2013 | Bariatric Surgeon: Dr.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
277 views · 37 replies

What's on your Thursday Menu?

Morning all! First of all, I loved hearing what you are all proud of, yesterday. I didn't get a chance to comment on too many but just know that I am super proud to be part of this awesome group. Hmm, I keep finding M-W going very fast but now…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
430 views · 66 replies

What's on your Wednesday Menu?

^^I hope you will all chip in for a bench that says this about me when I am gone, lol!^^ Good Morning and Happy Hump Day! I had to triple check that it was really Wednesday--this week is flying by! Yay! I really enjoyed the piano concert that was part…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
433 views · 61 replies

What's on your Tuesday Menu?

Good Morning! After I played all my lay-in-bed word games this morning, I found myself googling a girl I went to camp with in the 5th grade. I have no idea how her name popped into my head but it did, and I found myself down a rabbit hole, lol.…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
334 views · 31 replies

What's on your Monday Menu?

Happy Birthday, Grimmmmmmmm! We're celebrating with dinner out tonight (steak!) with his daughter and niece. Yay! But before that, I need to get through a looong day at work. I'm on camera again in back to back meetings from 10 - 4. Thankfully, I am not training today just participating.…

Queen JB

Duodenal Switch Forum (DS)
1237 views · 9 replies


I had DS in 2002. Have faithfully taken supplements. Maintained levels until this year. Take 3600 liquid calcium over day plus wear 3600 patches at night but is still to low. Don't know what chnged. Anyone able to help me?

DS | Aug 08, 2002 | Bariatric Surgeon: Dr.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
185 views · 11 replies

What’s your plan for this Saturday?

Good mornin y’all! Not much happening today. I have to pick up prescriptions but other than that nothing is planned. Yesterday was decent. The water was too cold for me to stay in to long. It made my back hurt a lot along with my legs. Saw prong horned deer…

Melody P.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
471 views · 44 replies

What's on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu?

Morning all! It's Friday! And I took a page from the brilliant Jen and I switched some things around to take a few flex hours off this afternoon. I have a busy first few hours of work but then I am going to shut down and enjoy some down time.…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
530 views · 52 replies

What's on your Thursday Menu?

Good Morning and Happy Happy Thursday! Almost there! I am heading into the office on the early train and then I have a few hours to prep for a 3 hour training I am giving to a big in-person crew today. No problem, except that I just wrote it the…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
604 views · 48 replies

What's on your Wednesday Menu?

Oh hey, friends. What's up? Happy Halfway Day! I would like for this week to be over please. Nothing bad is happening, I just really need to unplug for a day or so and it can't come fast enough. I have daydreams of just laying in the hammock and reading…

Queen JB


11 years gone

1 comment

I've been gone for 11 years. Like anything that doesn't have a good support base, you fall or at least start leaning. So, I'm in need of support, so I'm back. I still need to break the bad habit of binge eating when I am emotionally upset. So, how are…


20 Years and 6 months ago I was reborn

1 comment

Certainly! Here is a cleaned-up version of your blog post: --- I recently revisited this website to check on my surgeon, and it seems social media platforms have drawn many people away. However, I noticed that there are still new members and some of us old-timers as well. I had…

Kristi H.

Lap band class action lawsuit

1 comment

Lap band is bad.  I noticed they slowly started removing them to convert to sleeves.   I did lose 100 pounds only to have had multiple revisions and the damage done resulted in the need for bypass because I couldn't convert to sleeve.   this company needs to be held…


Mini Goal 2

1 comment

So, Ive set my second mini goal. I want to get to 260.0  by the end of June. I've got 3.4 pounds to lose next month.  I know that's not much but, I'm a slow loser.  I haven't been 260 roughly 13 years.  


So much has changed since my last entry


I had bariatric RnY in 2012. Did very well, in spite of not having a not so supportive husband. Went from 303 to 189, then had an injury. We moved from Iowa to my home state of Virginia. My husband eventually came around. His job as a software engineer eventually moved us…


IV iron


Has anyone had to get IV iron infusion therapy recently? I can't seem to find a hospital near me. Is it true? This is no longer covered by OHIP?

RNY | Aug 04, 2008 | Bariatric Surgeon: Dr.

617 pounds


Lost some more weight


Support group

1 comment

Looking to attend a support group as it's one of my requirements. I'm having trouble finding them... or is this the support group... can anyone point me in the right direction please.


So much……


There is so much to learn.  I have been working on this plan for months and have been reading, reading and reading more. I feel like I'm ready but I'm feeling there will be something that I'm lacking information on when it comes time for my surgery. All I feel…


Guess Who's Back!!


17 Years Later... the weight came back ( but not all of it). But the journey continues. 



Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon

I would recommend Dr. A to anyone that is needing gastric sleeve. From the beginning when I was seeking information about the surgery until I was post-op after having the surgery, him & his staff have all been wonderful. I went to his hospital alone to have my surgery and…


Dr. Dmitri Baranov

Bariatric Surgeon

To find support, education and help with your journey to health is in invaluable. Dr. B and his team have mastered this ability to lead their patients to the healthy lifestyle they were striving for. Education is the key to making the best decisions in life. Learning about the weight…


Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon

Dr. Alvarez and his staff are wonderful and the facility is the best medical facility in which I have ever been treated. My pre-op process was very clearly explained and the pre-op diet was not as difficult as I had feared. Travel was fantastic and I felt safe and protected…


Dr. George Ferzli

Bariatric Surgeon

Dr. Ferzli really cares about his patients. And I mean all of us. I like that we can reach him anytime. He even gives us his cell phone number! He is so knowledgeable and informative. The support groups have been very helpful and I have learned a lot from others…


Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon

There isn’t enough space in this box to describe Dr. Alvarez and his staff. You get the best. Beautiful facilities, very caring staff, very professional. I knew I had made the right decision. If you’re contemplating on having the surgery or not sure about Dr. Alvarez, give him a call…






Roux-en-Y on Apr 01, 2000 SEE MORE BEFORE & AFTERS