JULY 23, 2009 to JULY 23, 2010 Who coulda guessed??

on 7/23/10 12:11 pm - Capital Region, NY
 HIYA! Yup...it's my surgiversary! 
I can't hardly believe that a year has gone by already!
but it has! and I'm SMALL... that's even more difficult to grasp!

But..I owe my success to the WLS and all the wonderful support that I've received here! 

So pat yourselves on the back and know that I so appreciate everything you do for all of us!!! 

on 7/25/10 2:05 am - Chicago, IL
RNY on 07/13/09 with
I totally agree with you JEllen - the Julyers are a wonderfully supportive bunch and have been instrumental in helping me to feel like I haven't been going through this alone!

What a year it has been for all of us - I look forward to hearing how things are going as we continue to adjust to the new healthier lives that we've created for ourselves and all of the successes and challenges that come with those changes!

I'm training for my first 5K in September and can't believe this body can RUN - I am so grateful every day that I decided to equip myself with this new tool to help me fight my way back to a healthy, active life!

Bring on year two!

on 7/25/10 12:53 pm - Capital Region, NY

Sue ... that is FANTASTIC!!!!
Are you following a training program of any sort? If you haven't already seen it... check out Couch to 5k... great information on that site.
Way to go!

on 7/26/10 3:57 am - Chicago, IL
RNY on 07/13/09 with
That's exactly what I'm following and it IS great if anyone else is interested!  Week 4 starts today after a repeat of Week 3 because I kept forgetting to check what Week 4 was last week! :)
on 7/31/10 4:43 am - Capital Region, NY
ah well.... our brains may not work as well as they used to...

(deactivated member)
on 7/25/10 1:30 pm
Congrats on your surgiversary!!!  A SMALL???  Wow!  That's really out of this world!!!
on 7/31/10 4:41 am - Capital Region, NY
Yup SMALL!  I can't believe it myself!  Size 4-6..
my size 8 jeans are falling off me!
I had only bought 1 pair in each size down from 24... well I had a bunch of 22- 16's.... I started buying jeans at size 14. made the mistake of buying 2 pairs of 10's (figured I was done I guess) now I wear my
8's only when they are fresh out of the dryer! and my 6's to work... and I wear my 4's when I go out.. I've got a pair of SKINNY JEANS in size 4!!!

ok pick me up off the floor now... i just passed out from shock! 
on 7/26/10 9:48 am - WI
Happy surgery anniversary so how do you train for a 5K. How many miles is it? I am doing a 5 mile run for childhood obesity on oct 2nd and training for it but was doing it on the treadmill but now have moved it to the inside track where I do 13 laps equals 1 mile so I been doing 3 sets of them so equals 3 miles and have done 4 sets which is 4 miles. Which is really hard because after each set I do some type of cario machine or go do some weight training, or class, or crunches or push ups on the ball. I try to do a variety of things so my body doesn't get use to the same workout. I like to challenge myself as well.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:
www.facebook.com/robinfrommilwaukee  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 7/31/10 4:36 am - Capital Region, NY


you could do a 5K anytime... it is only 3.1 miles!

a half-marathon is 13.2 miles!  I NEED to get back on track with my training for that! TEAM
W.A.L.K.  is doing the Baltimore Running Festival HALF MARATHON in Oct. (my last name begins with "W" and my 3 friends last names begin with A- L - K!   We spell WALK but I hope to RUN part of it! 

THIS heat & humidity has been a real killer for me... I prefer doing my walk/runs in the cooler weather!!! 

SO.... GO FOR IT!!!
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