I'm scheduled for Nov 12 2007 at 7:30am :)~

on 10/31/07 5:44 pm - Crockett, CA
I'm so excited yet scared. I love this web page. I found it to be very useful as well as comforting! Thanks everyone for all of your posts! I wish everyone good luck and heres to our new life!! :beer:
Pam T.
on 11/2/07 10:26 am - Saginaw, MI
Linda! 9 more days girl! You'll hit the losers bench 1 day before me. Funny story about Nov 12 I gotta share... All along I've been planning to work up until the day before my surgery, so I was going to work on Monday the 12th. Filled out all my short term disability paperwork to reflect that, requested time off with that in mind... everything. Then I flipped the calendar up to November this morning (I know, 1 day late) and saw that we have November 12th off work for Veteran's Day. Yippee!!! I'll have the day before surgery off work! So I'll be thinking about you as I sleep in and laze around all day. Pam
on 11/3/07 5:36 am - Kingsville, TX
Hey...I have surgery Nov. 12th. I don't have all the details yet I go for pre-op on Mon. Nov.5th. I'm not on a liquid diet and others that are schedule are so I'm worried. Good luck and I'll keep you in my prayers.
Cassandra C.
on 11/4/07 8:19 am - oil city, LA
Hi my name is Cassandra Cole, my surgery is scheduled for nov 13th .I go for my pre-op nov 5th also and I have not started liquid diet yet either maybe we will start after the 5th. Good Luck and please keep in touch.
Full Tilt Boogie .
on 11/4/07 1:38 pm - none of your bee's wax, CA
Me too, only at 1:15pm on Nov 12th. I am not scared, but focused. My doc will not do my wls if I gain any weight so I am doin' the shake thing. I weigh in on Nov 9th at 3pm. I was two lbs under my goal on Oct 23rd. I asked if I could weigh in at the original goal weight, not my under goal weight and they said no! I am shooting for two more, under 4lbs from original goal to have lost 20lbs this summer. Pm me so we can keep in touch. BMJ
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