Surgery in 4 days!!

on 11/1/07 7:59 am - Huntington Beach, CA
RNY on 11/05/07 with
I am freaking out! To much to get done before then.
on 11/1/07 8:59 am - Miller, SD
Hello I have my open RNY on the 7th so I understand your concerns, But sometime I wish mine was tommorrow because this waiting is crazy.. gl on your journey take care. Cathy
on 11/1/07 12:24 pm - washington, NJ
I know the feeling mine is on Monday too and you're right too much to do and no time to do it.But stuff will wait it's our turn to be first in line of things to do good luck!
Pam T.
on 11/2/07 10:17 am - Saginaw, MI
LOL! I know how you feel. I was looking up Maid Services earlier this week thinking that I never will have time to get this house cleaned PLUS all the other stuff I want to get done before surgery. But last night I spend about 45 minutes on the house and made a huge dent in the list. I'm trying to get all the heavy lifting / organization / purging stuff done before surgery because I know I'll be on a 5 pound lifting limit for 6 weeks afterward. Gee, you'd think I just found out I was having surgery or something .... it's not like I've been fighting for this for 18 months. Why on earth do I feel compelled to clean out the storage room now?! hehehe Don't worry ... things will get done and what doesn't get done didn't need to be done. Just focus on your health and the surgery. Pam
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