Surgery postponed for me, too...

on 11/15/07 5:50 am - Tacoma, WA
Well, I got a call from the surgeon's office this morning advising me that my surgery has to be moved from 11/27 to 12/6 due to some scheduling problems with the OR. What a bummer!! But I know that all things happen for a reason so I'm not going to let this get me down. It's just 9 days later than I'd planned!! I'll be heading toward that loser's bench before too long...just not as soon as I'd like! ~Nancy~
iso: a job!
on 11/15/07 10:31 am - Jamestown, NC
You have such a positive outlook on this! I know for me, it's a longer period of time between the two dates and my postponing is from stupid lack of weight loss, but I really appreciate/respect your positivity towards your date being postponed. Especially when it was a hospital error!
on 11/15/07 12:29 pm - Tacoma, WA
It's a bit ironic - we're trying to get WLS because other attempts at weight loss have been unsuccessful. But then they postpone your surgery because you didn't lose weight?!?! Hhhhmmmmm... Well, at least we both have new dates and can be starting on the way to healthier bodies by the end of 2007! Best of luck to you on your journey! ~Nancy~
Pam T.
on 11/17/07 6:13 am - Saginaw, MI
Nancy - December 6th is going to be here faster than you realize and you'll be on your way. So happy for you and your positive attitude about everything! Pam
on 11/19/07 8:29 am - Tacoma, WA
Thanks for the note, Pam... Looks like you just had your surgery - how are you doing? I hope everything went well and that you are feeling good now that you're almost a week out... Thanks again for the note and I wish you a very speedy recovery! ~Nancy~
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