Tuesday! Whatcha Eatin? R U Exercising?

Kim S.
on 3/29/11 1:01 am - Helena, AL
Happy Tuesday all! 

Today's eats:

B1-1/2 c cottage chs with NSA peaches, 1/2 ww eng muffin
B2-3 oz roasted chicken
L-homemade taco salad, pear
S-Chobani yogurt
D-blackened pork chops, corn, sweet potato (just a few bites)


Exercise:  I am running this evening then watching the Biggest Loser
Stacy Martin
on 3/29/11 1:29 am - Montgomery, AL
Good Morning...  I am doing things different today. Change is good

B-Lean Body for Her  180 cal.,3g fat,30 grams Protein
S-baked wheat Pringles stix 90 cal and 3 gm protein
L- 1/2 cup Lasanga
Lap RNY 2/23/07

Highest                          Current                         Goal
  255                                  115                           115
Leslie M.
on 3/29/11 10:00 am - AL
B:  1 serving farina, 2 oz. cheese
S:  Coffee
L:  1 slice healthful whole grain bread, 2 slices turkey, 1 slice cheese, fresh spinach, slice tomatoe
S:  6 crackers with peanut butter, venti skinny cinnamon dolce latte
D1:  Cheeseburger with extra pickles from McDonald's
D2:  1 c. Spinach salad, 3 oz. grilled chicken

Exercise:  2.5 mile walk, arm/chest/shoulder exercises.
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