oh right; I remember what dumping feels like

on 4/17/11 9:08 am - Toronto, Canada
absolutely bloody awful.

I was out in a very public place with my husband this morning and suddenly felt a terrible cramping in my intestines.  Within minutes I was shaky and dizzy and felt that I had to lie down....next to a toilet.  He got me home and I spent the next hour in the bathroom (i'll spare you the details, but both ends were involved).  After a couple of hours in bed I felt well enough to carry on with my day.

I've dumped three or four times before, but the cause always seems to be different.  My first was like 3 weeks out, after a quarter cup of unsweetened applesauce (!?).  Second was after some really fatty fish.  Another time was at work but I can't remember what I had eaten.

One one hand, it's good to have the very real reminder that overdoing it can make me sick.  But I can't for the life of my figure out why it happened today, so that I could avoid it in the future.  I didn't have anything I haven't had before, and nothing too sugary.  My two theories are:

1.  maybe my latte was accidentally made with full fat milk instead of skim?
2.  maybe I had the latte too soon after my crustless quiche?  both have fat...

Any dumpers out there who could advise what makes them sick?  sugars?  fats?  too much food?
      weight loss includes 25 lbs before optifast         
on 4/17/11 11:22 am - toronto, Canada
Lisa sorry your feeling terrible , I think its a both , I dumped on both ,

Cheryl D.
on 4/17/11 11:28 am - Toronto, Canada
Hi Lisa!

I try to avoid added sugar for the most part but recently had a very nasty dumping from sugar alcohols.  It had me crying for my mommy it was that bad!  Eating even a fairly small amount of fat makes me feel ill and I'll usually throw up but nothing compared to that "no sugar added" piece of chocolate I had last week.  I still can't look at chocolate or even smell it.  It was so bad it was life changing. I do dump on a much smaller scale very easily but that incident has put the fear in me like nothing else!

Glad you feel better

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